Proposed Scope of Work for the printing of the QR code enabled coupons for the LIBERIA Insecticidal Treated Net Distribution Mass Campaigns for 2023/24

  • Location:
  • Salary:
  • Job type:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Posted:
    1 year ago
  • Category:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Deadline:
    December 8, 2023


For purposes of this exercise please utilize the model on page 3 and the specifications detailed on page 4 to provide a sample. Should you be selected for a full quotation, a final model based on Liberian Ministry of Health specifications will be provided to you.

Innovation and scaling unit – GKIM (October 2023, version 3.0).

Table of Contents

Introduction, Background and Context 1

Technical Specifications. 1

Scope of work/timelines. 4

1. Introduction, Background and Context

For the implementation of the Insecticide-Treated Bed Net (ITN) campaign, in Liberia National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) has decided to digitalize the campaign using the Digit’s platform developed by the e-Governments foundation. CRS is a digitalization partner to the NMCP has the responsibility to secure and plan the adequate use of the DIGIT’s platform for the campaign to ensure digital data collection, reporting, transparency, and accountability for the distribution of the ITNs. As part of the digitalization framework, CRS and the NMCP intends to use a secured Quick Response (QR) code enabled coupon/net card as mechanism for accountability in the following fashion.

Ref #1:

  1. For the registration of every household and its member, the coupon identified by its security features (which is listed in 2. Technical specifications below) and QR code would be scanned and it’s unique number would be associated a reference for each registered household by the DIGIT’s android mobile application.
  2. Upon any complete household registration, each household is designated a specific number of nets which is based on an algorithm (which is listed in 2.4 below) through the DIGIT’s platform and linked to the unique ID serial number scanned from the QR code on the coupon.
  3. Unique serial ID number scanned from the QR code, would be linked and stored with unique ID of households and its members + unique ID of device user performing the household, registration + number of nets designated to each household as defined by the algorithm + unique ID of user performing the distribution of the ITNs. This stored data would be available for recall and use for any further transaction within the Digits platform or generation of reports.
  4. Upon scanning the unique serial ID number from the QR code of the coupon physically identified through it security features, the DIGIT’s mobile app will recall the household information and present the number of ITNs to be issued to each household previous registered and assigned a coupon during the registration phase.
  5. In an event of damaged QR code on coupons the serial numbers on the coupons can be entered instead of scanning the QR code to perform action 1-4 above.
  6. Number of nets assigned/issued and list of designated households with ID’s are easily generated from the DIGIT’s platform in an excel format report.

The purpose of this document is for the following.

  1. Provide high level guidance, specifications, and requirements to produce the QR code enabled coupons.
  2. Provide broad use case and components of the coupons including design patterns and dimensions.
  3. Provide delivery timelines and other operational engagement.
  4. This list is not an exhaustive list and any other technical requirements and functionality required for the use of the coupons would, be discussed and possibly updated upon engagement with necessary stakeholders.

2. Technical Specifications

The coupons would be paper based and is recommended to have the following features and specifications to ease its use as a mechanism for accountability to eliminate the possibility of mismanagement, fraud and duplication. The characteristics of these coupons include.

  1. The coupons are paper-based and should be printed on 80gram paper with relevant information in the form of a mini booklet with example of dimensions shown in image 1 Each slip of the should booklet contain 2 coupon of 100mm by 75 mm with a stump area of 45mm by 75mm.

Image 1: Sample description of coupon dimension.


  1. The booklets are a set of serialized array of coupons printed and packed in pallets, boxes/cartons, shrink packs, booklets (containing slip of individual coupons of 2 coupons per slip) in a unique manner as stated in the table below. Coupons would be produced in two categories.
  2. The ITN Distribution coupons: These are the coupons to be used on the production instance of for the Digit’s platform for the campaign. They would be backed this way:

Pallet>box/cartoon>Shrink pack>booklets>slip

Each Pallet Contains:36Boxes or more
Each Box Contains:20Shrink Packs or more
Each Shrink Contains:6Booklets
Each Booklet Contains:50Slips (100 coupons per booklet)
Each slip2Coupons
  1. The Training coupons: These are the coupons to be used on the Demo instance of the Digit’s platform for the campaign. They would be backed this way:

