• Location:
  • Salary:
  • Job type:
    Full Time
  • Posted:
    4 months ago
  • Category:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Deadline:
    December 30, 2024





Who we are!

Population Services International (PSI) is the world’s leading non-profit social marketing organization. We are a diverse group of over 4,500 entrepreneurial development professionals located in over 35 countries committed to making it easier for all people to lead healthier lives and plan the families they desire. PSI is using its global presence and 50+ years of experience to help reimagine healthcare. We are working to shape market systems, shift policy and funding, and strengthen global capacity to better support consumer-empowered healthcare.

PSI is seeking a company/service provider to service and repair motorcycles/bikes as well as our generators in PSI operational counties.


We are looking for!

PSI is seeking a company/service provider that provides the maintenance, servicing, and repair of its motorcycles/bikes and generators. Our project is a market-based sanitation approach funded by USAID/Liberia. The sanitation Market Assessment is part of a vision of scaling up and organizational and operational empowerment of micro-entrepreneurs. One aspect of this activity is for Sales agents/Artisans’/ business Development officers in each of the districts of the five counties PSI operates to lead the sales approach across five counties of Liberia – Montserrado, Bong, Lofa, Nimba, and Grand Bassa through the Liberia County Wide Sanitation Activity (CWSA)


2.0 Information

This Part I, Bidding Instructions and Procedures, will not form part of any resulting award or contract. It is intended solely for the information of prospective Bidders. The Bidder should follow the instructions outlined in the submission of their proposal to PSI.


3.0 Bidding Costs

The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the proposal, including but not limited to the possible cost of discussing the proposal with PSI, making a presentation, negotiating a contract, and any related travel. Bidders are under no obligation to prepare or submit bids in response to this RFP and do so solely at their own will and expense. PSI does not undertake to reimburse any costs incurred, thereof.

PSI will not be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the selection process.


4.0 Review of RFP

Bidders are solely responsible for the careful examination of all the terms and conditions of this RFP and to comply fully with everything therewith. Failure to do so will be at the Bidder’s risk and expense. Proposals must offer the total requirement. Proposals offering only part of the requirement may be rejected.

The bidder is expected to follow the proposal structure described in paragraph 7.0 below, comply with all instructions, terms, and specifications contained therein, and submit all forms required according to, this RFP. Failure to follow the aforesaid proposal structure, to comply with the aforesaid instructions, terms, and specifications, and/or to submit the aforesaid forms will be at the bidder’s risk and may affect the evaluation of the proposal.


5.0 Language

The proposal prepared by the bidder, and all correspondence and documents relating to the proposal exchanged by the bidder and PSI shall be written in the English language.


6.0 Clarifications

Inquiries concerning this RFP must be submitted in writing, to be received by no later than December 22November 2024 and the bidder shall complete and return by email as stated below to PSI:


  1. The RFP [Abstract] conflict of interest form, attached hereto as Annex 3, signed.

PSI is under no obligation to consider or respond to questions that are not received by that date.

7.0 Bid Preparation

Bidders should submit their responses to this RFP to include:

  1. Technical Proposal
  2. Financial Proposal

A Technical Proposal

Your proposal must offer the total requirement. Proposals offering only part of the requirement may be rejected. It should provide basic information about you and your relevant service offerings. It should have a section addressing each of the following areas:

  1. Your company profile/Key staff qualifications/experience
  2. Approach
  3. Responsiveness to the Scope of Work.
  4. References (at least 4 verifiable references)

Responses should include the following information:

  • Profile
  • Describe Bidder’s experience and areas of expertise on an overall basis, both servicing and maintenance of motor bikes and generators
  • Summarize Bidder’s qualifications and key staff experience regarding the service described in the scope of work.
  • Provide a detailed track record of previous similar work undertaken
  • Provide details of work undertaken in your county /district


  • Approach
  • Describe the Bidder’s ability to provide servicing and maintenance of motor bikes and generators at all times of request.
  • Ensure to submit separate pricing for regular servicing (change of oil, filters and general checks) and detailed servicing (that requires additional changing of major parts like engine components, shocks etc).
  • Responsiveness:
  • Describe any current or past relationships Bidder may have with PSI staff, and if there is a potential conflict of interest. If there is a potential conflict of interest, then please explain how this risk will be mitigated.
  • Describe how you effectively communicate with your clients during services to avoid any unnecessary charges.
  • References:
  1. Submit four (4) client references
  2. Submit four (4) non-profit client references.
  3. Provide any other information to demonstrate Bidder’s capability about the Scope of Work

B Financial Proposal

Bidders pricing should be based on the following:

[1]: For Services performed during the term, will be paid based on the rates outlined in Annex 2 adhering to the scope of work as outlined in section 10.

