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  • Posted:
    4 years ago
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  • Deadline:
    February 23, 2021



Location: Monrovia Office

Contact Person: Dieynaba Diallo, Business Development Specialist, CRS Liberia

Duration: Starting as soon as possible for a period of 2 months (possibility for extension to 3 months)


Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has been operating in Liberia since 1990, carrying out the commitment of the Catholic bishops and the Catholic community of the United States to assist the poor and vulnerable overseas. As part of the universal social mission of the Catholic Church, we work with local, national and international Catholic institutions and structures, as well as other organizations, to assist people based on need, not creed, race, or nationality.

For over 30 years, CRS has been on the front lines in responding to emergencies and promoting peace, youth livelihoods, health, WASH, and disaster risk reduction in Liberia. Despite its many areas of growth in the post-conflict years, Liberia still faces many challenges. Fourteen devastating years of civil war ending in 2003, as well as the Ebola crisis in 2014/15, continue to affect the development of the country.

CRS Liberia is based in Monrovia and most of the programming occurs in six priority counties in central Liberia (Montserrado, Margibi, Lofa, Nimba, Bong, and Grand Bassa). However, programming is typically carried out wherever the needs are greatest, including in the southeast.

Moving forward:

CRS and partners propose to continue to work across Liberia, in very poor counties, and support country-wide improvements in emergency response, peacebuilding, health and agricultural outcomes, whilst effectively building on achievements, infrastructure, lessons learned etc. to date.

Partnership is at the heart of CRS programming and CRS Liberia intends to work in close collaboration with the government of Liberia, local and international NGOs, the Catholic Church, and other key stakeholders. Partnership will therefore remain a core tenet of the CP’s planning and implementation plans and will reflect the complementarities across the different types of partners for enhanced sustainability and development outcomes. In that vein, CRS Liberia is prioritizing a sustained engagement of donors, local partners, key government institutions and other potential collaborators such as the private sector.

Context for Donor Landscaping and Resource Mobilization Plan Exercise: CRS has prioritized the Country Program for a donor mapping and an RM Plan exercise because:

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The Country Program is looking to expand its portfolio and target those donors that better align with its newly updated CP Strategy and growing niches (Ag, Covid-19, Health/Nutrition, WASH etc.)

Liberia is not a diverse place in terms of donors. Funding has been in a steady decline since the end of Ebola, so this will be an opportunity to re-assess the funding landscape, analyze the competition, and reconfirm our niches, both in terms of programmatic and partnership comparative advantages.

Additionally, most target donors currently fund INGOs and contractors, however, as the global development agenda shifts towards local leadership and capacity strengthening, national NGOs and the government are becoming preferred direct recipients of funds. This exercise will aid the CP in the identification and engagement of such relevant partners.

Finally, this will be an opportunity to update the growth strategy and develop a shared RM plan which all staff can adhere to and own for the main purpose of reaching growth outcomes.

Our overall agency strategy is focusing more on facilitating systemic change which requires close collaborations with the private sector and the government, amongst other key things. In addition to a donor research and an RM strategy, the consultant will also conduct a thorough review of strategic private sector and government partners in Liberia; make recommendations as to which should be engaged with CRS’ programmatic priorities; and suggest broad positioning strategies.


To obtain a broader picture of donors active in Liberia

To understand what type of projects/programs donors are already and likely to continue providing funding/support for (sectoral/thematic and geographic trends; partnership preferences and trending development practices; etc.)- and identify donor hot buttons. Including information on funding ceilings and solicited or unsolicited proposal processes.

To identify CRS Liberia entry points with donors to secure more and diverse funding To produce an engagement strategy based on the data collected and on identified synergies. To identify potential private sector companies working in the CP’s priority areas To conduct an RM workshop and develop an RM plan


Deliverables/ OutputsAnticipated # days
Orient the consultant on CRS Liberia programming and on the SOW2
1. Donor Mapping Report15
2. Record of all donor and partner meetings held7
3. Resource Mobilization Workshop6
4. Resource Mobilization Strategy which includes a clear Action Plan6
5. Recommendations for strategic growth4


Duration of Assignment:

The consultancy assignment will take a maximum period of 40 days following the signing of a contract.

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***Our Catholic identity is at the heart of our mission and operations. Catholic Relief Services carriers the commitment of the Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and vulnerable overseas. We welcome as a part of our staff people of all faiths and secular traditions who share our values and our commitment to serving those in need. CRS’ processes and policies reflect our commitment to protecting children and the vulnerable adults from abuse and exploitation.

Disclaimer: This job description is not an exhaustive list of the skills, effort, duties, and responsibilities associated with the position.

CRS’ talent acquisition procedures reflect our commitment to protecting children and vulnerable adults from abuse and exploitation.

CRS is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Interested and qualified applicants should send their applications including a cover letter with phone numbers and email address, Curriculum Vitae, copies of relevant diplomas/certificates and the contact details of three (3) professional references to: The Country Manager, Catholic Relief Services, 16th Street, Sinkor, Gardner Avenue, Liberia, through email:

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