Request for Proposal : The National Study on Trafficking in-Persons in Liberia.

  • Location:
  • Salary:
  • Job type:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Posted:
    3 weeks ago
  • Category:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Deadline:
    February 10, 2025

RFP N-1224-LIB-001
Request for Proposal
Reference: RFP N-1224-LIB-001 Date: January 16, 2025
Dear Sir/Madam,
The International Development Law Organization (IDLO) kindly requests your
Company/Organization to submit a Proposal for The National Study on Trafficking in-Persons in
Liberia. The full requirement is described in Annex C.
We also request that your Proposal is submitted using the format specifically detailed in Annex
D, E and F.
All Proposals must be submitted by email and must be limited to a maximum of 10MB, virus-free
and no more than two email transmissions. They must be free from any form of virus or
corrupted contents, or the quotations shall be rejected.
Proposal shall be evaluated based on the criteria set in Annex B.
IDLO is not bound to accept any Proposal, nor award a Contract, nor be responsible for any costs
associated with a Bidder’s preparation and submission of a Proposal, regardless of the outcome
or the manner of conducting the selection process.
IDLO encourages every prospective Bidder to avoid and prevent conflicts of interest, by disclosing
to IDLO if you, or any of your affiliates or personnel, were involved in the preparation of the
requirements, design, specifications, cost estimates, and other information used in this Request
for Proposal (RFP).
By submitting a Proposal in response to this information, Bidders are confirming acceptance of
IDLO’s General Terms and Conditions in full and Payment Policy of payment within 30 days after
delivery of service on presentation of complete and correct invoice.
This RFP consists of the following Annexes. Please be guided by these in preparing your Proposal:
a. Instructions to Bidders Annex A
b. Technical Evaluation Criteria Annex B
c. Terms of Reference (TOR) Annex C
d. Proposal Submission Form Annex D
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
e. Bidder Information Form Annex E
f. Bidder’s Proposal Annex F
g. IDLO Special Conditions of Contract Annex G
h. IDLO General Terms and Conditions for the Procurement of Goods or
Services and IDLO Supplier Code of Conduct
Annex H
For any questions/clarifications related to this RFP before Deadline for Submissions of
Proposals, please contact IDLO on and mention Clarification RFP NO. N-1224-
LIB_001 in the subject section of your email.
Deadline for Submission of Proposals:
Date: February 10, 2025
Time: 15:00 hours Rome, Italy 1:00 PM local time.
Thank you and we look forward to receiving your quotation.
Sincerely yours,
International Development Law Organization | IDLO
Liberia Country Office
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
1. General
In preparing the Proposal, the Bidder is expected to examine the
RFP in detail. Material deficiencies in providing the information
requested in the RFP may result in rejection of the Proposal.
The Bidder will not be permitted to take advantage of any errors
or omissions in the RFP. Should such errors or omissions be
discovered, the Bidder must notify IDLO.
2. Cost of the Proposal The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation
and submission of the Proposal.
IDLO will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs,
regardless of the conduct or outcome of the solicitation.
3. Currency of
Proposals shall be nominated exclusively in United States Dollars
Note: Local Bidders/Suppliers must comply with any applicable
laws regarding doing business in other currencies
4. Language of the
The Proposal and all correspondence and documents relating to
the Proposal exchanged by the Bidder and IDLO shall be written in
the English language.
5. Deadline for
Submissions of
The Proposal shall be addressed to IDLO on or before
Date: February 10, 2025
Time: 15:00 hours Rome, Italy (Monrovia time, 1:00 PM)
Note: Proposals submitted by email must be limited to a maximum
of 10MB, virus-free and no more than two email transmissions.
They must be free from any form of virus or corrupted contents, or
the quotations shall be rejected.
6. Delivery Term and
Services shall be delivered from April 2025 to November 2025
Bidder to advise IDLO if their proposal has elements of supply
of goods. If yes, Bidder must inform if Customs Clearance is
required and whose responsibility it is to do so
7. Documents
comprising the
Bidder’s Proposal
The Proposal shall comprise the following components:
1. Proposal Submission Form (see Annex D).
2. Bidder Information Form (see Annex E)
3. Bidder’s Proposal divided into:
a. Technical Proposal (see Annex F1)
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
b. Financial Proposal /Price Schedule (see Annex F2)
8. Contents of
Proposals must offer services for the total requirement, unless
specified otherwise in this RFP. Suppliers to propose a
methodology for delivery of the study, objectives and progress
report following the study.
