Request for Application for Market Development Facility – Cohort One

  • Location:
  • Salary:
  • Job type:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Posted:
    1 year ago
  • Category:
    Marketing & Management
  • Deadline:
    December 8, 2023

Request for Application for the PROSPECTS-IV MDF – Cohort One

PROSPECTS IV is a 45-month, Sida-funded programme that applies an MSD approach to facilitate systemic change. PROSPECTS-IV utilizes a Market Systems Development for Employment (MSD4E) approach to increase incomes, job quality, and job security for urban female and male youth.

PROSPECTS-IV is looking to support young and driven entrepreneurs (or youth employing start-ups) with innovative and feasible ideas through its Technical Assistance Market Development Facility Fund. The programme aims to provide a facility for high-potential youth employing start-ups with innovation in sectors that present high potential for young people or are aligned with the macroeconomic and investment trends and their supporting functions; to accelerate the growth cycle of successful businesses. This model is aimed at “compressing years’ worth of learning-by-doing” into just a few months and eliminating the normal hassle of accessing business financing.

To be considered for the facility, you must meet the below requirements:

  • Liberian-owned and registered business.
  • Must have been operating for at least one year prior to the date of this RFP
  • Official Tax Clearance Certificates (All applicants will be required to submit Tax Clearance before the signing of the Fixed Grant Contract)
  • Three (3) client reference letters
  • Provide a financial statement stating clearly the current financial standings of the business with no active/pending litigations.
  • Able to complete project activities within nine (9) months from the proposed start date.


Operating in at least one of the following sectors and supporting functions or intervention areas identified in this RFP below:

  • Agro-processing – is defined as the addition of value to raw or semi-processed agricultural produce/material cultivated in Liberia (crops, fisheries, apiculture, livestock, heliciculture, excluding poultry) through product transformation; post-harvest cleaning, grading, sorting and packaging, storage and distribution.
  • Agro-inputs – the importation, distribution, wholesaling, and retailing of inputs for agriculture cultivation (seeds, fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, small tools, equipment, etc.
  • Maize production is commercial scale production (2 hectares+), processing, and sale of maize.
  • Animal feed – the production, importation, distribution, and sale of animal whole-feed or feed inputs.


Applications must be submitted in accordance with the following:

  1. Mercy Corps will not pay for any application preparation costs.
  2. Applications must be submitted in English.
  3. All proposals submitted in response to this RFA are due no later than 4:30 PM, Friday December 8, 2023. Late proposals will not be accepted or considered.
  4. Attachments will be accepted in the following format: Portable document format (PDF) and application must be submitted online ONLY using the link Market Development Facility Application Form Cohort-1 ( or


The following documents must be submitted as attachments with all applications:

In completing the attached budget template, please be mindful of the following:

Allowable Costs

Costs directly associated with the proposed innovation implementation and incurred and paid between the innovation’s start and end dates, including but not limited to:

  • Administration and support costs directly attributable to the proposed innovation.
  • Construction directly related to the proposed innovation.
  • Equipment directly related to the innovation implementation

Non-allowable Costs

  • Debt repayment (debt obtained prior to grant disbursement).
  • Administration and support costs that are not directly related to the proposed innovation implementation.
  • Design/proposal development costs.

MDF Application Process

Marketing Event: Proposal Development Support Schedule

Monrovia, MontserradoGanta, NimbaGbarnga, BongBuchanan, Grand Bassa
Date:November 22, 2023


Date:November 24, 2023


Date:November 29, 2023


Date:December 1, 2023


NOTE: Attend requests will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis upon receipt of a reservation to [ or via WhatsApp +231778012519 latest two days before the workshop date.

Apply Here: Market Development Facility Application Form Cohort-1 ( or

The deadline for the submission of applications is 4:30 PM, Friday, December 8, 2023

Click the apply button below to download the pdf version of this advert .

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