Oxfam in Liberia

Oxfam in Liberia

Company Detail

Oxfam in Liberia:
Oxfam has been working in Liberia since 1995, and our strategy has evolved according to the context – from responding to emergencies to long-term development.

Today, we work with and through local partners to improve access to essential services for Liberians and to enable them to claim their right to a better life without inequality.

Increase access to essential services
We provide access to safe drinking water and improved sanitation facilities in health units, schools and communities, particularly in rural areas.

We support advocacy for essential services – especially water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and education – so more people can participate fully in economic, social and democratic life.

Support citizens to claim their right to a better life
We build and strengthen advocacy skills and networks, so more women and youth exercise their rights, influence decisions of people in power and hold them accountable.

Champion gender justice
We believe that gender inequality is one of the greatest barriers to poverty reduction and sustainable development, therefore, we promote policies and practices that challenge and redress unequal power relations between women, men, and youth in all our work.

We assist local organizations to advocate and lobby to engage policymakers to formulate and implement gender-sensitive, progressive policies reflecting gender justice. We support women’s leadership and political participation and work to reduce the prevalence of violence against women

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