Consultancy TOR for Conducting Baseline Survey

  • Location:
  • Salary:
  • Job type:
  • Posted:
    2 years ago
  • Category:
    Monitoring & Evaluation, Project Management
  • Deadline:
    February 5, 2023


Who we are:

medica Liberia (mL) formerly medica mondiale Liberia is a non-governmental women’s rights organization working in Liberia. Our Organization offers support to women and girls affected by sexual gender based violence (SGBV). Since 2006, medica Liberia has been implementing programs for women and girls in Liberia’s South-eastern parts and recently extended its coverage to Montserrado and Margibi Counties respectively, through funding from the German Government and other donors.

Position Title: National Consultant

Duty Station: Monrovia and travel to Margibi County

Position Status/Duration: One Month

Reports to: Monitoring and Evaluation Officer

  • Background

medica Liberia has been awarded a grant to implement a three years project (01.09.2022 – 31.12.2025) titled ‘Strengthening communities and institutions to promote the psychosocial health of women and girls affected by violence and increase their protection from gender-based violence in Montserrado and Margibi Counties, Liberia, in the context of the Covid-19 crisis”.

The project is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and builds upon the results and experiences of a previous project over the last 6 years.

The overall objective of the project is to ensure “Women and girls affected by gender-based violence in the districts of Montserrado and Margibi are empowered and live in a protective and supportive environment.”

Activities of the project include:

  • Provision of holistic and direct services to SGBV survivors
  • Specific training for members of the protection networks (Support Group Women, Girls Clubs and Mentors, Community Watch Teams, Core Committees);
  • Mentoring programme for members of the protection network;
  • Implementation of SASA Together! Violence against Women and Girls Prevention Approach to influence social norms change and prevent violence against women
  • Girls Clubs and empowerment for girls and boys, peer-to-peer support and self-help;
  • Training for, and meetings with, representatives from school authorities and parents’ groups;
  • Setting up of Anti-Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Committees in Schools;
  • Training and mentoring for public and private service providers;
  • Institutionalization of the Stress and Trauma Approach through integration in the Liberia National Police Curriculum ;
  • Representation of political interests/advocacy work for the target group and strengthening of women’s rights-relevant subjects and participants;
  • Economic empowerment programs through Village Savings Loans Associations and linking survivors to Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Development of stress- and trauma-sensitive core competence;
  • Topic-specific training for mL employees.

  • Key Objectives of the Baseline Assessment

The consultant team with support from Program and M&E staff will lead the baseline assessment process for the project in 10 communities within Montserrado and Margibi counties, Liberia. It is intended that the baseline assessment will provide:

  • Baseline data for the program as benchmarks for performance evaluation;
  • Information that will assist in updating the project tracking sheet and monitoring plan
  • Scope of Work and Deliverables

The consultant team will be required to lead on the following task in consultation with mL’s program and M&E staff:

  • Conduct a desk review of key relevant documents and understanding the project design and contextual framework;
  • Design tools/questionnaire and methodology to collect both qualitative and quantitative data (Inception report to be handed to mL for inputs before data collection starts);
  • Submit draft inception report including suggested detailed methodology and procedure for feedback
  • Submit final revised inception report
  • Implement and supervise field data collection and data entry;
  • Provide mL with anonymized raw data collected
  • Analyze and synthesize data; and prepare report and Program Indicator Tracking;
  • Submit draft report including data analysis for feedback;
  • Submit a comprehensive baseline assessment report in both electronic version and signed hard copy including recommendations;
  • Produce baseline to be delivered with final report;
  • Present key findings and results during validation workshop of the baseline assessment. The consultants, medica Liberia team and partners will participate in the validation workshop. The goal of the workshop is to discuss the findings, solicit feedback from the team, and check if the baseline was conducted in line with approved methodology and objectives. The consultants will be expected to incorporate feedback from the validation workshop into the final report before submission.