Pallet>box/cartoon>Shrink pack>booklets>slip

Each Pallet Contains:36Boxes or more
Each Box Contains:20Shrink Packs or more
Each Shrink Contains:10Booklets
Each Booklet Contains:10Slips (20 coupons per booklet)
Each Slip contains2coupons


  1. The shrink packs containing the booklets of the coupons would be vacuumed packed.
  2. The vacuum-packed shrink packs would be loaded unto small cartons or boxes for easy of movement and transportation before been loaded unto the large shipping pallet boxes.
  3. Each coupon would contain any of the following security features
  4. Guilloche pattern print
  5. Hologram
  6. Micro text
  7. Invisible printing
  8. A serialized unique quick response (QR code) with unique number for each individual coupon, with an encrypted check code to ensure that each Coupon is tracked separately. Please see example in image 2 below.


Image 2: sample serialized array and packing of coupons with encrypted check code


  1. The serialized unique quick response (QR code) with unique number and any of the security features sufficient to enable the identification of cloned coupons to avoid photocopying or any form of duplication of the coupons would be most recommended. The hologram can be fully customized and branded, ensuring the net cards cannot be copied.
  2. Each coupon containing the net card will also contain the corresponding unique number printed alongside as QR Code would be scanned using the Digit’s app on an android-phones to enable the tracking and use of the net cards and in an event of damaged QR Codes, the manual codes printed on each individual net card, can be manually entered in-place of scanning the QR code.
  3. The Digit’s application will only receive one entry for each transaction using the coupon. Either via scanning the QR code or manually entering the unique check sum code.
  4. The net cards would be fully customized and branded with logo/s and information provided by the Liberia Ministry of Health
  5. For training purposes there will be separate net cards, clearly marked as ‘Training Net Card and colored with a different background color making it easy to identify.
  6. Once printing is completed, the net cards will be shipped to Liberia and handed over to the NMCP and PLAN.

Scope of work/timelines

  1. Develop and share samples of the customized coupons/net cards with QR code. For purposes of this exercise please utilize the model above to provide a sample. Should you be selected for a full quotation, a final model based on Liberian Ministry of Health specifications will be provided to you.
  2. Coordinate, with e-Governments foundation to test the compatibility of the QR code on the coupons with the Digit’s Android application before production.
  3. Print, ship and deliver to Monrovia, Liberia the following quantities of coupons.


S/NoDescriptionQuantityFrequency Delivery Deadline/Location
1Liberia ITN Distribution coupons for Pilot campaign40,0001December 27th 2023/Monrovia, Liberia.
2Liberia Training coupons for Pilot10,0001December 27th 2023/Monrovia, Liberia.
3Liberia ITN Distribution coupons for scaleup campaign1,225,5151January 27th 2024/Monrovia, Liberia.
4Liberia Training coupons for scaleup campaign104,3801January 27th 2024/Monrovia, Liberia.


  1. Provide all serial ID’s, checksum code and shipping documentation to CRS prior shipment of coupons.


Date of this EOI: November 27, 2023 Closing Date for Receipt of EOI: December 8, 2023
EOI Number: FY2408
Commodity/Service category: Printing
Address EOI response to CRS Liberia office:

Catholic Relief Services

Liberia Program

16th Street Gardiner Avenue

Seaside, C-140 Building,

Sinkor Monrovia, Liberia

Subject: EOI Number: FY2408



CRS Liberia Country Program hereby seeks interested suppliers for printing of vouchers for its program activities. Interested vendors will be invited to the tender by an “Invitation to Bid” (ITB) at a later stage. This tender envisages selection of suppliers who can provide a sample of the voucher as per this REOI. Please note that CRS is precluded from entering contract with a business without a valid business registration and tax clearance certificate.

Those interested should submit their “expression of interest” by the deadline of December 8, 2023, before 2:00pm.

Additional Information on this advert or request for clarification can be sent to


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