Health Coordinator

  • Location:
  • Salary:
  • Job type:
    Full Time
  • Posted:
    3 years ago
  • Category:
    Education & Health
  • Deadline:
    June 30, 2022

Job Title: Health Coordinator

Reports to: Executive Director

Full time or Part-time: Full time


  • Certified/Licensed Health Practitioner (Registered Nurse or Physician Assistant)
  • Experience: Minimum 3 years clinical experience, 5+ years preferred
  • Minimum of 2 years in-patient hospital experience, clinical experience with HIV, TB (Ebola management a plus)
  • Willingness to relocate to Kolahun (or current Kolahun resident)
  • Willing to sign an MoU stating that employee would not concurrently seek employment at any Lofa County health facility. The individual employed for this position must work exclusively for RHL.
  • Basic computer literacy (ability to use email, Word, Excel spreadsheets)
  • Ability to write reports on program activities and progress
  • Ability to operate a phone with text and email capabilities

Responsible for:

  • Following each beneficiary’s status concerning their health (sickness, psychosocial needs, medications, nutrition status, vaccination needs, clinic visits, lab work needed, other preventive care and teaching)
  • Following up on any health-related issues (including psychosocial) at schools
  • Thorough reporting to Executive Director on a monthly basis, and more frequent if any health issues arise
  • Assessing a minimum of 8 beneficiaries per week and visiting each beneficiary at his/her home every 6 months
  • RHL’s budget preparation for health activities
  • Prioritizing spending plan for health/nutrition activities
  • Tracking and accounting for all health spending, including receipts for all purchases
  • Tracking all health-related M&E measures, including data entry into excel database
  • Lead Health workshops for RHL and collaborate with Hospital and local Peace Corps Volunteers for other community health workshops
  • Coordinating with local clinics/hospital/pharmacies as needed
  • In event of a medical emergency, responsible for accompanying beneficiary to Monrovia, if need be, and providing ongoing communication with Head of Programs concerning the beneficiary and care
  • Responsible for adhering to RHL emergency protocol
  • Provide quarterly training for Peer Educators Quarterly
  • Plan SRH activities and follow up their execution with peer educators
  • Prepares and follow up health awareness sessions in SRH.
  • Provide Family planning counseling as a routine to beneficiaries and caregivers
  • Manage diagnosed sexual transmitted infections involving beneficiaries and collaborate with the local hospital for treatment.
  • Maintain beneficiaries confidentiality
  • Maintain a safe and clean working environment by complying with Universal standards, procedures, rules, and regulations.
  • Identify beneficiary cases needing referral and refer them in time.
  • Identify Sexually Gender Based Violence victims and collaborate with the local hospital facility for treatment.

Salary is based on experience.


To Apply: Submit Cover letter and CV to:;


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