Proposals offering only part of the requirement will be rejected.
The Bidder is expected to examine all corresponding instructions,
forms, terms, and specifications contained in the Solicitation
Documents. Failure to comply with these documents will be at the
Bidder’s risk and will affect the evaluation of the Proposal.
9. Clarification of
A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification on this RFP may
contact IDLO by email on no later than 72 hours
prior to the deadline for submission of Proposals.
Please mention Clarification RFP NO. N-1224-LIB-001 in the
subject section of your email.
Written copies of the organization’s response (including an
explanation of the query but without identifying the source of
inquiry) will be sent to all prospective Bidders that have received
the Solicitation Documents or posted on IDLO website.
Any delay in IDLO’s response shall not be used as a reason for
extending the deadline for submission, unless IDLO determines
that such an extension is necessary and communicates a new
deadline to all the Bidders.
10. Amendments of
At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Proposals IDLO
may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response
to a clarification requested by a prospective Bidder, modify the
Solicitation Documents by amendment.
All prospective Bidders that have received the Solicitation
Documents will be notified in writing of all amendments to the
Solicitation Documents.
In order to afford prospective Bidders reasonable time for taking
the amendments into account and preparing their offers, the
procuring IDLO entity may, at its discretion, extend the deadline
for the submission of Proposals.
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
11. Technical Proposal The Bidder shall structure the Technical part of the Proposal as
(a) Proposed methodology
This section should demonstrate the Bidder’s responsiveness to
the TOR/specifications by identifying the specific components
proposed, addressing the requirements, as specified, point by
point; providing a detailed description of the essential
performance characteristics, proposed warranty and
demonstrating how the proposed methodology meets or exceeds
the requirements.
The Technical part of the Proposal should not contain any pricing
information whatsoever on the services offered. Pricing
information shall be separated and only contained in the
appropriate Price Schedules. Any technical proposal containing
price information will be disqualified from consideration.
It is mandatory that the Bidder’s Proposal numbering system
corresponds with the numbering system used in the body of this
RFP. All references to descriptive material and brochures should be
included in the appropriate response paragraph, though
material/documents themselves may be provided as annexes to
the Proposal/response.
Information which the Bidder considers proprietary, if any, should
be clearly marked “proprietary” next to the relevant part of the text
and it will then be treated as such accordingly.
12. Format, signing
sealing, marking and
submission of
The Proposal shall be signed by the Bidder or a person or persons
duly authorized to bind the Bidder to the contract. The latter
authorization shall be indicated by written power-of-attorney
accompanying the Proposal.
The Proposal must be submitted using the format specifically
detailed in Annex D, E and F.
A Proposal shall contain no interlineations, erasures, or
overwriting except, as necessary to correct errors made by the
Bidder, in which case such corrections shall be initialled by the
person or persons signing the Proposal.
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
The Proposal will consist of two attached files named “Technical
Proposal” and “Financial Proposal”.
The “Financial Proposal” file will contain Price Schedule (see Annex
F2) and will be password-protected by the Bidder. If the proposal
passed the Technical Evaluation, IDLO will additionally
communicate with Bidders for obtaining the password for Financial
Proposal. Only Financial Proposals from Bidders whose Technical
Proposals have passed the Technical Evaluation will be opened.
The Bidder shall send two emails; one for Technical Proposal and
one for the Financial Proposal to the following e-mail address: with the Subject: “Technical Proposal for RFP
No. N-1224-LIB-001” and with the Subject: “Price Proposal for RFP
No. N-0724-LIB-001” before the deadline stipulated in this RFP.
13. Joint Venture,
Consortium, or
If the Bidder is a group of legal entities that will form or have
formed a Joint Venture (JV), Consortium or Association for the
Proposal, they shall confirm in their Proposal that : (i) they have
designated one party to act as a lead entity, duly vested with
authority to legally bind the members of the JV, Consortium or
Association jointly and severally, which shall be evidenced by a
duly notarized Agreement among the legal entities, and submitted
with the Proposal; and (ii) if they are awarded the contract, the
contract shall be entered into, by and between IDLO and the
designated lead entity, who shall be acting for and on behalf of all
the member entities comprising the joint venture.
After the Deadline for Submission of Proposal, the lead entity
identified to represent the JV, Consortium or Association shall not
be altered without the prior written consent of IDLO.
