Nutrition Officer (5 positions)

  • Location:
  • Salary:
  • Job type:
    Full Time
  • Posted:
    4 years ago
  • Category:
    Medicine & Science
  • Deadline:
    October 18, 2020

Concern Worldwide is an Irish based non-governmental, international, humanitarian organization, dedicated to the
reduction of suffering and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty in the world’s poorest countries. Concern is currently recruiting the
below post:
Job CODE: 20-010-NR (You must quote this code on your application)
Job Title: Nutrition Officer – UNICEF (x5)
Location: County Health Offices in Grand Bassa, Rivercess, Sinoe and Grand Gedeh
Reporting To: Program Manager
Responsible For: nil
Job Purpose: To support Concern Worldwide -Liberia in Country Programme with strengthening the government county level nutrition capacities with particular
focus on preventing malnutrition through sensitization of the families and the communities on the key IYCF practices, actively and timely identifying malnourished
children at community level and on the delivery of nutrition services particularly the management of the acute malnutrition. In addition to this, to improve the
coverage of micronutrient powder (MNP) amongst children 6-23 months of age, Vitamin A supplementation, integrate nutrition interventions in schools through the
hygiene clubs and IFA supplementation.
Responsibilities: Build and strengthen strategic partnerships with County and District Health Team, particularly the nutrition/health sector supervisors through
active networking, advocacy and capacity development, exchange knowledge/expertise and/or promote cooperation to improve Direct Nutrition Intervention
activities at health facilities and communities, coordination at the county and district level with health and nutrition staff, and other stakeholders to engage in
nutrition sensitive and nutrition specific intervention using a multi-sectoral approach combining nutrition, health (including adolescent health & nutrition), water
and sanitation, education, agriculture and social protection together with community-based interventions in selected communities, strengthen the community
health system to support a nutrition-integrated approach, which will include quality case management, nutrition and disease surveillance, epidemic response, health
promotion and disease prevention;
Work closely with county and district health (community health & nutrition) teams to orient them on the project and enlist their support, support the CNS to
conduct competency based training for IPF,OTP and MNCH staff in facilities, jointly conducting training and/or learning sessions, supervision and monitoring with
County Nutrition Supervisors and district community health staff through on the job coaching and mentoring as well as timely reporting on SAM management, IYCF
counselling, adolescent health & nutrition and related mother, newborn and child health (MNCH) services at health facilities and communities. Provide support to
the CNS for planning and conducting community mobilization meetings with communities members and the organization and conduction of mass active screening in
communities, in collaboration with the DHOs and CNS, participate and contribute in planning and conducting meetings for health facilities staff for CHSS and OIC,
provide on job coaching for CHVs involved in community activities, particularly in nutrition surveillance, ICYF counselling and distribution of MNP at the
communities, conducting random visits for beneficiaries;
Provide support for the establishment of the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) in hospitals and ensure BFHI activities remain functional through routine
supervision and capacity building of responsible staff
Support the CNS/CHSS and CHAs to plan and establish mother support groups as part of the IYCF activity in the community and initiate group dynamic in establishing
homestead gardens with basic tools and seeds
Represent CWW Liberia in all relevant technical and coordination health meetings at county and district level, following the guidance from WINS Programme
Manager and/or Nutrition Coordinator and create a visible profile of CWW/UNICEF nutrition programme. Liaise with district and M&E county health staff to support
and collect HMIS information on the nutrition situation in the county and DNI related activity reports, highlighting progress of activities, achievements and/or needs
for support at health facilities and in the communities,
Participate, if required, in nutrition assessments or SMART surveys, ensure that particular attention will be given to fight gender-based inequalities including harmful
practices, and support the CNS in implementing the Vit A supplementation in adolescents including nutrition education.
Experience & Qualification: To be able to execute the described roles and responsibilities effectively and efficiently, the position requires:
 Diploma as Physician Assistant /Professional Nurse/Nutritionist is essential.
 At least 2 years’ experience in nutrition services (SAM management, IYCF activities both in health facilities and communities, MNP), Maternal Neonatal Child
Health (MNCH) services and adolescent activities is essential.
 High level of English (spoken and written), skills in IYCF messaging and counselling, ability to work independently with minimal supervision, tactful
(diplomacy) and patience, especially in working with MoH county and district level staff and with community level health workers (CHAs, CHVs and TTMs).
 experience in coaching and mentoring others, adult learning skills is an asset, ability to speak the local languages is an asset, , rational judgement in making
decisions as required of the position, high degree of motivation and flexibility, pay particular attention to details and respect deadlines. A team player
 this position require the holder to work and travel in remote area on difficult terrain especially during the rainy months, often necessitating overnight stay
in hard to reach’ rural communities in the county. Therefore, the holder must be able to or willing to learn to ride a Motorbike.
How to apply:
 A letter of application stating why you believe you are the best suited for the position.
 A copy of your CV (maximum 4 pages) giving active daytime contacts.
 Names and addresses of two (2) work related referees with professional e-mail addresses.
Click the apply button below to apply.
Concern Worldwide is an equal opportunity employer. We welcome applications from all sections of the society. While all
applicants will be strictly assessed on their individual merit, qualified women are particularly encouraged to apply.

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