
Understanding the Importance of Safeguarding: Protecting the Vulnerable

Introduction: Safeguarding is a vital aspect of creating a safe and secure environment for individuals, particularly those who are vulnerable or at risk. It involves taking proactive measures to prevent harm, abuse, or neglect and ensuring the well-being of those in need of protection. In this article, we will delve into the significance of safeguarding, […]

Developing a best Diversity and Inclusion program as HR

Developing a best Diversity and Inclusion program requires careful planning and implementation. Here are some steps that HR can take to create an effective Diversity and Inclusion program: Conduct a diversity and inclusion assessment: Before creating a Diversity and Inclusion program, it’s important to assess the current state of diversity and inclusion in the organization. […]

HR helps you manage stress

As an HR professional, one of your responsibilities is to support and help employees manage stress in the workplace. Here are some ways that you can help employees get over stress: Listen actively: When an employee comes to you with concerns about stress, listen actively and empathetically. Show that you understand and care about their […]

Why other recruiters are using the rather than Newspaper?

Why other recruiters are using the rather than Newspaper? The Disadvantages Fewer People Are Reading Newspapers While the gap between print and online newspaper readers is not much cause for alarm (yet), the internet is quickly becoming the go-to place for publications and current affairs among young adults. It is simply a cheaper (read: […]