The lead entity and the member entities of the JV, Consortium or
Association shall abide by the requirement outlined in the
following section in respect of submitting only one proposal.
The description of the organization of the IV, Consortium or
Association must clearly define the expected role of each of the
entity in the joint venture in delivering the requirements of the
RFP, both in the Proposal and the JV, Consortium or Association
Agreement. All entities that comprise the JV, Consortium or
Association shall be subject to the eligibility and qualification
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
assessment by IDLO.
A JV, Consortium or Association in presenting its track record and
experience should clearly differentiate between:
a) Those that were undertaken together by the JV, Consortium
or Association; and
b) Those that were undertaken by the individual entities of the
JV, Consortium or Association.
Previous contracts completed by individual experts working
privately but who are permanently or were temporarily associated
with any of the member firms cannot be claimed as the experience
of the JV, Consortium or Association or those of its members, but
should only be claimed by the individual experts themselves in
their presentation of their individual credentials.
JV, Consortium or Associations are encouraged for high value,
multi-sectoral requirements when the spectrum of expertise and
resources required may not be available within one firm.
The description of the organization of the JV, Consortium or
Association must clearly define the expected role of each of the
entity in the joint venture in delivering the requirements of the
RFP, both in the Proposal and the JV, Consortium or Association
Agreement. All entities that comprise the JV, Consortium or
Association shall be subject to the eligibility and qualification
assessment by IDLO.
14. Only One Proposal The Bidder (including the individual members of any Joint Venture)
shall submit only one Proposal, either in its own name or as part of
a Joint Venture.
Proposals submitted by two (2) or more Bidders shall all be
rejected if they are found to have any of the following:
a) they have at least one controlling partner, director or
shareholder in common; or
b) any one of them receive or have received any direct or
indirect subsidy from the other/s; or
c) they have the same legal representative for purposes of
this RFP; or
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
d) they have a relationship with each other, directly or
through common third parties, that puts them in a
position to have access to information about, or influence
on the Proposal of, another Bidder regarding this RFP
e) they are subcontractors to each other’s Proposal, or a
subcontractor to one Proposal also submits another
Proposal under its name as lead Bidder;
f) or some key personnel proposed to be in the team of one
Bidder participates in more than one Proposal received
for this RFP process. This condition relating to the
personnel, does not apply to subcontractors being
included in more than one Proposal.
15. Late Proposals Any Proposal received by IDLO after the deadline for submission of
Proposals, pursuant to clause Deadline for the submission of
Proposals, will be rejected and sent back unopened or destroyed
unopened if the return cannot be secured unless the Proposal was
sent by email but was not properly received due to issues in IDLO
mailing system.
16. Validity Period of
All Proposals will be valid for 90 days from the deadline for
submission of Proposals. In exceptional circumstances IDLO may
request the Bidders to extend the validity of the Proposal beyond
what has been initially indicated in this RFP. The Bidders shall be
invited to confirm the extension in writing, without any
modification whatsoever on the Proposal. The Bidders may choose
not to extend the validity period of the Proposals upon request of
17. Modification and
withdrawal of
The Bidder may modify/withdraw its Proposal after the Proposal’s
submission, provided that written notice of the withdrawal is
received by IDLO prior to the deadline prescribed for submission
of Proposals.
The Bidder’s modification/withdrawal notice shall be prepared,
sealed, marked, and dispatched in accordance with the
provisions of clause Deadline for Submission of Proposals.
No Proposal may be modified nor withdrawn after to the
deadline for submission of Proposals.
No Proposal may be modified/withdrawn in the Interval between
the deadline for submission of Proposals and the expiration of the
period of Proposal validity specified by the Bidder in the Proposal
Submission Form.
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
18. Amendment of the
At any time prior to the deadline of Proposal submission, IDLO may
for any reason, such as in response to a clarification requested by
a Bidder, modify the RFP in the form of an amendment to the RFP.
Amendments will be made available to all prospective bidders.
If the amendment is substantial, IDLO may extend the Deadline for
submission of proposal to give the Bidders reasonable time to
incorporate the amendment into their Proposals.
19. Bidders’ conference ☒ N/A
20. Right to accept,
reject, or render nonresponsive any or all
IDLO reserves the right to accept or reject any Proposal, to render
any or all of the Proposals as non-responsive, and to annul the
solicitation process and to reject all Proposals at any time prior to
award of contract, without incurring any liability, or obligation
to inform the affected Proposer(s) of the grounds for IDLO’s
action. Furthermore, IDLO shall not be obliged to award the
contract to the lowest priced offer.