[2]: For Services performed during the Term, will be paid after delivery of goods and invoice submitted to operations and procurement for review and processing.

[3]: Payment terms (preferred PSI terms is 30 days upon submission of invoice).

As part of the RFP process, PSI may be providing confidential information to bidders. Consequently, bidders must complete the attached below conflict of interest to participate in this process. A signed Conflict of interest agreement must be submitted with the proposal.

8.0 Bid Submission

All proposals must be in writing, in the English language, and manually signed and dated by an authorized employee of the Bidder. The hard copies one in original form and two copies in a sealed envelope must be physically delivered to PSI offices at the reception desk located in the following addresses:.


LocationPopulation Services International (PSI) Liberia

Countywide Sanitation Activity

Rural Montserrado Bentol office

Population Services International (PSI) Liberia

Countywide Sanitation Activity

Voinjama Lofa County office

Population Services International (PSI) Liberia

Countywide Sanitation Activity

Grand Bassa Buchanan County office

Population Services International (PSI) Liberia

Countywide Sanitation Activity

Gbarnga Bong County office

Population Services International (PSI) Liberia

Countywide Sanitation Activity

Sanniquillie Nimba County office

Population Services International (PSI) Liberia

Countywide Sanitation Activity

Opposite Fish Market, Tubman Boulevard

Sinkor Monrovia, Liberia.

The deadline for submission of the application is December 30, 2024 @ 4:00 pm.

Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Proposals may not be altered, corrected, or withdrawn after the Date of Receipt, except that PSI, at its sole discretion, may permit the correction of arithmetic errors, transposition errors, or other clerical or minor mistakes, in cases in which PSI deems that both the mistake and the intended proposal can be established conclusively on the face of the proposal. Other than the mistakes listed in the previous sentence, no mistakes alleged by a Bidder after the Date of Receipt will be permitted to be corrected.

The financial proposal rates must be valid for at least 12 months upon selection as a successful service provider.

9.0 Bid Evaluation

In evaluating the proposals, PSI will seek the best value for money rather than the lowest-priced proposal. PSI will use a two-stage selection procedure:

  • The first stage will evaluate the Technical Proposal will have a ranking score of 70% which includes the compliance with government requirements and other aspects such as:

Valid business certificate (10pts)

Expired/ no certificate (0)

Valid tax compliance certificate (5 pts)

Expired/No certificate (0pts)

Availability and willingness to deliver Immediately).

Immediate to one week delivery time (20pts)

Two to three weeks delivery time (10 pts)

Three to four weeks delivery time (5 pts)

Over four weeks delivery time (0)

Compliance to full details Specification or TOR /scope of work

Full specifications in line with the TOR for all items (15pts)

Specifications in line with TOR but not for all Items. (10pts)

Itemized specification without details as per the TOR (5 pts)

No Specification / scope of work (0 pts)

Similar work experience

– Four or more /POs/References or agency worked for (20 pts)

– Three /POs/References or agency worked (15pts)

– Two /POs/References or agency worked (10 pts)

– One /POs/References or agency worked (5)

– No /POs/References or agency worked (0 pts)

  • The second stage will evaluate the Cost Proposal which has a ranking score of 30% of the proposals the selection committee will evaluate each proposal upon the following criteria:
  1. The skill, experience, and duration it takes to clear a container and whether the agent can negotiate for additional storage days if needed without incurring demurrages.
  2. The prior experience and reputation of the Bidder in working with international NGOs like PSI.

If at any time before award, PSI deems there to be a need for a significant modification to the terms and conditions of this RFP, PSI will issue such a modification as a written RFP amendment to all competing bidders. No oral statement of any person shall in any manner be deemed to modify or otherwise affect any RFP term or condition, and no bidder shall rely on any such statement.

PSI is not bound to accept the lowest or any proposal and reserves the right to accept any proposal in whole or in part and to reject any or the entire proposal.

PSI shall not be legally bound by any award notice issued for this RFP until a contract is duly signed and executed with the winning Bidder.

  • PSI is seeking a company/service provider to maintain and repair motorcycles/bikes and generators in the PSI operational county
  • Repair or service parts both mechanical and electrical components and lubricant which are required for completion of a motorbike repair and generators that may be installed to, uninstalled from, added to, filled with, or provided with or separately from the Motorbike and generator.
  • The company/service provider should own a garage recognized by the local authority in the county with valid tax clearance and business registration. In addition, the service provider must only submit a bid for the county in which they reside.
  • The company/service provider should have a certain level of stock of spare parts that will enable him/her to carry out the servicing and repair required.

