Naymote Partners for Democratic Development

Naymote Partners for Democratic Development

Company Detail

Naymote Partners for Democratic Development is a good governance and research institution working to promote democracy, transparency, human rights and participatory governance in Liberia. NAYMOTE believes that a purposeful and effective civil society is needed to set the national policy agenda, stimulate sound and healthy grassroots’ response to governance issues, and influence the uneven power dynamics that characterize the relationship between Liberia’s citizens and government.

Since its establishment in 2001, NAYMOTE has initiated several programs to foster political accountability in an effort to make elected leaders more accessible, responsible, and accountable to the electorates; and to build the capacity of local leaders to be more effective in the delivery of essential government services. NAYMOTE is interested in increasing the participation of both youth and women in various decision-making processes. In its role as a “think-tank”, NAYMOTE has conducted research on several good governance issues, to include citizens’ perception of lawmakers in Liberia. The institution has three offices located in Montserrado, Bong, and River Gee counties through which NAYMOTE’s programs are coordinated across Liberia.

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