
Localization consultant

  • Location:
  • Salary:
  • Job type:
    Full Time
  • Posted:
    2 years ago
  • Category:
  • Deadline:
    June 9, 2022

Call for Application for Consultant Services

Solicitation Title:Embracing Localization: Strengthening our Capabilities to Advance Locally Led Development and Localization
Submit Proposal to:liberiarecrutment@fhi360.org
Date of Issue of RFP:June 2, 2022
Date Questions from Consultant Due:June 7, 2022
Date Proposal Due:June 9, 2022
Approximate Date Consultant Contract Issued to Successful Candidate(s):


Method of Submittal:
Respond via e-mail with attached document in MS Word / pdf format.

The Consultant agrees to hold the prices in its offer firm for 30 days from the date specified for the receipt of offers, unless another time is specified in the addendum of the RFP.


  • Project Background:

In FY 2022, FHI 360 has set aside resources to reinforce local staff capabilities, adapt programming approaches, and pilot innovative concepts that will position FHI 360 as a leader in advancing locally led development (emphasizing local voices, resources, and decision-making) and localization (shifting responsibility and funding for implementation to host country organizations and institutions). The “Embracing Localization” initiative in FY 22 will support one or more of the following objectives: to build local staff capacity; expand inquiry, partnerships, and thought leadership to better understand local context for sustainable development and humanitarian assistance; develop and pilot innovative approaches to engaging local actors and communities in co-creation, problem analysis, program design and evaluation/monitoring of FHI 360 services and impact. Illustrative concepts include:

  1. Landscape analysis on local actors (and others) on key development and humanitarian issues
  2. Organize forum to highlight local voices on key development and humanitarian assistance challenges and opportunities, including through storytelling, photography, and other means, (coordinating with Corporate Communications when appropriate)
  3. Co-creation processes with local actors, including the private sector, to tackle common challenges
  4. Develop Compelling presentations of local solutions and innovations at conferences, technical exchanges, and/or through webinars, blogs, technical briefs

To this end, FHI360 Liberia Country Office is calling for a proposal from interested and qualified organizations to facilitate the development and piloting of innovative approaches to engage local actors and communities in co-creation, landscape/problem analysis, program design for social impact. The collaboration is expected to drive commitment and measures to ensure ͚more support and funding tools for local and national actors.



In partnership with FHI 360, and in collaboration with the MoE, MoH, NPHIL, College of Health Sciences, University of Liberia and other local partners, the Localization consultant will:


  1. Identify, document, and share the impact of FHI 360 interventions


  1. Identify select communities, districts, counties, where FHI 360 works (past, present, new, and underutilized partners)
  2. Document the impact of interventions (what worked, what did not work well), including critical lessons from other IPs.
  3. Adopt participatory approaches (reviews, dialogues, interviews) to compile the outcome/social impact of interventions on people, systems, and society (through pictures, voice-over videos of human angle stories by beneficiaries such as teachers/administrators, government/private sector stakeholders in health, education, other sectors
  4. Disseminate findings through social media, newsletters, technical briefs, community events, connected local conferences, webinars, etc.


  1. Conduct stakeholder landscape analysis to document key actors of the localization agenda (donors, INGO, and locals). This could be identifying local partners who have had past/present business relationships with FHI 360 or new/underutilized partners in Liberia that an MOU could be explored based on long-term, mutually beneficial business interests with FHI 360 as part of locally led development (LLD) efforts. This will be achieved by conducting participatory connected dialogues with targeted partners with a view to forming a network of old/new/underutilized partners whose members/partners may receive further support and executive coaching services from FHI 360.
  2. Organise a localisation forum to:
    1. highlight local voices on key development assistance challenges and opportunities through localisation, including through storytelling, photography, and other means.
    2. Exchange ideas, experiences, lessons learned, and challenges around locally led development initiatives and how they have impacted individuals, families, communities, and society (objective 1 output – copies of print and electronic materials will be widely shared with donors, host government, private sector players, communities and individuals).
  3. Submit the final report of the localisation consultancy with related supporting documents, for approval


Expected deliverables from the consultant


  1. Literature review including a summary in PowerPoint
  2. Landscape Analysis and Stakeholder Matrix
  3. Policy brief(s) on locally led development and Business development (BD) strategy
  4. Video documentary and photo gallery on locally led development
  5. Facilitate the review, validation, and dissemination of all products
  6. Final report including a summary in PowerPoint


Location of Work


Monrovia, Bong, Nimba and Lofa Counties




Travel is anticipated between Monrovia and other locations based on different activities. A significant component of the data collection is anticipated to be ‘remote’ and conducted virtually but in-person data collection activities for some activities will require some travel during (estimated) the period (June – August 2022).


Timetable and Address for Submission


Applications must be prepared in English and delivered electronically by 5pm (Liberian Time) on June 9, 2022, to the following address: liberiarecruitment@fhi360.org


Required Documentation


All submissions should include:

  1. A summary (max. 1 page) of expertise and experience, highlighting those aspects that are particularly relevant to the present assignment
  2. Company Profile (5 pages’ maximum each)
  3. Name and contact details for three relevant references.
  4. Cost Proposal.

Evaluation Criteria


All applications received by the stated closing date will be evaluated according to specific selection criteria, including technical qualifications, past performance, and cost proposal. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to present and discuss their proposals in-person.

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