Request for Proposal for the Conduct of the Liberia Media Economy Research Commissioned by Internews

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  • Job type:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Posted:
    1 year ago
  • Category:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Deadline:
    March 7, 2024

Consulting firms/Consultants to Conduct the Liberia Media Economy Research

Profile Internews is an international non-profit organization dedicated to giving people the news and information they need, the ability to connect, and the means to make their voices heard. Since its formation in 1982, Internews has worked in more than 100 countries worldwide.

In Liberia, Internews is currently implementing three projects: the Liberia Media Activity funded by USAID, Radio Content Syndication Project funded by SIDA and the Liberia Media Empowerment Project, funded by the European Union – all aimed at enhancing the human and institutional capacity of the media sector while advocating for and maintaining current media freedoms to reliably carry out responsible journalism, drive reforms, and increase revenue.

Request for Proposal
Internews in Liberia invites qualified Liberian consulting firms to submit full proposals for the conduct of the Liberia Media Economy Research. Below is a detailed Scope of Work for the proposed assignment.

Media financial independence and sustainability are at the core of the above-cited three projects that Internews is implementing in Liberia. These projects, implemented in collaboration with Liberian partners, have several support activities, including business development for media partners – with the goal that by the end of the donor-funded projects, Liberia media partners would have a clear plan towards financial viability and sustainability.

To support ongoing business development activities, Internews is commissioning media economy research intending to uncover local media outlets’ market potential from advertising, diversification, and consumer revenues.

Liberia’s media economy has always been unfavorable, which was further exacerbated by the COVID-19 outbreak, where some outlets were forced to shut down, reduce the frequency of publication, especially for print media, or migrate to online publication.

Media managers complain about the slow pace of business recovery. The sector still faces a massive decline in the intake of advertisements from business entities.

This research will provide a new perspective on how to deal with media business and sustainability, through understanding and assessing local audiences and markets.

The research is designed by Internews for the Liberian media. Rollout will be triangulated between the MA project, Internews regional Media Business Unit (MBU), ALICOR, and a local research consulting firm to ensure adequate participation and coordination for better results.

The research will be implemented utilizing a mixed method survey, combining both qualitative and quantitative techniques; providing an opportunity to gain a more comprehensive and holistic understanding of Liberia’s media economy focusing on increased income. Data from the two approaches will complement each other and be triangulated for nuanced analysis.

Specially designed questionnaires will be used to capture quantitative data from media, advertisers, and consumers. Interview guides will be used to collect qualitative data from key informants through multiple key informant interviews (KII). A key component of the analysis stage will be the triangulation of responses generated from qualitative data with those responses produced by the quantitative analysis.

Sampling Method
The research will use the purposive sampling technique since respondents are already known and pre-identified by Internews.

Here is the breakdown of respondents:

Media – radios, newspapers, and online outlets

Medium and large advertisers/clients (current and potential), public and private sectors, and smallholder business owners

Consumer audience – ordinary media content consumers

Sample Size(s) – The sample size of this research is 130 respondents, broken down as follows:

Media – 50 media outlets: 24 radio stations – 2 in each county, 10 in Montserrado; 16 newspapers, 4 analog television stations; and 6 exclusive online platforms

Advertisers – 30 targeted medium and large advertisers/clients – to include select government agencies (3), concession companies (3), commercial banks (3), GSM companies (3), INGOs (3), CBOs (3), religious institutions (3), political parties (3), and randomly selected petty traders (6)

Consumer Audience – 50 ordinary media content consumers (20)

The research will be conducted in all fifteen counties of Liberia – targeting two radio stations in 14 of the counties and 10 in Montserrado alone. This is because of the size, population, and number of radio stations in this county. Other respondents such as newspapers and television stations will be interviewed.

IMPORTANT: This research will be conducted in two manners:
Direct ‘in-person field’ research in five nearby counties of Montserrado, Margibi, Bong, Nimba, Bomi, Grand Cape Mount; and
Virtually in eight counties, including Lofa, Gbarpolu, Grand Bassa, River Cess, Grand Kru, Grand Gedeh, Maryland and Sinoe.

Key Deliverables
1. Inception report of startup activities, to include revised questionnaires, and all research tools, consent forms, etc,
2. Media economy research conducted; report drafted.
3. Media economy research outcomes validated by multi-stakeholders.
4. Report revised and released at a public event – media market day.

Budget for Assignment
The budget for this assignment is estimated between US$13,500 – $15,000. Applicants are expected to submit their proposal along with a budget in the range of available funds.

Important Timelines
The entire duration of the research is 45 days maximum, beginning March 15, 2024.
1. Service contract signed by March 10-15, 2024.
2. Inception report submitted of startup activities, to include revised questionnaires, and all research tools – March 25, 2024.
3. Media economy research conducted by March 25, 2024
4. Draft research report submitted April 15, 2024
5. Initial feedback incorporated into draft research report – April 20, 2024
6. Draft research report validated by multi-stakeholders – April 30, 2024
7. FINAL Report with feedback incorporated submitted – May 7, 2024
8. Final Report released at a public event – TBD

Demonstrated experience in the conduct of economy research
Demonstrated understanding of local Liberian media and economy contexts
Legally registered to operate in Liberia. Applicant must submit copies of legal registration documents
Tax compliance. Applicant must submit a copy of valid tax clearance
Applications must include a brief bios of all team members
Flexibility and adaptability to work in remote and challenging environments with limited resources.
Understanding of development issues and sensitivity to local contexts and cultural nuances.

Application Process
Interested applicants are invited to submit their proposals, including a detailed work plan, portfolio of previous work, proposed budget, and contact information with subject title “Consultancy for Conduct of Liberia Media Economy Research to / Deadline for submission of application is March 7, 2024.

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