National expert or Consultants

  • Location:
  • Salary:
  • Job type:
    Full Time
  • Posted:
    5 years ago
  • Category:
    Agriculture & Farming
  • Deadline:
    October 15, 2019

OUTPUT 1.1.2: Establishment of farmer training systems to improve management
methods to meet the requirements of certification schemes
➢ Activity 1.7: Develop Terms of Reference for the training of strategic organizations (Liberia
Forest Development Agency and any other) on new silvicultural farming measures / methods
and their certification principles.
➢ Activity 1.8: Provide Training Sessions for key stakeholders and their target groups.
Terms of Refence for the Recruitment of National expert or Consultants to develop the
Terms of Reference for Liberia Forest Development Agency management training and
organize training sessions for key stakeholders and their target groups on new
measures / silviculture-based farming methods and their principles of certification
Activities 1.7 ; 1.8
1. Context and Justification
The Mano River Union Ecosystem Conservation and International Water Resources Management
project is being implemented in the four member states of the Mano River Union. This project aims
to combat the various anthropogenic and climate threats contributing to the degradation of forest
landscapes in Upper Guinea. These threats include logging, expansion of agriculture with
unsustainable technologies, mining, firewood and charcoal production, game hunting and wildlife
trade, human intrusion into protected areas and bushfires.
The project has two components:
COMPONENT1: Integrated ecosystem management. In forest ecosystem management, forest
landscape restoration aims to restore the functionality of degraded forest landscapes, promotes
forest –friendly agriculture, generate various products and services from restored lands and forests
as well as to conserve and protect habitat. These activities will build on various forms of restoration
COMPONENT 2: Sustainable Management of Transboundary Waters. This refers to the
management of international waters shared by member countries of the union.
In order to provide sustainable and natural solutions to the forest landscape and land degradation,
and sustainable management of transboundary water resources, the project aims to ensure the
participation of local communities and their local stakeholders. This involvement ranges from the
identification of degraded landscapes and the degradation criteria to the selection of appropriate
interventions particularly in the areas where specific interventions are needed. For this reason, it is
important to develop training modules on the appropriate certification systems and organize the
training sessions for Liberia Forest Development Authority (FDA) and any other appropriate
agencies’ executives in order to promote the best agroforestry practices and to promote agricultural
and forestry products of different intervention sites.
The activity will address the following key questions:
Certification of agricultural and forestry products
The elaboration of Terms of Reference of the training modules to be developed for the
training on the certification pf agricultural and forestry products
The training of farmers, FDA and other executives on the principles of certification of
agricultural and forestry products
The promotion and popularization of the results of the work on the pilot plots
Establishment of an instrumental framework for certification
2. Intervention sites
The following sites have been identified for the realization of these activities:
Site 1: The transboundary forest block comprising the Protected Areas of the Complex of WonegiziWologizi strict natural reserves
Site 2: Gola Rainforest Nature Reserve
Site 3. East Nimba Nature reserve (ENNR)
3. objectives
The objectives of these two activities (Activity 1.7 & Activity 1.8) are to set up training systems for
farmers and FDA and any other agencies’ executives in order to improve management methods to
meet the requirements of certification programmes with the aim of improving the management of
activities around the protected areas.
The specific objectives are the following:
Develop the terms of reference for the training of stakeholders
Develop training modules
Organize training sessions to facilitate changes in forest conservation practices
Provide training for FDA and agency executives on new silviculture-based farming methods
and their certification principles while promoting the gender approach
Establish an institutional framework favorable to the product certification system
Help local communities to move towards sustainable agriculture
Demonstrate natural regeneration managed by farmers
Popularize the results from experimental research on pilot plots
4. Expected Results of the Activity
Terms of Reference developed for the training of FDA and other agro agency Managers
Training module developed
Training sessions organized on new silviculture – based farming methods and their certification
principles while promoting gender
Agricultural and forestry products valued by local communities
Institutional Framework favorable to the product certification system put in place
Local communities oriented towards sustainable agriculture
Natural regeneration experienced by farmers
Results from popular experimental research obtained and shared
5. National Consultants
5.1 : The team of consultants will consist of:
Activity 1.7
A trainer specialized in communication on the certification of agricultural and forestry products;
Activity 1.8
A specialist in agroforestry, for monitoring, promotion and extension of pilot plots. Other senior
and junior Technical Assistants as may be required.
5.2 : Roles and responsibilities of the team
The team will work under the supervision of an International Consultant that is leading the ROAM
process. They will be responsible for the development of training modules on product certification
systems, organization of management training and local farmers, promotion, extension and
monitoring of pilot installed to help change land use practices
5.3 : Required Skills and Qualifications
• Have at least a Bachelor Degree in Science, preferably a Master’s Degree or equivalent in a
scientific discipline related to land use, Agroforestry, Natural Resources Management;
Good knowledge of certification systems for agricultural and forestry products
• Have in-depth knowledge of the organization of training and institutional capacity – building
Master database programmes (MS Excel, Word, Power point, etc)
Ability to plan fieldwork and lead field teams, particularly in agroforestry
A good command of the local languages. English or French which are the working
languages of the MRU is an asset.
6. Duration of the study
The study will last for 90 days
Start date: 10/15/2019 Finish Date: 01/15/2020
7. Application
How to apply:
1. Candidates interested in one of the tasks (Activity 1.7 or 1.8) are encouraged to apply.
Candidates who do not wish to apply as a team may do so individually. However, if selected,
they will be encouraged to work as a team.
2. Applicants must send the following documents in one file, by e-mail, indicating the subject
of the submission.
i) Cover letter, explaining in sufficient details why the candidate believes to be the
appropriate person for the task
ii) A resume showing the highest qualifications and no more than three (3) similar
tasks completed within the last five years
iii) Where applicable, applicants may submit examples of past achievements,
comparable works, including project reports (to be reviewed only and with
permission to do so if necessary)
3. The deadline for the acceptance of completed applications is October 8, 2019 at midnight,
local time.
4. The completed files must be sent to the following addresses:
Address Copy to:;; or apply through the system below
Only candidates who meet the requirements for the position will be selected for an interview and
a financial proposal. The National Implementing Agency guarantees equal opportunities for all; as
such female applicants are highly encouraged.
N/B: Applications from legal entities are welcome

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