List bikes by county

Type of BikesVoijanma GbarngaBuchananSanniquuilieRural Montserrado, Bentol
Honda 150 series55464
Yamaha AG 10013222
5.5 kva Generator11111


Annex 2

ItemDescription of services/ goods

Honda 150 series

QtyUnit priceDescription of services/goods

Yamaha AG-100

QtyUnit price
1Accelerator Cable1Air Filters1
2Battery 12V1Back Hub -Back1
3Complete Oil Seal Set1Bearing – Crank Shift1
4Carburators Honda 1501Bearing-connecting Rod1
5CDI Unit1Back Sprocket1
6Clutch Cable1Back Shock Abssorber1
7Crank Shaft1Bland Plug1
8Clutch Disc set1Battery 6 vlt1
9Clutch Disc set1Complete Boss Clutch1
10Clutch Handle1Bushing1
11Crank Shaft1Carburetors1
12Connecting Rod Arm Bearing1Clutch Cable1
13Colla1Clutch Cover-Yamaha AG 1001
14Drive Axle1Clutch Disc Set1
15Drive Chain-Honda 1501Clutch handle1
16Flisher Relay 12V1Connecting Rod AG – 1001
17Front Brake Handle1Connecting Rod Washer AG – 1001
18Front Brake pad1Con. Rod Bearing Pin Crank 58211681-001
19Hub, Front1Crank Shaft1
20Front Sprocket1Crank Shaft Bearing1
21Front Sprocket Locker1Crank Shaft Complete1
22Front Fork Assy.1Crank Shaft1
23Hub Bushing Rear1Cranker AG – 1001
24Gear Rod Oil Seal1Cylinder-Sleeve1
25Gear Shifter/Level1Chain Cover set1
26Head Cylinder1Cylinder Head Gasket1
27Complete Pressure Plate – Set1CDI Unit 6V1
28Head Light Bulb 12 Volt1Dip Stick1
29Horn 12 volts set1Dashboard1
30Holder Level1Drive Chain1
31Ignition Coil1Engine Gear No.31
32Key Switch-Honda 1501Exhaust Rubber1
33Master Cylinder Assy1Exhaust Complete1
34Mileage Cables1Front Brake handle1
35Oil Seal(pk)1Foot Brake Adjester Rod1
36Gear level Oil Seal1Foot Brake Adjester Hanger1
37Piston with Rings STD1Front Brake cover1
38Pressure Plate Honda 1501Front Brake Cable1
39Rear Brake Shoeset1Front Hub Adjustor1
40Rear Brake Shoe1Front Brake shoe1
41Rear Sprocket1Front Sporcket Spacer1
42Spoke Set- Rear1Front Shock absorber1
43Signal Light Bulb 12 vlt1Front Wheel Hub1
44Signal Light -Unit1Front Sprocket Nut1
45Sleeves Standard (STD)1Flasher Realay 6V1
46Sleeves Standard (STD)1Flying Wheel1
47Spark Plug1Fuel Pump Gasline1
48Sleeves Standard (STD)1Gear Selector Rubber1
49Taillight Bulb 12Volt1Gear Rod1
50Taillight Assy.1Gear Lever1
51Timing Chain Adjustment1Headlight bulbs1
52Timing Chain1Headlight bulbs 6v.1
53Tensioner Assy. Cam Chain1Headlight Set1
54Tubes Front- 275.211Helmet (INDEX)1
55Tyres Front 275.211Horn 6Volt1
56Tube Front 275.211Hub Bushing Rear1
57Tube Rear 410/181Ignition Coil 6V1
58View Mirror set – R1Ignition Swatch/KEY1
59Valve Intake1Mileage Cables1
60Valve, Exhaust1Mileage Gear – Front hub1
61View Mirror Holder-R1Oil Pump1
Oil liter1Oil Seal(set) Engine
Oil Seal(set)
Piston and ring
Pressure Plate
Pedal Shift
Rear Bearing1
Rear Brake Shoe1
Rear Sprocket Bolt1
Signal Light -Lens/Cover1
Signal Light -Unit1
Sider Cover1
Silence Exhaust1
Signal Light Bulb 6 vlt1
Signal Light Bulb 6 vlt1
Spark Plug NGK/Bosch1
Shift Assy.1
Spring Terson1
Speed Cables/Accelerator1
Sprocket Bearing1
Sprocket hub1
Sprocket hub rear1
Sprocket -Front Rod1
Spoke Set- Rear1
sprocket Nut Front1
Sprocket Front1
Taillight Bulb 6Volt1
Taillight Complete Set1
Tail-Light cover/Lens1
Tires Rear 410-181
Tubes Front- 275.191
2-Stroke oil-virco/2T1
Tyer Rim-Rear1
Tube: 410-181
View Mirror- set1
View Mirror Holder -Right1
View Mirror Holder -Left1
Tyers Front RIM 275-191
Tyers Front 275-191
5.5 kva generator
Fuel filter1
Oil filter1
Fan belts1
Piston and ring set1
Ignition coils assemble1
Cylinder head Gasket1


Labour pricing

Equipment typeRegular servicingDetailed servicing
Motor bike$$


Note: You can either submit your price information using your organization’s financial template or quote but outline individual costs as shown above.