21. Clarification of
To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of
Proposals, IDLO may at its discretion ask the Bidder for
clarification of its Proposal. The request for clarification and the
response shall be in writing and no change in price or substance
of the Proposal shall be sought, offered or permitted.
22. Evaluation of
Eligibility and
In general terms, Bidders that meet the following criteria may be
considered qualified:
a) They are not included in IDLO Sanctions lists (EU, US, UN);
b) They have a good financial standing and have access to
adequate financial resources to perform the contract and
all existing commercial commitments,
c) They have the necessary similar experience, technical
expertise, production capacity where applicable, quality
certifications, quality assurance procedures and other
resources applicable to the provision of the services
d) They are able to comply fully with IDLO General Terms and
Conditions of Contract.
e) They do not have a consistent history of court/arbitral
award decisions against the Bidder; and
f) They have a record of timely and satisfactory performance
with their clients.
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
23. Price variation Bidders shall not vary their prices for any reason after the deadline
of the tender and while the Proposal is still valid.
24. Preliminary Screening IDLO will screen the Proposals’ Annex D and E to determine
whether they are complete, whether the documents have been
properly signed, and whether the Proposals are generally in order.
Only Bidders that pass will proceed to Technical Evaluation
25. Correction of errors In the event of a discrepancy between the unit price and the total
price, the unit price shall prevail, and the total price shall be
corrected by IDLO. If the Bidder does not accept the final price
based on IDLO’s correction of errors, its Proposal will be rejected.
26. Due Diligence IDLO reserves the right to undertake a due diligence exercise
aimed at determining to its satisfaction, the validity of the
information provided by the Bidder. Such exercise shall be fully
documented and may include, but need not be limited to, all or any
combination of the following:
a) Verification of accuracy, correctness and authenticity of
information provided by the Bidder;
b) Validation of extent of compliance to the RFP requirements
and evaluation criteria based on what has so far been found
by the evaluation team;
c) Inquiry and reference checking with Government entities
with jurisdiction on the Bidder, or with previous clients, or
any other entity that may have done business with the
d) Inquiry and reference checking with previous clients on the
performance on on-going or contracts completed,
including physical inspections of previous works, as
e) Physical inspection of the Bidder’s offices, branches or
other places where business transpires, with or without
notice to the Bidder.
f) Other means that IDLO may deem appropriate, at any stage
within the selection process, prior to awarding the
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
27. Responsiveness of
IDLO will determine the substantial responsiveness of each
Proposal to the RFP. For purposes of this Clause, a substantially
responsive Proposal is the one which materially conforms to the
requirement of the tender and any mandatory terms contained
in the Solicitation Documents.
IDLO’s determination of a Proposal’s responsiveness is based on
the contents of the Proposal itself without recourse to extrinsic
28. Evaluation of
A two-stage procedure is utilised in evaluating the Proposals
after Preliminary Screening has been conducted; with evaluation
of the Technical Proposal being completed prior to Financial
Proposal being opened and compared.
The Financial Proposals (Price Schedules) of the overall
Proposals will be opened only for submissions that obtained the
maximum obtainable 70 points.
The evaluation will be conducted in accordance with the
cumulative analysis method, according to which the Technical
and Financial Proposals have pre-assigned weights and preassigned maximum number of scores:
– Technical Proposal -70%, – 70 points maximum,
– Financial Proposal – 30%, – 30 points maximum.
Technical Evaluation
The technical Proposal is evaluated on the basis of its
responsiveness to the Terms of Reference (TOR) as per the
evaluation criteria below. The obtainable number of points
specified for each evaluation criterion indicates the relative
significance or weight of the item in the overall evaluation
Financial Evaluation
In the second stage the Financial Proposals of all Bidders who
attained a maximum of 70 points in Technical Evaluation will be
reviewed. The lowest amount for technically qualified Financial
Proposal will be awarded maximum 30 points and other
Financial Proposals will be awarded points in accordance with
the following formula:
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
Financial Proposal score = (Lowest Price / Price under
consideration) x 30.
29. Right to Vary
Requirements at the
time of the Award
☒ Yes – At the time of award of Contract, IDLO reserves the right
to vary (increase or decrease) the quantity of Services by up to a
maximum twenty-five per cent (25%) of the total offer, without
any change in the unit price or other terms and conditions.
