Terms of Reference for Consultancy -Organizational Capacity Development & Systems Strengthening for Local Partner

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  • Posted:
    5 years ago
  • Category:
    Capacity Development
  • Deadline:
    August 25, 2020

Terms of Reference for Consultancy

Organizational Capacity Development & Systems Strengthening for Local Partners

[Oxfam in Liberia, August 2020]

Oxfam has been in Liberia since 1995, with our country program from humanitarian crisis to long-term
development. Over the last 25 years, Oxfam has provided important services and contributions to the
water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) sector and to technical and vocational education in Liberia. We
have also worked with partners to fight inequality, promote gender justice, strengthen civil society and
support Liberians to exercise their rights, influence the decisions of people in power and hold these
people accountable.
Oxfam works primarily with and through partners, primarily civil society organizations. Our Country
Strategy (2017 – 2020) has the strengthening of civil society and active citizenship as a cross-cutting
objective. Presently, we work with 15 local CSOs, most of whom are women’s rights organizations. As
Oxfam in Liberia will phase out of Liberia, strengthening the institutional capacity – systems, policies,
procedure, and practices in these organizations – will be vital for ensuring sustainability of program
outcomes and for meeting our commitment to our partnership principles.
We are seeking the services of a consultant (multiple consultants or consultancy firm) to be seconded to
partners’ offices on a rotational basis. The overall objective is to strengthen partners’ operational and
overall project management capacity, primarily through the strengthening of financial, logistics, human
resources, monitoring, evaluation and learning policies, procedures, practices and internal controls.
The hired consultant(s) will consult with Oxfam staff to discuss the partners’ capacity development plans
(CDPs) and review the scope of work. The consultant(s) will consult with 15 partner organizations to set
the rotational schedule for secondment to partners’ offices. The consultant should allocate a certain
number of days per partner (at least 8 but could be more depending on the expertise and number of
consultants hired), to be scheduled within the 6 months contract.

1 The consultant will meet with partners
to discuss their specific operational needs and to review their policies and procedural manuals for
financial management, logistics and procurement, human resources, etc. to determine areas that should
be prioritized for each partner. Based on this analysis, the consultant(s) will write an inception brief that
1 Please note that this is indicative. We may have to hire multiple consultants in case no applicant has expertise across all
operational functions. Where 2 or more may be hired for capacity development in one or two of the areas, the days with
partners may be reduced.

outlines what areas will prioritized for each partner and includes the final rotational schedule for partners,
as well as key deliverables. The consultant(s) will maintain a record of coaching and technical assistance
provided to each partner and will update the monitoring tool accordingly. At the end of the consultancy,
the consultant(s) will provide a brief report (3-4 pages) for each partner that outlines the key
achievements, challenges, recommendations (to Oxfam and partner) as well as lessons learned. The
consultant will be required to visit one partner in Zwedru, where their head office is located. The rest of
the partners have head offices in Montserrado and Margibi.
Key deliverables in the consultancy
1) Rotational schedule for support to partners developed and agreed
2) Inception report written and agreed
3) Operational capacity development / systems strengthening activities delivered
4) Results, challenges, learning and recommendations documented in final summary report for each
Montserrado, Margibi, Zwedru
The consultant should carry the assignment within six months, between September 2020 and February
Phase Key actions Duration/Deadline
Preparation Planning TBD with consultant

Consultation with Oxfam and partners
Development of inception brief

Secondment Secondment to partners’ offices, per agreed workplan
Reporting Regular updating of CDP tracking/monitoring tool

Draft reports
Final reports

The consultant will propose a mix of methods s/he deems appropriate given the scope of work. The
capacity development and systems strengthening should use a blended learning approach, including
one-to-one coaching, participatory review of policy and procedures, team building exercises, supportive
supervision of routine work in the office and field.
• Partners’ capacity development plans
• Oxfam program coordinators, program managers and Deputy Program Director
• Civil society partners’ senior management/leadership team
• Civil society partners’ financial, logistics/procurement, HR policies and procedures


The Consultant will be accountable to the Program Director, and the Deputy Program Director and
program managers will monitor and manage the consultancy as per the deliverables specified in the
The Consultant must declare any Conflicts of Interest with Oxfam, employees or other stakeholders, as
part of their bid.
Consultants must apply a rights-based and do no harm approach, and they must sign the Non-Staff Code
of Conduct along with the consultancy contract.
Oxfam requires proper documentation, field notes, meeting minutes, inputs to the Capacity Development
Plan tracking/monitoring tool and final reports to account for how the consultant spent his/her time with
each partner.
• Minimum bachelor’s degree in relevant area
• Masters’ degree in business/public administration/management and finance (Diploma in project
cycle management, financial management, logistics management, and/or human resources
management would also be acceptable with significant experience)
• Good understanding of development and humanitarian programs
• Significant (minimum 5 years’) experience in operational management, business support
functions including financial management, HR management and logistics/procurement
(experience in M&E an asset)
• Experience conducting capacity/needs assessments and in developing organizational capacity of
• Strong leadership skills and the ability to work as part of a team and to give constructive feedback
• Strong command of written and spoken English, with demonstrated ability to produce well-written
documents, in clear, concise and correct language
The applicant will submit a technical proposal and financial proposal
The technical proposal must include:
i) an expression of interest letter that clearly states your interest in and outlines your
suitability for the role (1-2 pages). Your expression of interest should clearly state whether
you are able to provide capacity development and systems support in all or some of the
required areas (financial management, logistics/procurement, human resources, and/or
monitoring and evaluation).
ii) the proposed approach and methodology (2 pages)
iii) CV that includes three contactable references for whom you carried out such assignment
in last 2 years.

The financial proposal will include an indicative budget including taxes, if applicable. The financial
proposal will include a breakdown of costs including travel( local and external), daily rates, etc.
13. Submission Instructions
Deadline for submission is 25 August 2020, 12:00 pm. Applications must be submitted electronically to
Questions on the ToR may be sent to lkindervater@oxfam.org.uk
Women are strongly encouraged to apply.
14. Evaluation
Technical Proposal Max 60
Understanding of the requirements/objectives 5
Soundness of the proposed methodology
– Alignment with ToR
– Reflects principles and best practices of adult learning
– Collaborative and participatory


Education of the consultant
– Minimum bachelor’s degree in relevant area
– Masters’ degree in business/public administration/management and
finance (Diploma in project cycle management, financial management,
logistics management, and/or human resources management would also
be acceptable with significant experience)
– Significant (minimum 5 years’) experience in operational management,
business support functions including financial management, HR
management and logistics/procurement (experience in M&E an asset)

Experience and expertise of the consultant
– Significant (minimum 5 years’) experience in operational management,
business support functions including financial management, HR
management and logistics/procurement (experience in M&E an asset)
– Experience conducting capacity/needs assessments and in developing
organizational capacity of CSOs


Financial Proposal Max 40
Reasonable and realistic budget, with appropriate cost breakdown 10
Value for money 30
Total 100

Organizational Capacity Development & Systems Strengthening for Local Partners

Expression of interest

1) I am able to provide organizational capacity development and systems strengthening in:

Please check all that apply:
☐ Financial management policies, procedures and internal controls
☐ Human resource management and development
☐ Logistics, procurement and supply chain management
☐ Project cycle management
☐ Monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning

2) In 1-2 pages, please state your interest and outline your suitability for the role

3) In 2 pages, please outline your proposed approach and methodology

4) Attach a CV (organizational profile and CVs for consultants who will be responsible in case of a
consultancy firm)

5) Includes three contactable references for whom you carried out such assignment in last 2 years.

Note: Liberian national only !

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