  • Specific Data Needs From the Baseline assessment

Based on the results of the baseline study, specific training courses adapted to the needs, roles and areas of action of the different groups will be designed. Specific objectives of the baseline survey are:

  • To collect specific data on the health and economic status of survivors as well as their sense of security, their legal awareness and the degree of their self-help abilities;
  • The consultants are expected to gather and fill in pending information into the log frame
  • To collect data from the communities about existing knowledge, attitudes and perceptions on SGBV services and how changes in practices can be measured in the future – profiles of community members are recorded with regard to their attitude towards the practice of “compromising” SGBV cases;
  • To collect information on target groups relating to experiences, challenges and community entry points around SGBV work and services for the purposes of informing community messaging and education;
  • To gather data on how many SGBV cases documented by PN are referred by the SG (the PN’s focal point) to mL;
  • To record capacity development of the existing community structures/protection networks and public/private service providers regarding sexual and gendered based violence – With regard to the capacity development of the protection networks and public/private service providers, specific qualification needs are recorded;
  • Determine amount in % of medical personnel, police officers and court officers trained by mL already incorporating the stress- and trauma-sensitive approach (STA) while dealing with survivors;
  • To gather information on policies, programs at local and national levels that is key to the project intervention for supporting advocacy actions.
  • Conduct stakeholder assessment aimed at strengthening collaboration with key stakeholders and building relationships and partnerships for sustainable advocacy and project ownership.
  • Include SASA! Together baseline data collected by mL team into final baseline report analysis
  • Provide information on the population of the targeted communities


  • Approach and Methodology

The consultant team will use both quantitative and qualitative methods, such as; one-on-one survey questionnaire, key informant interviews and focus group discussions with target audience/interviewees, desk review. Final approach and methodology will be designed by the consultant and counterchecked by medica Liberia.

  • Project communities
Project CommunitiesEstimated Population to be confirmed during baseline
Peace Island, Montserrado County28.000
Yeakpee Town Monsterrado County3.800
Zoewloh Montserrado County4.500
King Gray, Montserrado County20.000
R- 2, Margibi County13.300
Boys Town Marshall, Margibi County (new)5.000
Marshall Town, Margibi County (new)9.500
Duazon, Margibi County (new)12.000
World Bank Community, Kakata, Margibi County (new)5.552
Soul Clinic Community, Red-light, Margibi County (new)45.000


  • Timeline for Deliverables

The consultant team will hand in an inception report one week after the start of the assignment, and before the collection of data starts. The baseline assessment is expected to be completed within 10 weeks between February – April 2023.

1Submit first draft inception reportWithin 1 week after signing of contract
2Feedback loopWithin 1 week after submission
3Submit final inception reportWithin 3 days after receiving comments
4Data collection periodWithin 2 weeks after approval of inception report
5Submission of first draft reportWithin 2 weeks after completion of data collection
6Feedback to first draftWithin 1 week after submission
7Validation WorkshopDuring the first feedback round
8Submission of Final ReportWithin 1 week after receipt of feedback
9Feedback to final reportWithin 1 week after submission of final report
10Submission of revised final reportWithin one week after receipt of final comments.


  • Expertise and Experience
  • Individuals in the suitable team must have a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in the fields of Social Sciences, Statistics, Demography, Research Methodologies, Development Studies, Law, Education and any other related fields;
  • At least 5 years’ experience working with development organizations by undertaking desk reviews, as well as rapid assessments & or evaluations;
  • The consultant team should be conversant with NGO’s operation with a focus on feminism, women’s rights and sexual and gender based violence;
  • The consultant should also have experience in ethical and trauma sensitive data collection approaches in the area of SGBV
  • The consultant team should have a significant experience of collecting and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data from surveys/assessments;
  • Knowledge of medica Liberia’s work is an added advantage.
  • Knowledge of SASA! Together approach is an added advantage


  • Application Process

Please submit the following documents when applying:

  • Cover Letter;
  • CVs of team members including reference details of previous clients worked for;
  • A sample of any previous work in similar consultancy work, i.e; assessments, surveys, baselines; provide a technical proposal to conduct the baseline survey including methodologies to be used, work plan and a financial proposal;
  • Roles and responsibilities of team members;

All documents must be submitted no later than February 5 2023 via email to with reference “Baseline Study – BMZ III” as the subject of respective mail/application

You can download the pdf version of this advert by clicking the apply button below.

Female applicants/consultants are encouraged to apply.

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