REF: Request for Expression of Interest for Policies Review and Drafting for FORUM FOR AFRICAN WOMEN EDUCATIONLISTS (FAWE) Liberia Chapter
The Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) Liberia Chapter was founded under the Laws of the Republic of Liberia through an Article of Incorporation on December 15, 1998, with the vision of ensuring that all girls can go to school and harmful socio-cultural practices are limited for them to achieve their full potentials in society.
FAWE Liberia is one of the thirty-four (34) National Chapters of FAWE Africa with its mandate to work in Liberia and close the gender gap in education and contribute towards the achievement of the Education for All (EFA) goals. FAWE Liberia is a registered organization in Liberia, working to promote the education of women and the girl child.
The Forum of African Women Educationalist (FAWE) is partnering with the MasterCard Foundation and presently implementing the “Second Chance Pathways for Increased Access To Tertiary Education For Marginalized Young Women And Men” Project.
FAWE is seeking a qualified, reputable, and experienced external Consultancy firm/Consultant to Review and Draft the following policies: 1. Human Resource Manual 2. Financial Policy/Manual 3. Procurement Policy/Manual and 4. National Strategic Plan (2024 to 2028).
All interested Consultancy Firms/institutions are to submit their interest to or deliver a hard copy to the office of FAWE Liberia, located at 24 Street Sinkor, Airfield Shortcut/Gbankay Town Junction.
For further information, please contact the following numbers: