
Financial Capacity Building Training in QuickBooks Management

  • Location:
  • Salary:
  • Job type:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Posted:
    1 year ago
  • Category:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Deadline:
    September 22, 2023


Name of ActivityFinancial Capacity Building Training in QuickBooks ManagementDate of Implementation:

September 25th – 29th, 2023

Project Field StaffNon-field ActivityProject Number


Activity County(ies) of Implementation· MontserradoReport Submission Date:

October 3, 2023

Indicator Number:


Activity Number:



Rethink Youth and Women Empowerment and Advancement of Rights in Democracy (RYWARD) is a 24-month project implemented by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in Liberia, with funding from the people of Ireland through Irish Aid. The goal of RYWARD is to “Enhance Women and Youth Participation in Conflict Prevention, Elections, and Peacebuilding” in Margibi, Grand Cape Mount, Gbarpolu, Grand Bassa, and Bomi Counties.

The project is achieving this goal by 1) Improving civic political participation and nonviolence in elections through engagement with youth, persons with disabilities, state security, National Elections Commission (NEC) officials, political parties, and women’s groups before, during, and after the election; 2) Promoting leadership and governance principles by conducting training and town hall meetings to create awareness and promote fit-for-purpose solutions that foster social cohesion horizontally and vertically; and 3) Utilizing CRS’ 3Bs (Binding, Bonding, and Bridging) social cohesion approach and the 4Ds (Discovery, Dream, Design, and Delivery) of the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) model to strengthen the participation of women, youth, and persons with disabilities in local leadership and elected positions through training and coaching.

CRS and partners are working closely with communities to implement and adapt the program as needed to achieve objectives and contribute to lasting peace in Liberia. CRS undertakes a due diligence and risk assessment process for new partners that provides information on organizational structure and budget, internal controls, procedures, and policies. In the case of weak internal control systems, CRS works with the partner to develop improvement plans using capacity and institutional strengthening and accompaniment approaches. During this project implementation, CRS will support SPDI on specific issues while also handing over more responsibilities. The aim beyond the project period is that SPDI would be able to implement a project of similar scope independently. Concrete milestones with a timeframe are formulated to measure SPDI’s achievement. The milestone is a living document that is updated periodically during project implementation to determine to which extent their capacity has increased.

In fulfilment of this intervention, the RYWARD Project team is proposing the installation and a three-day training in QuickBooks Management to enhance SPDI staff’s financial capacity.


The Consultant will be tasked with installing the QuickBooks application on a desktop computer at the SPDI office and conducting training on the usage of the QuickBooks application to enable staff efficient use of the application for financial documentation and quality reporting. The QuickBooks installation will provide SPDI with a user-friendly financial tool to work with for quality financial reporting while the training will focus on enhancing SPDI’s financial capacity for payroll management, creating and sending invoices, checks, payments, etc. for quality financial reporting and documentation.


By the end of the training, partner staff are expected to easily navigate and use QuickBooks to:

  • Understand how to create and send invoices.
  • Understand the usage of customizing expense classification with a chart of accounts.
  • Keep track of bills and expenses
  • Manage payroll.


The QuickBooks installation and training will be conducted at SPDI’s office in Montserrado County.


The training will be implemented from September 25th – 29th, 2023.


Interested candidates need to send their updated CV, proposal and budget to liberiaprocurement@crs.org on or before the 22nd of September 2023

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