Farmer Field School (FFS) Officer

  • Location:
  • Salary:
  • Job type:
    Full Time
  • Posted:
    5 years ago
  • Category:
    Agriculture & Farming
  • Deadline:
    May 24, 2020

IFAD-Project Implementation Unit
Program Management Unit (PMU)
Ministry of Agriculture Annex
University of Liberia Campus, Fendell
Terms of Reference for Procurement Officer & Farmer Field School Officer
Brief overview of IFAD-funded activities in Liberia
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is a long-time trusted partner of the
Government of Liberia. IFAD’s Results-Based Country Strategic Opportunities Programme (RBCOSOP) 2020-2024 has the overall goal to increase income and employment opportunities for
rural men and women while building resilience to climate change and food insecurity. The strategic
objectives of the COSOP are to: Enhance the performance and inclusiveness of value chains that
offer job opportunities, wealth creation, food and nutrition security for rural people, including poor
households, women and youth. Contribute to an enabling environment for pro-poor policy
development and enhance the capacity of the public sector in Liberia to deliver services to the rural
poor. Currently, IFAD’s portfolio in Liberia includes three (3) ongoing projects:
The Rural Community Finance Project (RCFP). The project includes an IFAD loan of
US$ 5.5 million and a grant of US$ 0.5 million and will improve access to rural financial services
on a sustainable basis, enabling the development of the rural sector. It incorporates lessons-learnt
on financial inclusion from Sierra Leone, where the IFAD-financed RFCIP helped establish a large
network of Rural Financial Institutions, including both Financial Services Associations and
Community Banks. The project started implementation in the second quarter of 2019.
The Tree Crops Extension Project Phase I (TCEP-I). TCEP-I includes an IFAD loan of US$
13 million and an Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP) grant of US$ 4.5
million. The project will work towards developing a viable and sustainable smallholder cocoa subsector in Liberia’s main producing belt.
The TCEP is intervening in Nimba County, in at least 8 statutory districts. Its duration is 6 years.
The TCEP will adopt a value chain approach to link cocoa farmers, organized at grassroots level
in traditional community-based labor groups and Farmers Field Schools (FFS), to markets and
services through cooperatives and Private Sector Partners (PSPs).
The Tree Crops Extension Project Phase II (TCEP-II). Additional financing of US$23.8
million provided as part of the TCEP-II was approved by IFAD’s Executive Board in December
2018 and was signed and ratified by the Liberian Government in September 2019. The TCEP-II
financing will be prioritized in Lofa County with the possibility to include areas in other counties
with comparable socio-economic and agronomic conditions.
Country Programme Approach
The Ministry of Agriculture is the implementing Agency for this and all IFAD funded projects in
Liberia through a dedicated Programme Implementation Unit (PIU). It is thought that a single
Programme Management Unit with the required additional thematic expertise in the team
depending on the projects within the programme would be cost effective, while facilitating cross
learning and knowledge management and building synergies between projects. The below vacancy
is positioned within the PIU and will be working on the TCEP/TCEP-II project.

Post Title: Farmer Field School (FFS) Officer
Reports to: Project Coordinator, IFAD-PIU Projects
Programme Management Unit (PMU)
Ministry of Agriculture
Primary Location: Saclepea, Nimba County
Start Date: 1 June 2020
Contract Period: One (1) year renewable
Key results expected / major functional activities include:
Specifically, the Farmer Field School (FFS) Officer will:
Methodological support to the FFS:
• Design and Coordinate the development of the FFS implementation strategy with special
attention given to the following points: FFS for nutritious sensitive and sustainable
agriculture; farm management and establishment of farm business schools;
• Contribute to the development of FFS curriculum, modules and training materials;
• Assist in designing FFS baseline survey and the development of monitoring and reporting
• Review the project implementation strategy and mechanisms and where necessary propose
• Capture lessons learned, success stories/good practices, document and disseminate.
• Work closely with the project team and the M&E Unit to draft periodic project progress
• Work closely with the project team and M&E unit to develop the Annual Work Plan and
• Ensures that knowledge exchange activities (visits and field days) are prioritized
appropriately and reflect the projects’ strategy and objectives;
• As appropriate, actively identify and pursue synergies with sister projects under the country
Hands-on support to FFS:
• Assess training needs in different areas of Farmers’ Groups, Groups facilitators and Master
• Assist Master Trainers in planning and implementing “Training of Facilitators”;
• Coordinate and report on exchange/exposure visits;
• Coordinate with relevant County officers to ensure follow-up/technical support to the FFS
and report on such activities;
• Coordinate with cooperatives for ensuring delivery of quality services to the Farmer
groups and communities and report on such activities;
• Monitor and document Training of Facilitators conducted by the Master Trainers and
evaluate the quality of the trainings;
• Elaborate, Supervise, monitor and document strategies and activities for organization and
empowerment of Farmers’ Group/Associations/CBO’s activities.
Technical/Functional competencies
• Innovative Performer able to generate innovative solutions, assess risk, make decisions and
take accountability for his/her actions;
• Leader able to combine strong management, organizational and leadership skills with
insight, seeking continual improvement and collaborative engagement within the team;
able to achieve results through motivating people and influencing partners;
• Planner/organizer able to meet tight deadlines in a high-pressure and high-energy
environment; flexible and able to multi-task;
• Capable team player;
• Strong analytical skills;
• Technical skills necessary: in FFS, sustainable agriculture, farm management, value chain,
farmers’ organizations;
• Strong verbal and written communication skills
• A degree in Agriculture from a recognized University with specialization in Extension
• A minimum of 5 years professional experience, preferably in Agricultural extension related
• A minimum of 4 years professional experience in development and coordination of FFS
for a donor funded project
• Knowledge of cocoa cropping system is an added asset.
• Excellent oral and written communication skills.
• Knowledge of MS Windows, Word, Excel, PowerPoint.
• Willing and able to be based permanently in remote and rural locations.
• Able to adapt to circumstances to communicate with the rural communities.
All applications MUST be sent via email to: apply through the system below.
The Recruitment Team
Program Management Unit
Ministry of Agriculture, Liberia
Note: Applicant MUST indicate in the email subject, the Title of the Position
he/she is applying for.

Qualified Female candidate are highly encouraged to apply.

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