• Location:
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  • Posted:
    3 years ago
  • Category:
    Mass Communications & Media
  • Deadline:
    April 13, 2022


CRS began working in Liberia in 1957, with a permanent country program office opening in 1990 to provide life-saving relief in response to emergencies and to address issues of chronic poverty and injustice through innovative and sustainable development programs. CRS Liberia has since developed programs in peacebuilding, youth livelihoods, health systems strengthening, and urban water, sanitation, and hygiene. Key partners include the Catholic Church and local faith-based organizations.

CRS Liberia is seeking an independent actor to produce studio version of four covid-19 Vaccine safety and awareness messages for airing on radios in Bong, Lofa and Montserrado.



The Catholic Relief Services with support from the Center for Disaster Philanthropy is implementing a project titled ‘Covid-19 Vaccine Rollout Support to Nigeria and Liberia’. The project is a one-year project beginning from October 1, 2022, to September 30, 2022.

The Project will be implemented in three counties which include Montserrado, Bong and Lofa. The goal of the project is to increase uptake of COVID-19 vaccines in Liberia and Nigeria to help bring an end to the COVID-19 pandemic and related negative social and economic impacts.

During the week of February 7-10&12, 2022, CRS in collaboration with the National Health Promotion Division of the Ministry of Health and NCHC conducted a one-week message development workshop. Pursuant to the development of these messages, CRS is expected to produce the studio version of four skits that were developed during the workshop.



  • Produce studio version of four covid-19 Vaccine safety and awareness messages for airing on radios in Bong, Lofa and Montserrado.


April 19, 2022April- 20, 2022April 22,2022
During the period mentioned above, the individual is required to produce the draft studio version of four skits for covid-19 vaccine safety and awareness jingles.Submission of draft for revision and editing to the Project Officer and Program Manager before final production is made.Production of the final version of four skits for covid-19 vaccine safety and awareness jingles.

Work to be accomplished:

  • Production of four skits of covid-19 vaccine safety and awareness messages


Place of Production: Monrovia

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