Disaster Law Research Consultant –Africa Region

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  • Posted:
    2 months ago
  • Category:
    policy development, Project Management
  • Deadline:
    January 30, 2025

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies


Disaster Law Research Consultant –Africa Region


Purpose of Project and Background

IFRC through its Disaster Law programme is a leader in developing and disseminating guidance on best practice for domestic disaster law and policy. IFRC seeks a Disaster Law Research consultant to support with the ongoing research initiatives in the Africa region relating to the inter pillar work on policy development relating to the Early Warning for All Initiative (EW4All). In this regard, the IFRC is conducting a series of mappings in the region on domestic legal and policy arrangements relating to disaster risk management with particular focus on early warning systems and integration of anticipatory action.

The consultant will be expected to develop a mapping on legal and policy arrangements for disaster risk management (See Annex 1) and a final report identifying the gaps in the disaster risk governance specifically on early warning early action and integration of anticipatory action, as well as recommended actions to strengthen the country’s frameworks within the expected ambitions under the EW4All Initiative (See Annex 2).

Alignment to the IFRC’s objectives and strategy

(IFRC’s Strategy 2030)

This consultancy aligns with IFRC Strategy 2030, particularly Transformation 5: Influencing humanitarian action, which includes the recognition that we must continue to invest in the promotion of disaster law, leveraging the unique auxiliary status of National Societies with Governments, and which also promotes investment in the development of research to inform thought leadership on humanitarian and social issues that can influence opinion, policy and practice.

Project objectives

The objective of the consultancy is for IFRC to gain an enhanced understanding of specific disaster risk management legal frameworks of selected countries within the context of the of the EW4All initiative in order to better understand the opportunities for strengthening early warning systems and early action processes through law and policy.

Desired outcomes

The desired outcome of the consultancy is for IFRC to have furthered its research on Disaster Law thematics in various EW4ALL priority countries noting to identify the recommended actions necessary to strengthen the national DRM frameworks to better integrate the functional and effective early warning systems into the national DRM structure.


Consultancy outputs


This consultancy is intended to support IFRC with the following deliverables:


  1. Support DRM Mapping under the Early Warning for All Initiative

Purpose, outputs and intended outcomes

The purpose of this mapping exercise is to clearly articulate the legal and policy arrangements for disaster risk management, to better understand the national disaster governance frameworks vis a vis effective early warning systems as envisioned under the EW4All initiative. The mapping is expected to support the National Societies in the mapped countries in further engagement with public authorities in the development and implementation of relevant domestic climate, disaster and emergency laws and regulations.

The mapping will conclude with mapping that provides an overview of the disaster risk management framework of each country mapped, as per the research template provided in Annex 1. It will also include a final report summarizing the key findings of the mapping as well as detailing opportunities for strengthening the national laws to better integrate early warning systems. The report will also detail recommended next steps that can be taken by public authorities, supported by the NS, in developing/reviewing and implementing DRM laws that ensure structures for the efficient function of multi-hazard early warning systems as provided (see Annex 2).

At a country level and with a detailed analysis of its current disaster risk management framework, each National Society that has been part of the mapping will be able to develop advocacy strategies to develop a robust disaster risk management framework within its country, with the support of IFRC and other partners.

At a regional and global level, the mapping will assist policy makers and humanitarian practitioners navigate national and regional institutional arrangements in order to better understand how early systems have been reflected in national disaster governance frameworks thus better support prepare for and facilitate of regional collaboration and coordination in DRM.

Content, Scope and Methodology of Desktop Mapping

The mapping and final report will examine national arrangements and provide an analysis of strengths and gaps in the institutional architecture for the coordination and facilitation of disaster risk management with particular focus on national early warning systems. The mappings will use the questions from existing IFRC Disaster Law tools to guide the assessment.

The mappings will be conducted through desktop research by a consultant through collection and analysis of relevant legislation, policies, agreements, and secondary resources. The consultant will also be expected to have follow up meetings (key informant interviews) with key public authorities as well as other relevant stakeholders in country focused on DRM as guided by, also including, the National Societies.

A research template to guide the research, with guiding questions and suggested resources has been developed (see Annex 1), to ensure consistency in research methodology.

Method of delivery and reasons for selecting that method

The consultancy will be primarily home based, although travel within the region may be required from time to time for the purposes of attending meetings and consultations. The method of delivery will be primarily the production of the mapping and the final research report in the format required as advised by the Disaster Law Team e.g. in the format of the template required by IFRC Disaster Law.


Support to be provided to the consultant

IFRC Cluster delegation and the Disaster Law Team will provide technical oversight over the consultant’s work and the National Societies supported the cluster delegation will provide the consultant with the contact details of key interviewees, as required.


Schedule for payment of fees

Payment shall be made upon satisfactory completion of the work.


NOTE: The consultant is solely responsible for the payment of taxes and other lawful fees that may be incurred from this transaction.

Time Allocation, for budget purposes

The research consultant will be engaged for a period of 90 working days (or 3 months).

However, the workplan below should be highly considered:

Conduct Research – (1st and 2nd week)

Submission of draft report (3rd week)

Validation of report (4th week)


Management of consultancy

The work of the consultant will be overseen by focal point in the IFRC Cluster Delegation with technical support provided by the IFRC Disaster Law team.



  • The consultant will be contracted by the IFRC and the standard contractual terms will apply.




HOW TO APPLY: The deadline for submissions of a letter of Application, CV and all other relevant certificates and documents is January 30, 2025 at 4:30 PM. All applications should be submitted to the two email addresses: lnrcs.recruitment2016@liberian-redcross.org; and john.gbao@ifrc.org Please mention Disaster Law Research Consultant in the subject line.


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