TOR for COVID-19 Impart Documentary

  • Location:
  • Salary:
  • Job type:
    Full Time
  • Posted:
    4 years ago
  • Category:
    Videos and Graphy
  • Deadline:
    October 22, 2020

Medica Liberia (mL) formerly medica mondiale Liberia is a non-governmental women’s right organization working in Liberia. Our Organization offers support to women and girls who have been affected by sexual gender based violence (SGBV). Since 2006, medica Liberia has been implementing programs for women and girls in Liberia’s South-eastern parts and recently extended its coverage to Montserrado and Margibi Counties respectively, through funding from the German Government and other donors.

  1. Background:

In response to the outbreak of COVID 19 in March 2020, medica Liberia made adaptions to current programs so as to address the challenges presented as a result of the pandemic undertook series of interventions in response to buttressing government’s effort in the fight against the virus. Some of the initiatives include the establishment of online counseling services, mass awareness on COVID 19 prevention and gender specific messages as well as supporting homes affected by COVID 19 and the provision of sanitary kits to communities and health facilities.

In this light, medica Liberia with support from the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ) is seeking to document the main activities through the development of a highly informative video documentary, capturing key activities undertaken by medica Liberia in response to the COVID 19 pandemic and Sexual and gender based violence prevention work.

This documentary will be used as a platform to highlight medica Liberia’s intervention and create awareness about the organization’s activities during the COVID 19 outbreak in the Country. The documentary will also serve as a guide for the implementing of mL’s advocacy and communication program.

  1. Objective of the assignment:

medica Liberia is seeking a firm that will offer documentary services in this regard. This production will be used for medica Liberia’s advocacy and communication purposes.

The documentary must be facts driven, motivational and narrated from the perspective of beneficiaries through interviews conducted in medica Liberia’s intervention communities with specific emphasis on the impact of COVID 19 on women and girls during the period under review.

Document videos and suggest appropriate recommendations to inform program planning and development.

  1. Scope and focus of Assignment:

The firm will be expected to deliver any of the following as required during the whole duration of the contract:

Production of video (script writing, subscribing videography, editing, audio balancing, sub-titling, format exporting, archiving raw and edited work etc.) according to medica Liberia standards are acquired. The video must be produced in English and be of the highest quality standard to adequately represent the organization. The optimal standards are: 1080 25p/1080 29.97p or 30p. All materials should be shot in 16:9, HD 1080;

The firm shall use their own HD quality video camera and professional editing software; Edit the footage in line with the script agreed and approved by medica Liberia focal person/s and produce a professional quality package / report / PSA of broadcast quality; the total running time of the document should not exceed 30 minutes

Record and edit narration / voice over/ subscribing language adoptions where needed in accordance with guidance from relevant medica Liberia focal person; Rough cut of every phase must be reviewed and subject to approval;

The entire development and production will be closely monitored by medica Liberia’s Head of Program (HOP) and Communications Officer; they will provide continuous review, comments and input as deemed necessary.

Embed sub-titles in the video as per need;

Audio balance the final product and convert it to formats for use on TV, radio, web; etc. Clearly identify location, name, interviewees, quotes and any relevant details; Include appropriate medica Liberia branding and crediting of medica Liberia’s ownership for the produced videos.

Archive the edited output in DV and DVD format along with professional log.

  1. Definition of supervision arrangements: The firm will be directly supervised and evaluated by medica Liberia’s Head of Program and Communications Officer 5. Payment Schedule: The contractor shall be paid 30% of the total cost upon approval and signing of contract and the balance upon satisfactory production of the documentary.
  2. Support provided by medica Liberia:

medica Liberia will be responsible for:

(a) Preparing the Terms of Reference (ToR).

(b) Selecting, contracting and managing the contractor.

(c) Covering the costs of contractor and logistics associated with the assignment. (d) Actively engaging with the contractor during the documentary shooting process (e) Reviewing the draft documentary and providing feedback

While on the other hand, the Firm will be responsible for:

(a) Preparation of a technical and financial proposal, work plan/shooting schedule as well as detailed budget for the assignment and must be provided prior to commencing filming;

(b) Engage mL target beneficiaries and stakeholders throughout the assignment. (c) Provide updated/draft video documentary to mL as required

(d) The final products as well as raw data and project files to be delivered to mL on external hard drive no later than December 15, 2020.

(e) Produce deliverables in accordance with the requirements and timeframes outlined in this ToR.

  1. Copy Right

All materials arising out of the consultancy shall remain the property of medica Liberia

  1. Required Qualifications

(a) Must have minimum of 3 years proven experience in video film/documentary, production, directing and editing.

(b) Extensive experience in producing development work related documentaries for organizations with the aim of reaching out to both local and international audiences. (c) Access to high quality excellent technical capacities, light, sound and editing equipment (Full High Definition video) to ensure high quality production.

(d) Research and in-depth interview experience to build storyline of the documentary; (e) Ability to work under strict timelines and exhibit high level of professionalism; (f) Must be tax compliant/Tax registration certificate indicating TIN;

(g) Accurate current addresses i.e. physical, postal, telephones and email; (h) Additional experience in development communication will be an added advantage; (i) In addition, companies shall submit certified copies of the Certificate of incorporation as a company;

  1. Application Requirement:

-Do a brief letter describing previous experience on similar projects and propose a Creative direction for the documentary.

Team: Provide summary of team experiences and roles to be played in this project (Key functions and responsibilities)

Samples of work demonstrating relevant experience is requested to be included in the application

Two References

Detailed list of technical equipment to be used including cameras, light, sound, editing, software etc.

Previous work experience on producing “women rights media related production” 10. Budget– Present an estimated budget for each phase

Submission of application

medica Liberia shall accept ONLY email applications. Applications shall be submitted not later than October 22, 2020. Applications should be addressed to and copy; and with subject line: mL_COVID-19_VIDEO DOCUMENTARY.

Only short listed firms will be contacted!!!

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