30. Contract Award The contract will be awarded to the Proposal with highest
combined score obtained in Technical and Financial Evaluation.
31. Contract Signature Within five (5) calendar days from the date of receipt of the
Contract, the successful Bidder shall sign and date the Contract and
return it to IDLO. Failure to do so may constitute sufficient grounds
for the annulment of the award, and forfeiture of the Proposal
Security, if any, and on which event, IDLO may award the Contract
to the Second Ranked Bidder or call for new Proposals.
32. Debriefing In the event that a Bidder is unsuccessful, the Bidder may request
a debriefing from IDLO. The purpose of the debriefing is to discuss
the strengths and weaknesses of the Bidder’s submission, in order
to assist the Bidder in improving its future proposals for IDLO
procurement opportunities. The content of other proposals and
how they compare to the Bidder’s submission will not be
33. Payment Terms IDLO will make payment within 30 days after satisfactory receipt
of all goods and upon submission of the invoice by the Supplier.
34. General Terms and
Conditions and
Supplier Code of
Any Contract or Purchase Order that will be signed as a result of this
RFP shall be subject to the IDLO’s General Terms and Conditions
and Supplier Code of Conduct attached as Annex H.
The mere act of submission of a Proposal implies that the
Bidder accepts both Annexes in full.
35. Liquidated Damages ☒ Yes – For late delivery of Services, IDLO shall be entitled to
claim liquidated damages from the Contractor in accordance with
Article 18 of the General Terms and Conditions.
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
If the Contractor fails to perform the requested Services within
the time period specified and as stipulated in the terms and
conditions of the Contract, IDLO may, without formal notice and
without prejudice to its other remedies under the Contract, be
entitled to liquidated damages for everyday delay in the
provision and completion of the Services.
36. Partial Bid ☒ Not permitted (All or Nothing)
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
Scoring Weight and Point
Summary of Technical Proposal Score Weight
Bidder A Bidder B
Establishment and experience:
• Brief company profile with
reference to Business Owners,
years of operations, main office,
client list, and number of staff
working in the office.
• Team Lead: Should hold an
advanced university degree
(preferably Ph.D.) in law, migration
studies, social development, public
policy and other relevant fields and
with at least 15 years’ professional
• Technical Lead(s): Should hold an
advanced university degree
(preferably master’s or Ph.D.) in)
law, social science, public policy,
governance, and other relevant
fields with at least 10 years’
professional experience.
• Experience in rule of law, social
research; and experience in
conducting surveys broadly
relating to governance, political
public opinion, and social and
economic trends in communities.
• Significant experience conducting
similar assessments in post conflict
and developing country contexts;
prior experience in Liberia or SubPass/fail
1 Please reference Annex A – Instructions to Bidders – Clauses 22, 24, 27, and 28 for clarity on what
constitutes a “Pass” or “Fail”.
Saharan Africa is a distinct
• Understanding of rule of law, social
justice, access to justice,
institutional and systems
strengthening, security sector
reform, and accountability.
• Recent (past 5 years) and
longstanding (at least 10 years)
experience designing and
implementing social science
research, including the use of focus
group discussions and key
informant interviews.
• Strong track record of working with
national and international
development organizations in
Liberia is an advantage.
• Provent track record of developing
and presenting high quality reports
to use inform public policy and
program design decision.
• Excellent writing and analytical
skills; strong technical report
writing skills.
• Strong knowledge and use of
Microsoft Word, Excel, and
• Explanation of the proposed
overall methodology for producing
the expected results of the
assignment (35
• The proposed methodology
considers the assessment of the
possible difficulties to be

the inclusion of
mitigation actions to address
identified risks, to develop efficient
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
and appropriate solutions; and
provides information on quality
assurance system for the Contract
• Adequacy of the extent to which
the proposed methodology
approach and work plan seems
realistic, meets the requirements
of the assignment and reflects the
degree to which the Bidder
understands the assignment and
has the important aspects of the
task been addressed in sufficient
detail (10%)
• Clearly articulated overall
engagement, management and
participatory approach, and quality
assurance on deliverables (5%)
• Structure of the proposal, clarity
and conciseness of the language
used in the proposal, and layout of
the proposal including formatting
Total 70%
Minimum Score to determine
Pass/Fail 45%
Bidder’s Score
Bidder Pass/Fail to proceed to opening of Financial Proposal
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
The National Study on Trafficking In-Persons in Liberia
A. About IDLO
The International Development Law Organization (IDLO) is an intergovernmental
organization exclusively devoted to promoting the rule of law. Established in 1983, IDLO
works to enable governments and empower people to reform laws and strengthen
institutions to promote peace, justice, sustainable development and economic
opportunity. Its programs, research and policy advocacy cover the spectrum of rules of
law from peace and institution building to social development and economic recovery in
countries emerging from conflict and striving towards democracy.
