Nurse Aide

  • Location:
  • Salary:
  • Job type:
    Full Time
  • Posted:
    3 years ago
  • Category:
    Nursing & Biology
  • Deadline:
    February 15, 2022



General Information:

Position Title: HOW NURSE AIDE
Employee’s Name:
Project: SOS Clinic-Congo town, Monrovia
Salary Grade: MS1
Effective Date:
Supervisor’s Name:
Supervisor’s Title: HOW Project Coordinator



  • To maintain and promote the quality health of all patients (including SOS children and staff) attending the SOS Clinic at all times;
  • To take vital signs
  • Assist Nurses in the discharge of their duties
  • Carry out sanitization in the communities, and promote good hygiene practices
  • Manage and do dressings of Clients wounds and sprains
  • To vaccinate children and women at child bearing age
  • To represent the SOS Clinic as a good practice professional at all times.


Position Demands

  • A competent, trained and qualified Nurse Assistant with at least 2 years relevant or hands on experience preferably with children and other vulnerable populations
  • She /he must always maintains updated professional development to practice in relevant capacity
  • She / He must be computer literate.
  • She /He must be capable of running a clinical routine with a high standard of efficiency, professionalism & hygiene.
  • She must be observant and aware of the state health of the children at all times.


Working Relationship

  • Nurse Aide reports directly to the Head Nurse and / or Medical Center Manager of all situational incidents with clients and staff
  • She / He should seek the advice of the head nurse/medical doctor/s or relevant authorities on pertinent health related matters
  • She/he mains a cordial working relationship with all staff and clients
  • She / He must liaise constantly with the assigned Nurse/Head Nurse
  • She / He should be cognizant of psychosocial / Children Protection issues and bring same to the attention of Head Nurse/ relevant CP/NO authorities as soon as possible.


Principal Responsibilities

  • She / he must be familiar with Nurse reporting, manage care protocols and other clinical demands on case by case basis
  • Ability to do intake, vital signs, Check with patients, under the supervision of the attending physician and / or the head nurse /.supervision
  • She / he must ensure and promote all patient’s wellbeing; maintain correct documentation on all patients visiting the clinic; patients whose exact illness/situation needs advanced medical attention should be brought to the attention of the HOW Project Coordinator soon as possible.
  • She / he must ensure that the SOS clinic is professionally managed and absolutely clean at all times.
  • She / he must ensure that the patient is treated with the relevant drugs and medical supplies
  • All drugs administered to patients/ staff and children should be verified and recorded in their appropriate (medical/patients’) chart / register.
  • Maintain all CDC/MOH PPE’s protocols and must always seek to promote hygienic and sanitary (Clean & Safe) environment of the SOS Clinic at all times



  • Performance will be assessed by evaluation at least two to three times per year by the Head Nurse and / or relevant medical /SOS National Office Authority. Factors which will be taken into account include but not limited to the following:
  1. Nurse Aide professional and ethical ability to deal with general health of all the patients /children and communities dwellers.
  2. The efficiency and commitment to duty, working relationship and punctuality
  3. The Nurse Aide ability to cooperate & maintain hygiene / sanitary practices/standards or general cleanness of HOW Project communities.
  4. Ability to follow instructions and conduct follow up observation, manage clients’ intake /file/ vital signs, ETC
  5. The aide’s ability to manage clients’ drugs/charts /required services and/ or availability to facilitate client’s needs.
  6. General attitude to work ,punctuality, overall performance and other staff and authority



The position grade may be increased if:

  • Further qualifications are gained in health / medicine if the Project Coordinator deems necessary to improve her competency / performance level.

Deadline: 15th of February 2022


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