Liberia 2024 Comprehensive Food Security & Nutrition Survey Enumerators

  • Location:
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  • Posted:
    6 months ago
  • Category:
    Data Collection
  • Deadline:
    September 24, 2024

The Liberia Comprehensive Food Security and Nutrition Survey (CFSNS) is a baseline survey that provides an in-depth picture of the food security situation and the vulnerability of households anchored on the food security monitoring system as articulated within the National Food Security and Nutrition Strategy that underscores the necessity for regular monitoring of the food security and nutrition situation. The CFSNS provides a breadth of information on the political, socioeconomic, and agroecological context, food supplies, markets, livelihoods, coping strategies, nutrition, health, education, etc. The
analysis conducted as part of a CFSNS 1) identifies the root causes of food insecurity and vulnerability; 2) provides an in-depth profile of food insecure and vulnerable people and their livelihoods; 3) provides an analysis of markets, their functioning and price trends in the country; and includes an analysis of risk (hazards, natural disasters, economic shocks,
etc) and their potential impact on the most vulnerable.

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