Organizational Development Consultant

  • Location:
  • Salary:
  • Job type:
  • Posted:
    2 years ago
  • Category:
    Organization Development
  • Deadline:
    July 31, 2023

Who we are:

medica Liberia (mL)

medica Liberia (mL) formerly medica mondiale Liberia is a non-governmental women’s rights organization working in Liberia. Our Organization offers support to women and girls affected by sexual gender based violence (SGBV) and is involved with programming on women’s agency and leadership. Since 2006, medica Liberia has been implementing programs for women and girls in Liberia’s South-eastern parts and recently extended its coverage to Montserrado and Margibi Counties respectively, through funding from the German Government and other donors.

Aiding Disadvantaged and Traumatised Women and Girls (ADWANGA)

ADWANGA is a non-profit CSO, established in 2005, focusing on S/GBV interventions in rural and remote areas. The vision of the organisation is the equal social and political participation of women and girls and the preservation of their dignity, rights and protection


Rising Youth Mentorship Initiative (RYMI)

Rising Youth Mentorship Initiative (RYMI) is a non-profit community-based initiative established in 2013 to mentor young girls and women with the aim of grooming emerging leaders. Primarily, RYMI work to increase adolescent’s access to Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) information and resources. Secondarily, RYMI work to improve access to educational opportunities and the acquisition of livelihood and life skills.

mL, ADWANGA and RYMI are the Liberia partner organizations for the project titled, ‘ Concerted action for zero tolerance against S/GBV in the Mano River Region’ funded by Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) with support from medica mondiale. The project is implemented in Sierra Leone and Liberia by 6 non-governmental organizations.

In this regards, mL, ADWANGA and RYMI are looking to hire a qualified individual for the below position:


  1. Position Title: Short Term Consultant


Duty Station: Monrovia

Position Status/Duration: Short-term Consultancy – 1 month

Reports to: medica Liberia’s Program Coordinator

  1. Background

The overall objective of the project is to ensure that women and girls affected by S/GBV have their rights, needs, and perspectives incorporated into societal, institutional, and political efforts towards the prevention and response to SGBV at national and regional levels. This will lead to reduced tolerance for S/GBV and improved survivor-centered stress and trauma-sensitive support.

To achieve this objective, one of the key project outcomes is the empowerment of a values-based network of feminist civil society actors who will pursue common goals and strategies beyond the program period. This will be achieved by strengthening feminist action through organizational development, learning, networking, and advocacy at the national and regional levels. However, the project recognizes that local women’s rights organizations often have limited administrative and technical capacities for planning, implementation, monitoring, and documentation.

To address this challenge, the project provides for a context- and partner-specific organizational development (OD) for the local partner organizations. The three partner organizations involved in the project have carried out different activities to assess their organizational development needs, including staff and management retreats, systems and financial audits, financing strategy recommendations, and final project evaluation recommendations.

  1. Scope:

The scope of this consultancy is to review the existing findings on OD needs and develop a Separate OD plan for the three organizations. The consultant will conduct a desk review of the existing OD needs identified by the three organizations, apply relevant organizational development methodologies, and develop organizational development plans. Where applicable, this will involve reforming the organizational structure and policies to build a new structure that will deliver on the organizations’ mandate.

The main role of the consultant will be to coordinate the process and produce a chapter for all Partner’s Organization (POs) assessment in one report that explain the process of the assessment and separate OD plans that will be annexed to the report. . The consultant will work closely with the three partner organizations to ensure that the OD plan is tailored to their specific needs and capacities. The OD plan will focus on building the technical and administrative capacities of the partner organizations to enable them to carry out their mandate effectively.

Overall, the project aims to strengthen the capacities of local women’s rights organizations to advocate for women and girls’ issues in the region and create a feminist alliance within the region. The OD plan developed through this consultancy will be a critical step towards achieving this objective.

  1. Key Responsibilities:
  • Review staff and management retreat reports, systems and financial audit reports, financing strategy recommendations, final past project evaluation recommendations, and project reports, where applicable per organization.
  • Conduct a gap analysis of the existing organizational manuals and policies. Based on the gap analysis, recommend a list of policies that each organization should adopt or update to align with best practices and meet the needs of the project.
  • Host working sessions with the three organizations to jointly develop an OD work plan.
  • Ensure OD plans are SMART, and include guidance note on for easy and effective implementation of each activity.
  • Ensure that the OD plan is tailored to the specific needs and capacities of each partner organization, while also propose possibilities for synergies among Liberian partners for shared activities.
  • Ensure that the OD plans include a monitoring and evaluation section for the implementation of the OD plan to ensure that it achieves its intended outcomes.
  • Produce a chapter for all Partner’s Organization (POs) assessment in one report that explain the process of the assessment and separate OD plans that will be annexed to the report.
  1. Deliverables and Timeline


1Inception reportWithin 5 days after signing the contract
2Desk ReviewWithin 10 days after signing the contract
3Working session with POsWithin 15 days after signing of the contract
4Submission of first draft reportWithin 20 days after signing of the contract
5Feedback from Partner OrganizationsWithin 5 days after receipt of feedback
6Submission of final OD planWithin 25 days after signing the contract


Proposed Format for the OD Plan

The consultant should produce a report with clear recommendations, and work with the team to develop a guiding action plan in order to implement these recommendations.

  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction
  • Organizational Assessment/Key Findings
  • Implementation Plan
  • Monitoring and Evaluation plan
  • Conclusion
  • Next steps and timeline for implementation.

Profile and experience working with political parties required

  • Experience in facilitating organizational development processes
  • Proven experience in development of organizational development plans
  • Demonstrate previous work/success in developing organizational development plans or similar knowledge product
  • Knowledge and experience of applying feminist lens to development of policies and frameworks programming
  • Demonstrate understanding of the women rights and gender equality landscape of Liberia
  1. Desired Skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Adaptability
  • Self-motivation
  • Organizational skills
  • Close attention to detail and the ability to plan ahead
  • Ability to work under pressure
  • Administrative and clerical skills
  • Interpersonal skills, including excellent written and verbal communication
  1. Start Date: IMMEDIATE:

Closing date of this posting: July 31, 2023

How to Apply: email your application (CV, cover letter and references not

Exceeding 2MB) as well as your remuneration expectations to: and copy, and . Please mark your application with the reference: Organizational Development Consultant in the subject of your email or on the envelope /top of your application. For applicants based in Greenville, you may submit hard copies to medica Liberia office in the county.

Female applicants are encouraged to apply.


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