Final Assessment Consultant

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  • Posted:
    1 year ago
  • Category:
    Accounting & Finance
  • Deadline:
    February 29, 2024


POSITION TITLE: Final Assessment Consultant for the Extension Activities of the Attaining Lasting Change for Better Enforcement of Labor and Criminal Law to Address Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking (ATLAS) Project in Liberia

LOCATION: Grand Bassa, Margibi/Montserrado and Nimba Counties, Liberia

DEPARTMENT: Monitoring and Evaluation

REPORTS TO: Project Country Director


Winrock International is seeking an individual consultant to provide technical assistance in conducting a final assessment for the Attaining Lasting Change for Better Enforcement of Labor and Criminal Law to Address Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking (ATLAS) Project in the four (4) counties of Liberia – Grand Bassa, Margibi, Montserrado and Nimba. This is a key deliverable of the ATLAS Project, a four year United States Department of Labor (USDOL) funded project. The ATLAS has partnered with Liberia government through the Ministry of Labor to strengthen capacity to reduce child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking and make meaningful efforts to achieve the following three distinct but interrelated outcomes:

Outcome 1: Strengthened labor and/or criminal legal frameworks concerning child labor, forced labor, and/or human trafficking.

Outcome 2: Improved enforcement of the labor and/or criminal legal framework, specifically related to child labor, forced labor, and/or human trafficking.

Outcome 3: Increased coordination among law enforcement and social protection entities to address child labor, forced labor, and/or human trafficking.

In March 2023, the project was awarded a $1.1 million 15-month extension to implement additional activities in Liberia, extending the end of the project from March 2023 to June 2024. The objective of the extension is to build upon ATLAS’ successes by 1) continuing advocacy and assistance for passage of a comprehensive child labor law in line with international standards and 2) supporting dissemination and implementation of the new human trafficking law, Hazardous and Light Work Lists, and (if passed) the new child labor law so the government may enforce these new regulations. These activities fall under Outcomes 1 and 2 of the project strategy.


The overall purpose of the final assessment is to capture changes in behavior and knowledge as well as document any replication trainings conducted as the result of project activities under the extension. The final assessment will also aim to document the reach of dissemination efforts and the prospects for continued dissemination and awareness-raising as a result of extension activities.


The scope of work, to take place over 30 days, includes the following aspects:

Desk review and become familiar with the project deliverables and develop a Final Assessment plan. Develop key Final Assessment questions.

Conduct primary data gathering via approaches such as semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, surveys, and any other appropriate means to assess the project activities.

Analyze and synthesize data to produce a comprehensive report for the ATLAS Project Final Assessment.


Illustrative deliverables are listed below. Deadlines for each deliverable will be reviewed and finalized between the consultant and Winrock at the beginning of the assignment.

  1. Outline and Methodology for Final Assessment
  2. Questionnaires and assessment instruments preparation
  3. Raw data – including interview notes, recordings, and excel/SPSS data files
  4. Facilitation of a workshop/debriefing session to present the draft findings and receive stakeholders feedback.
  5. Electronic copy of the final approved Final Assessment report in English

Timeline (key milestones, contact and dates):

Time estimation for the ATLAS Project Final Assessment will be 45 days, beginning from awarding of contract, inception meeting, desk review, assessment planing, data collection and analysis, and producing report which will require and working with Winrock home office to finalize the document will take 45 days (between 1 to 7 weeks). A final timeline, with deadlines for specific milestones will be developed with the Winrock Team.

Issue DateFebruary 16, 2024
TitleFinal Assessment for ATLAS Project in Liberia
Issuing Office & Email Address for Submission of ProposalsATLAS Project, Winrock International

Email: James Yekeh, Country Project Director

ATLAS Project, Liberia

Skype: james.yekeh 11

Cell#: +231 770 426531/+231 886 528 505

Proposals Submission DeadlineWednesday February 29, 2024, 11:00 PM [Liberia time, (GMT+x hours)
Point of Skype: james.yekeh 11

Cell#: +231 770 426531/+231 886 528 505

Anticipated Award TypeFirm Fixed Price in US$. Travel to Liberia and project locations will be required, and project will pay for those expenses separately.
1.Award and Contract Signing by March 12, 2024
2. Inception meeting (kick-off) with ATLAS Team to discuss the Final Assessment and gain full alignment on the project requirements by March 14, 2024
3. Desk Review of ATLAS project-related documents, including the indicators and definitions, Project-Level Results Framework, Project MEL Plan, ATLAS Baseline, ATLAS Midterm Evaluations, PIRS and other relevant project-level studies/assessments during week of March 17, 2024
4. Assessment Design and Plan for data collection and analysis, including agreed methodologies, data quality assurance plan, data collection tools, detailed work plan, logistics, etc. during week of March 24, 2024
5. Field work conducted during weeks of April 7 and 14, 2024
6. Data consolidation and analysis. Organize all data collected; consolidate assessment data into a database, exportable into a ATLAS-prescribed MS Excel template. Ensure anonymity of data, Do No Harm (dignity, rights, safety and privacy) concerns, and confidentiality during week of April 21, 2024
7. Draft Assessment Report (including powerpoint presentation of findings to ATLAS Project Team) by April 25, 2024


8. ATLAS feedback on draft Assessment Report received (from Winrock Team) by April 30, 2024
9. Final Assessment Report submitted to ATLAS by COB by May 10, 2024


Qualification and Experience:

The consultant should possess the following qualities and experience:

Senior level expertise (at least 5 years) in conducting project assessment.

Experience developing strategies and tools necessary to conduct outreach to different stakeholders in order to collect information, data and feedback.

Excellent analytical and writing skills a must.

Graduate degree in Law (preferable Liberian Law), corporate social responsibility, or related field Preferred candidates will have experience in survey methods/questionnaire design. Ability to work independently within tight deadlines

Able to quickly synthesize information, propose strategies, and communicate well with both home office and field staff.

Experience with project evaluation may be applicable.

Knowledge of and experience working in Liberia, especially in the counties of Grand bassa, Margibi, Montserrado and Nimba

Fluency in written and spoken English.

Application Requirements: Applicants to apply by February 29. Please send cover letter, CV, and 1-2 writing samples to and cc using a Subject Line: – Final Assessment for ATLAS Project.

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