The Assembly of Parties is IDLO’s highest decision-making body. It is composed of
Representatives of all Member Parties, which have joined the Establishment Agreement
of IDLO. IDLO currently has 37 Member Parties.
IDLO has its Headquarters in Rome, a Branch Office in The Hague, and Liaison Offices for
the United
Nations in New York and Geneva, and Country Offices in Afghanistan, Armenia, the
Burkina Faso, Honduras, Indonesia, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Jordan, Liberia, Mali, Mexico,
Mongolia, Myanmar, Niger, the Philippines, Somalia, Tunisia, Uganda and Ukraine.
The work of IDLO is sustained by a dynamic, diverse, multinational and multicultural
workforce, comprised of over 400 employees plus additional personnel in the nonemployee category such as consultants and interns. About one fourth of the IDLO
workforce is based in its Headquarters in Rome, while the rest are spread across the globe
in our Branch and Country offices.
B. Background
IDLO is implementing the third phase of the Fighting Trafficking in Persons (TIP III) project
in Liberia. The project aims to promote sustainability in the capacity building and
coordination efforts previously supported and enhance the ability of the Government of
Liberia (GOL) to investigate, prosecute, and adjudicate TIP cases. Under this phase of the
project, a TIP-victim cantered approach is being applied in all interventions.
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
The Government of Liberia has expressed need for a credible evidence base on which
policy reforms and responses on TIP can be developed and applied. Aside from the 2018
assessment that IDLO undertook when designing the first TIP project, no TIP-specific
research has been carried out in Liberia to identify the prevalence of the different forms
of TIP in the country and, thus, adopt effective actions to prevent TIP, protect victims and
prosecute perpetrators.
Anecdotal evidence points to high prevalence of domestic trafficking, but no evidence is
available to confirm this, provide overall information on the status of TIP in Liberia, or to
assess the effectiveness of the anti-trafficking efforts as outlined in national frameworks
and policies. This was further confirmed by the criminal justice chain analysis that IDLO
undertook in early 2024 wherein it was noted that nearly all reported cases of TIP in Liberia
fall into one of two forms: domestic labor exploitation in transnational cases or child labor
in the domestic context. However, there is little to no real data on the extent, profile, and
causes of domestic trafficking.
C. Expected Output
Under the overall supervision of the IDLO Country Manager and in close collaboration
with the Program Lead and Legal Specialist, the research firm will be responsible for the
1) Lead preliminary consultations with relevant stakeholders to understand
contextual issues as regards trafficking in persons (TIP).
2) Develop a comprehensive inception report which details a clear methodology and
approach to the assignment which demonstrates understanding of subject
matter and the value addition of the study in addressing TIP issues in Liberia.
3) Conduct a nationwide study across the 15 counties in Liberia with specific
emphasis on border counties, and in particular, vulnerable populations which
may be more susceptible to TIP.
4) Develop an initial draft of the study report and facilitate consultative dialogues
with stakeholders to present findings from the study and elicit insights from
stakeholders to inform revision of draft report.
5) Submit a final study report to IDLO.
6) Submit an abridged version of the study to be circulated among government
actors and development partners for policy and programming considerations.
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
D. Institutional Arrangement
The selected firm will be under the overall supervision of the IDLO Country Manager
and will work in close collaboration with the Program Lead and Legal Specialist.
Should it be required, IDLO will facilitate visa processes.
The selected firm is expected to provide their own computers, ICT software, mobile
communications, and other supplies as required for completion of the assignment.
IDLO may, if required, provide office space for meetings with the IDLO team.
E. Duration of the Work
The assignment will commence in April 2025 and should be completed by November
2025 and will be undertaken over a period of eight (8) months.
F. Work Location
The location of the assignment is defined as Liberia and will cover all 15 counties.
G. Qualifications for the Successful Contractor
The ideal candidate should have the following qualifications and expertise:
• Team Lead: Should hold an advanced university degree (preferably Ph.D.) in law,
migration studies, social development, public policy and other relevant fields and with
at least 15 years’ professional experience.