Anex 3: Conflict of Interest CERTIFICATION


In furtherance of our mission and obligations as a recipient of donor funding, PSI is dedicated to the highest levels of professionalism, integrity, fairness, and legal compliance in all aspects of our work, including procurement. PSI also expects its consultants to conduct themselves in an ethical manner above reproach. Accordingly, PSI requires all consultants to disclose any real, potential, or apparent conflicts of interest, and to comply with PSI directions for addressing them. Our policy is to err on the side of transparency. Conflicts will generally be deemed to exist when a consultant can make or participate in a decision or recommendation on behalf of PSI that could benefit or be perceived by others to benefit, the consultant or someone close to him/her. PSI reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to decide how to address any such conflicts, including possibly withdrawing or terminating the consultancy.


At the beginning of each engagement, PSI consultants are required to sign the form below certifying current and future compliance with the principles outlined. Existing or reasonably foreseeable conflicts must be disclosed in writing before contract execution. Conflicts identified after contract execution must be disclosed in writing promptly after they are discovered. Refusal to sign this certification or failure to comply with its terms may be considered a material breach of the consulting contract, for which PSI reserves the right to take remedial action, including possible termination.

Thank you very much for helping PSI to maintain its reputation for integrity and effectiveness. Please contact your PSI project manager if you have any questions regarding this form or PSI’s conflicts policy, or if you require guidance concerning a potential conflict of interest.


As a condition of my engagement by PSI to provide consulting services, I hereby certify that neither I, nor any member of my immediate family (spouse, children, siblings, and parents) will at any time during the period of my contract or performance of services for PSI, except as accurately and completely disclosed to PSI in writing and/or authorized by PSI beforehand:

  1. Influence or seek to influence PSI’s procurement process, or other business, administrative or

operational decisions to obtain, or in a manner that leads or appears to be designed to

lead to, personal gain or advantage.

  1. Use or seek to use my position or relationship with PSI, any aspect of the performance of my consulting

services, or any information (including confidential or proprietary information), knowledge or knowledge-

how obtained at PSI (unless such information, etc., is public knowledge) to promote my personal

interests, or that of any individual(s) or organizations(s) other than PSI.

  1. Participate in the selection, award, or administration of a PSI contract, subcontract, grant, subgrant,

or other funding award in circumstances where I or an immediate family member(s), business

partner(s), or an organization that employs any of them, has a financial or other interest in a person or entity being considered or selected for an award.

  1. Misrepresent, withhold, or falsify information to be reported to external parties or used internally for decision-making, for personal gain, or gain by any individual or organization other than PSI.
  2. Without full and prompt disclosure to PSI, provide consulting services to serve as a director, officer, or employee of, or have a financial interest in, an entity that I know, or have reason to know, works with PSI on, or competes with PSI for, the same project, program, contract, or scope of work.
  3. Seek to obtain a contract for myself or a company that employs me if I participate in developing the

scope of work or specification of goods and services for such contract.

  1. Have personal or business relationships with any member of PSI staff involved in the selection

process for this consultancy.

  1. Offer, provide, solicit, or accept anything of value, including, but not limited to, gifts, funds,

donations, entertainment, expensive meals, services, or favours to or from anyone in return for, or in

appreciation of, favorable consideration in the award of this consulting contract.

  1. Take any action or involve me in any way in activities or behaviors outside PSI that may

compromise PSI’s reputation or imply PSI sponsorship of, or support for, an activity or undertaking

unrelated to PSI.

I understand that this certification cannot address all possible conflicts of interest, will use good judgment to avoid any appearance of impropriety and disclose any situations that raise legal or ethical concerns.

Please check the appropriate line below:

___I certify that I have read and understood this document and am not aware of any actual or potential conflicts of interest at this time.


___I certify that I have read and understood this document and have notified PSI in writing of one or more potential conflict(s) of interest for its consideration.

______________________________ ______________________

Consultant’s Signature Date


Printed Name of Consultant

STATUS Specific Period

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