Consultant to Develop Resource Mobilization Strategy _ UFDUM

  • Location:
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  • Posted:
    4 years ago
  • Category:
    Capacity Development
  • Deadline:
    November 18, 2020



Project Name: Girls Advocacy Alliance (GAA) Project

Activity Start Date: 10/11/2020

Activity End Date: 9/12/2020

Activity Title: Resource Mobilization Strategy

Activity Background and Rational

UFDUM, in partnership with Plan International Liberia, is implementing the Girls Advocacy Alliance (GAA) Project in 10 communities within Montserrado County. The project which commenced in November 2017, is expected to run until December 2020.

An integral part of the new global strategy is working with partners to achieve developmental outcomes. It is against this background that UFDUM is working with Plan International Liberia as implementing partner on the Girls Advocacy Alliance Project.

UFDUM is responsible for the direct implementation of field activities and influencing at the community and county level in Montserrado County. In addition to activities implementation, the partner organization is also responsible for timely and adequate financial and narrative reporting and documentation, bookkeeping and general programmed management. Moreover, Moreover UFDU is also responsible for keeping up to date with developments in the programme locations at all levels.

UFDUM works with development and local partners to ensure that projects are delivered with high quality; therefore, we believe that this can only be achieved by enhancing our capacity where we have gaps and challenges. Consequently, in conformity with donors’ requirements and International standards, capacity development assessments of UFDUM is to be conducted. Findings of the Capacity development assessment highlighted issues relating to resource mobilization, report writing, post GAA sustainability, etc. Hence, the need for partners’ capacity strengthening to develop a Resource Mobilization Strategy


This requires a robust forward-looking resource mobilization strategy which takes into account this changing donor landscape as well as assesses lessons learned from past and current resource mobilization efforts.


This strategy must also explore new aid modalities and actors and outline a systematic and strategic approach to leveraging existing and new partnerships as well as recommend how to diversify the resource base for UFDUM activities in the country.


UFDUM seeks a qualified consultant to develop a resource mobilization strategy with a proposed action plan responsive to UFDUM’s strategic vision, objectives, and results-orientation.


Scope of work

Specific tasks of the consultancy will include:


  • Review documents and consult with UFDUM management to better understand the vision, mission and focus areas of the organization
  • Review UFDUM strategy policy to better understand how much is needed and for what result area;
  • Assess the importance and potential of vertical and core funding sources within donors system
  • Conduct a comprehensive analysis of potential global and local donors to map the feasibility of securing more funding. Map donors’ strategic areas of interest, funds available, grantees, funding windows, requirements.
  • Along these lines, also explore opportunities for partnerships (and mobilizing and leveraging resources) from emerging donors.
  • Recommend how to develop and maintain strategic partnerships and engagement with key donors, (past, present and future)


  • A comprehensive resource mobilization strategy that includes an overview of the situation, an analysis of past fundraising experience, explores future opportunities and strategies, details workflow processed and mechanisms for contribution management and outlines a time-bound action plan (with key responsible focal points) to systematically research and raise funds for key UFDUM’s
  • An annex that maps donor interests, priorities, funding windows and points to clear actions that should be taken to mobilize funds and develop/maintain relationships with these donors
  • An annex that outlines a series of fundraising materials that need to be produced to secure funding.
  • An action plan that outlines clear time lines for the action proposed
  • A plan for building the capacity of key staff in mobilizing and leveraging resources and developing and maintaining partnerships with potentials donors


Qualification Required


Required Skills and Experience



  • At least 2-3 years’ experience in the development sector, preferably in fundraising, resource mobilization or partnership building.


  • Experience of donor system operations and donor assistance in both normal development and post-conflict settings.


  • Knowledge of donor’s Strategic Plan and Mission.


Language Requirements: Fluency in spoken and written English is essential.



Development and Operational Effectiveness:


  • Ability to lead strategic information collection, analysis and result-based use of information.
  • Ability to lead formulation of strategies and their implementation.
  • Ability to apply Resource Mobilization and Partnerships building theory to specific institutional contexts.
  • Excellent writing and presentation skills.



Duration: 30 working days


Duty Station: The Consultant duty station will be UFDUM head office


Scope of price proposal and schedule of payment:


Proposals must be expressed in lump Sum Amount which must be all –inclusive. All costs (professional fees, travel costs, communications etc.) that could possibly be incurred by the consultant, must be factored into the final amounts submitted in the proposal. Note that the contract price is fixed regardless of changes in the cost component.


Total approved budget: $1000.00 USD (One Thousand United States Dollars)



Payment shall therefore be made according to the following deliverables:


  • Thirty percent (30%) after the submission and the acceptance of the Inception report;
  • Seventy percent (70%) after the submission and the acceptance of the draft report;



Interested candidates are requested to apply with their CV, proposed work plan, and their expected fee for the full assignment based on the proposed work plan.


Evaluation criteria of the best offer


The offer will be evaluated by using the combined scoring method. Technical proposal will be evaluated on 70%. Whereas the financial one will be evaluated on 30%.


Below is the breakdown of technical proposal on 100% which will be brought to 70%.


CriteriaWeightMax. Point
Qualification in a relevant field such as in the social sciences, economics or development studies. from a recognized University.;10 %10
At least 5 years’ experience in the development sector, preferably in fundraising, resource mobilization or

partnership building.

Experience of donors system operations and donor assistance in both normal development and post-conflict


Adequate methodology and work plan50%50
Fluency in spoken and written English

is essential



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