• Technical Lead(s): Should hold an advanced university degree (preferably Masters or
Ph.D.) in) law, social science, public policy, governance, and other relevant fields with
at least 10 years’ professional experience.
• Experience in rule of law, social research; and experience in conducting surveys
broadly relating to governance, political public opinion, and social and economic
trends in communities.
• Significant experience conducting similar assessments in post conflict and developing
country contexts; prior experience in Liberia or Sub-Saharan Africa is a distinct
• Understanding of rule of law, social justice, access to justice, institutional and systems
strengthening, security sector reform, and accountability.
• Recent (past 5 years) and longstanding (at least 10 years) experience designing and
implementing social science research, including the use of focus group discussions and
key informant interviews.
• Strong track record of working with national and international development
organizations in Liberia is an advantage.
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
Specific technical skills, competencies, and knowledge
• Sound organizational and planning skills;
• Provent track record of developing and presenting high quality reports to use
inform public policy and program design decision;
• Excellent interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work
constructively with a range of stakeholders;
• Excellent writing and analytical skills; strong technical report writing skills;
• Strong knowledge and use of Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
• Keen sense of ethics, integrity, and commitment to the IDLO mandate
• Strong professional written English communication skills are required
The firm is also required to propose a structure and composition of the research
team including a team leader and technical leads responsible for deliverables and
management of the assignment; and the technical and support staff required for
completion of specific tasks.
H. Scope of Tender Price and Schedule of Payments
The contract is a fixed price contract, and payments will be made based on satisfactory
completion of deliverables as detailed in the table below.
1 Inception report submitted and
approved by IDLO
One (1) month after signature of
2 National study on the prevalence and
underlying causes of TIP in Liberia
Three (3) months after signature of
3 Draft study report submitted to IDLO
for review and feedback
One (1) month
4 Consultative dialogue held with key
stakeholders to inform finalization of
the final report
One (1) month
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
5 Final study report submitted to IDLO
– Submission of final report
which incorporates feedback
from IDLO, key stakeholders,
and partners; and includes
specific recommendations and
actions for consideration by
government actors and
One (1) month
6 Abridged versions of report submitted
One (1) month
I. Annexes to the TOR
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
(This Form must be submitted using the Supplier’s Official Letterhead/Stationery in the
format specified below)
Dear Sir / Madam,
Having examined the Solicitation Documents, the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged,
we, the undersigned, offer to provide Professional Services for [INSERT AMOUNT OF MONEY AND
CURRENCY] as may be ascertained in accordance with the Financial Proposal (Price Schedule)
attached herewith and made part of this Proposal.
We undertake, if our Proposal is accepted, to commence and complete delivery of all services
specified in the contract within the time frame stipulated.
We agree to abide by this Proposal for a period of 90 days from the date fixed for opening of
Proposals in the Request for Proposals, and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted
at any time before the expiration of that period.
We hereby accept the IDLO’s General Terms and Conditions in full and Payment Policy of
payment within 30 days after delivery of service on presentation of complete and correct invoice.
We understand that you are not bound to accept any Proposal you may receive.
Company/Organization: __________________________________________
Name: ____________________________________________
Title: _____________________________________________
Date: Select date
Signature: _____________________________________________________
Duly authorized to sign this Proposal
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
Name of Bidder: [Insert Name of Bidder] Date
Select date
RFP reference: RFP N_0723_LIB-001
Legal name of Bidder [Complete]
Legal address [Complete]
Year of registration [Complete]
Bidder’s Authorized
Representative Information
Name: [Complete]
Title: [Complete]
Telephone numbers: [Complete]
Email: [Complete]
Are you an IDLO vendor? ☐ Yes ☐ No If yes, [insert IDLO vendor number]
Countries of operation [Complete]
No. of full-time employees [Complete]
Quality Assurance Certification
(e.g. ISO 9000 or Equivalent) (If
yes, provide a Copy of the valid
Does your Company hold any
accreditation such as ISO 14001 or
ISO 14064 or equivalent related to
the environment? (If yes, provide a
Copy of the valid Certificate):
Contact person that IDLO may
contact for requests for
clarifications during Bid
Name: [Complete]
Title: [Complete]
Telephone numbers: [Complete]
Email: [Complete]
Please attach the following
▪ Proof of academic credentials of core research team
i.e. Team Lead and Technical Leads
▪ Certificate of Incorporation/ Business Registration
▪ Tax Registration/Payment Certificate issued by the
Internal Revenue Authority evidencing that the Bidder
is updated with its tax payment obligations, or
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
Certificate of Tax exemption, if any such privilege is
enjoyed by the Bidder
▪ Trade name registration papers, if applicable
▪ Quality Certificate for goods (e.g., ISO, etc.) and/or
other similar certificates, accreditations, awards and
citations received by the Bidder, if relevant
▪ Recommendations from past clients for similar
▪ Sample(s) of previous work done
▪ Financial statements (balance sheets, including all
related notes, and income statements) proving average
annual turnover of US $5000.00 in the last year.
