
INVITATION TO BID NOTICE (Provision of Cleaning Tools for Mothers Club Backyard Garden)

  • Location:
  • Salary:
  • Job type:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Posted:
    9 months ago
  • Category:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Deadline:
    April 8, 2024


107th Lynch Street, Monrovia


The Liberia National Red Cross Society (LNRCS) is a Humanitarian Organization that works throughout the 15 Counties, assisting those in need, irrespective of nationality, race, religion, or political beliefs. The LNRCS is an impartial, neutral, and independent organization whose mandate is to inspire, encourage, facilitate, and promote at all times all forms of humanitarian activities. Through its network of volunteers and partners, the Red Cross works tirelessly to alleviate human suffering and promote resilience in the face of emergencies and disasters worldwide. www.lnrcs.org.lr

LNRCS invites sealed bids from suitably qualified and experienced bidders for the provision of Cleaning Tools for Mothers Club Back yard Garden to the LNRCS Monrovia Office or at its Chapters Office in Fish Town River Gee County DDP (Incoterms 2020, 107 Lynch Street Monrovia-Liberia).

Bidders shall be certified supplier of Assorted Cleaning Tools Items providers with a minimum of 5 years of experience in providing these materials.

Bid documents containing invitation to bid, instruction to bidders, requirements, general & special conditions of the contract etc. for the service provider can be obtained until 8th April 2024 at 16:00 from LNRCS by sending a request via email at the following email address: Lnrcs.procurement@liberian-redcross.org cc:aloysius.perry@liberian-redcross.org or obtaining a hard copy at the LNRCS Head Office, 107 Lynch Street.

Bids, complete in all respects and in a sealed envelope must be received at the below address during office hours (Monday to Friday) from 9:00am to 16:00 hrs. no later than 8th April 2024 at 16:00.

The LNRCS reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the offers without assigning any reason whatsoever and is not bound to accept the lowest bid.

Liberia National Red Cross Society

107th Lynch Street

Monrovia, Liberia


Ref: INVITATION TO BID – ‘Provision of Mothers Club back yard garden Tools

Ref #: ITB/01/NS/2024/SRC/PR/024

[Date 21/03/2024]

The Liberia National Red Cross Society (LNRCS) is a Humanitarian Organization that works throughout the 15 Counties, assisting those in need, irrespective of nationality, race, religion, or political beliefs. The LNRCS is an impartial, neutral, and independent organization whose mandate is to inspire, encourage, facilitate, and promote at all times all forms of humanitarian activities. Through its network of volunteers and partners, the Red Cross works tirelessly to alleviate human suffering and promote resilience in the face of emergencies and disasters worldwide


Red Cross-National Societies works to prevent and alleviate human suffering and thereby contribute to the maintenance and promotion of peace and development in the world. The LNRCS, through the support of IFRC, is seeking the provision of Mothers Club backyard garden Tools.

  • Instructions to Tenders

Seal bids are invited from eligible companies for the provision of the following:


1Cutlasses (alligator )pcs120
3.Large hoespcs72
4Garden hoespcs120
7Hand glovespcs240
8Watering canpcs48
9Drinking CupsPcs/roll120
10Drinking Bucketpcs24
11Rain Coatpcs120
12Rain Bootspcs120
13Wheel Barrelunit24


Ensure you provide your best firm offer as negotiations will not be entered into.


Quality specifications:

The materials should be of good quality in term of durability as describe above.


Delivery terms:

Goods to be delivered to LNRCS Office. DDP (Incoterms 2023 LNRCS office, 107th Lynch Street, Monrovia.

Delivery Date:

All goods to be delivered within three working days, from the day the purchase order is issued.

Please state if materials will not be delivered in the time frame mention.



Goods requested and supplied shall have quality materials and print. Poor quality materials will be rejected.



All documents, markings and labelling should appear in English


Required Documents to be submitted in answering this Invitation to Bid.

Invitation To Bid, stamp and signed (Optional)

Valid Business registration (Required)

Valid Tax Clearance Certificate (Required)

Supplier Registration Form, if not registered vendor (Desired)

Price/ Quotation in the format mentioned in the Pricing Template (Annex II), duly filled, dated, stamped and signed in Bidder´s letterhead. (Required)

Declaration of undertaking (Required)

Required documents and certificates at delivery of the goods:

Shall a Purchase Order be placed; the following documentation must be provided with the consignment:

Original Delivery Note

Original Invoice


Distribution of documents and certificates

One full set to accompany the consignment, one full set to buyer


Cost breakdown:

* Unit prices per item DDP (2020)

* Total price DDP (Incoterms 2020) to Red Cross in Monrovia

* Price should be net after deduction of any discount


All firm costs to be given in USD only.



A sample of materials shall be presented at the LNRCS Head Office on the 107 Lynch Street. LNRCS will not assume responsibility of cost and the return of sample if supplier is not preferred.


Liquidation Damage Clause

Please be advised that delivery after agreed schedule may be subject to a deduction from the invoice of 0.1% up to 5% of the total cost DDP value of the contract.



Within 30 days from date of receipt of goods and all supporting documents in good order by the buyer, and payment will be made through cheque.



Your offer must remain valid for a minimum of 90 days from the date of offer submission deadline, before which a Purchase Order, if placed, should be accepted by you.


All or None Clause:

LNRCS reserves the right to accept or reject any or all offers and the lowest bid need not be accepted without assigning any reason.

Right to Vary Requirements at the Time of Award

At the time of awarding the contract, LNRCS reserves the right to vary the quantity of goods, by up to a maximum of 10% of the total offer, without any change in the unit price or other terms and conditions.


Conditions for submitting offers:

    1. Prepare your proposal in your letterhead and have it signed, stamped and dated correctly.
  • Your proposal must be properly sealed in an envelope and labelled as follows:

Att: LNRCS Procurement Unit “INVITATION TO BID FOR “Provision of Mothers Club back yard garden Tools , LNRCS 107 LYNCH STREET, MONROVIA

REF#: ITB/01/NS/2024/SRC/PR/024

Sent from: Name of your company

  1. Ensure the quotation is registered with our Security Guard to confirm that your company provided quotation. After registration ensure that sealed quotation is dropped in our tender box at the first floor.
  2. Deadline for submission of tenders is Monday 8th of April 2024 at 4:00pm local time.

Terms and Conditions:

Please note that acceptance of an offer is acceptance of attached LNRCS General Terms and Conditions to this ITB.


Further inquiries should be made upon receipt of the ITB and other annexes up to at most Two days before the deadline of submission of quotation. please contact the Procurement Unit, via E-mail:

Lnrcs.procurement@liberian-redcross.org as means to ask questions on technical specification, ITB and other annexes. Any official changes or clarifications will be sent to all bidders via email as well.

Payments will be issued in United States Dollars (USD). Please Quotes in USD. Ensure that your quotation is submitted in your company letterhead as well.


  • (To be filled, printed in bidder´s letterhead and duly dated, stamped and signed)
A. Financial Offer
1Futlasses (alligator )pcs120
3Large hoespcs72
4Garden hoespcs120
7Hand glovespcs240
8Watering canpcs48
9Drinking CupsPcs/roll120
10Drinking Bucketpcs24
11Rain Coatpcs120
12Rain Bootspcs120
13Wheel Barrelunit24


  • Other information
1Agrees with LNRCS Payment terms:
2Please confirm delivery time within twenty-one working days, after the award of the contract.
3Warranty period:
4Validity of offer:
5Name of contact person:
6Email address of contact person:
7Telephone number of contact person:

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