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
A. Establishment and Experience
1. Company profile, including printed brochures and product catalogues relevant to
the goods and/or services being procured, information on number of years in
operation, country of incorporation, and types of activities undertaken.
2. General organizational capability which is likely to affect implementation:
management structure, financial stability and project financing capacity, project
management controls, extent to which any work would be subcontracted (if so,
provide details).
B. Recent (past 5 years) and longstanding (at least 10 years) experience designing and
implementing social science research, including the use of focus group discussions
and key informant interviews.
1. Experience working with other Inter-Governmental Organizations such as the
World Bank and the United Nations and/or International Non-Governmental
2. Project resources planned to be assigned to this Contract (including CVs,
certifications and qualifications of team members). Any new resources be
recruited after award of contract?
Format for CV of Proposed Key Personnel
Name of Personnel [Insert]
Position for this
assignment [Insert]
Nationality [Insert]
proficiency [Insert]
[Summarize college/university and other specialized education of
personnel member, giving names of schools, dates attended, and
degrees/qualifications obtained.]
[Provide details of professional certifications relevant to the scope
of goods and/or services]
▪ Name of institution: [Insert]
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
▪ Date of certification: [Insert]
Record/ Experience
[List all positions held by personnel (starting with present
position, list in reverse order), giving dates, names of
employing organization, title of position held and location
of employment. For experience in last five years, detail the
type of activities performed, degree of responsibilities,
location of assignments and any other information or
professional experience considered pertinent for this
[Provide names, addresses, phone and email contact
information for two (2) references]
Reference 1:
Reference 2:
B. Methodology
1. This section should demonstrate the Bidder’s responsiveness to the Terms of
Reference (TOR) and has the highest percentage of Points
2. Explanation of the proposed overall methodology for producing the expected
results of the TOR
3. Provide Detailed Project Implementation Plan showing Mobilization Timeline from
the signing of the contract, how deliverable can be met on time from the time that
the contract is signed
4. Please explain details of quality control points
5. Geographical coverage, including details of staff or offices or sub-contractors
already operating in selected areas, if applicable
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
The Bidder is requested to prepare the Financial Proposal/Price Schedule as a separate
envelope from the rest of the RFP response as indicated in the Instructions to Bidders.
The Price Schedule must provide a detailed cost breakdown. Provide separate figures for
each functional grouping or category.
In case of an equipment component to the service provided, the Price Schedule should
include figures for both purchase and lease/rent options. The IDLO reserves the option to
either lease/rent or purchase outright the equipment through the Bidder.
The format shown in the below table should be used while preparing the price schedule.
The format includes specific expenditures, which may or may not be required or applicable
but are indicated to serve as examples.
Lots Description Unit Measure Price in USD
Lot 1 The National Study on Trafficking In-Persons in
Liberia Per study
Name, position and signature of the Bidder
Duly authorised to sign this Bid
Bidder’s Stamp
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
The following Special Conditions of Contract shall supplement and/or amend the
IDLO General Terms and Conditions for the Procurement of Services. Whenever there is a
conflict, the provisions of the Special Conditions of Contract shall prevail over those in
IDLO General Terms and Conditions for the Procurement of Services.
Place of delivery IDLO Monrovia Country Office, Old CID Road, Mamba
Point, Right Behind Former LIPA
Delivery date The Service Contract will be signed for a period of up to
8 months, from April 2025 to November 2025. The
overall duration of the contract will not exceed 8
The prices will remain unchanged during the period of
contract implementation.
Payment terms IDLO will process payment within 30 days after
satisfactory receipt of all goods/ provision of services
and upon receipt of the complete and correct invoice by
the service provider.
RFP N-1224-LIB-001
Any bid submission will imply the unconditional acceptance of IDLO General Terms and
Conditions for Goods and Services and adherence to the Supplier Code of Conduct.
The documents are available on the IDLO Procurement Website:

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