REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RfP): Multimedia Facility equipment

  • Location:
  • Salary:
  • Job type:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Posted:
    2 years ago
  • Category:
  • Deadline:
    November 6, 2022

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RfP): Multimedia Facility equipment


Internews, in the framework of the project “Radio Content Syndication (RCS) in Liberia” funded by SIDA, is requesting proposals from specialized companies to provide multimedia facility equipment and services as follows:


No.Description of ItemSpecificationsQuantity
1Mixing Console12 channel D&R Airmate-USB 8 ch. triple input radio On-Air / Production
console with 2x USB and 2x TELCO, bluetooth
2Microphone DynamicNeumann BCM 705 Dynamic Broadcast Microphone4
3headphoneAudio-Technica ATH-M20x Professional Monitor Headphones4
4Broadcaster Stereo Headset With
Dynamic Mic
Audio Technica BPHS14
5headphone amplifierLD Systems HPA 6 Headphone Amplifier 6-channel 19 inch1
6Microphone stand Boom ArmYellowtec YT3205 m!ka “ON AIR” Microphone Arm M aluminium
with XLR connectors
7Studio furniture $ rackingStudio furniture desk with equipment rack1
8Editing software-Adobe Audition CC5
9Surge protection
Power distribution
Furman Pl-8ce Power Conditioner PDU 11 X IEC out LED Lights 1u
Distro -to be installed in rack (10A)
10Studio MonitorGenelec 8030C Compact Two-way Studio Monitor Grey + corner mounting bracket2
11Distribution AmplifierGlensound Signature ADA 2:6 1 Input, 6 Output Stereo Distribution Amplifier1
12Telephone hybridD&R GSM Hybrid2
13Yolo Box proCompact all in one portable multicam1
14Playout/Scheduling/Streaming Softwareplayout and scheduling software compactable with win-10, OS1
15USB/CD/SD/BlueTooth/FM PlayerDN-300z1
16Wiring & connectorPro Cab microphone cable 3.5mm, 100mx1, XLR connector male x10, XLR connector female x10, 2 x Female RCA / 2 x Male RCA line cable – 10m1
17Outdoor FM Receiver Antenna Kit1
18TripoleTripole with (2 x 1/4inch tripod mount. 1 x 3/8inch tripod mount) for black magic studio camera2
19CameraBlackmagic Studio Camera 4K Pro2
20Cost of shipment of equipment


To submit a tender proposal:

  1. Review Letter of invitation to tender and Request for Proposal
  2. Fill in and enclose Quote Proposal template
  3. Sign and enclose the Code of Conduct for Suppliers (Annex A) attached to the Quote proposal template
  4. Sign and enclose the Bidder Declaration Form (Annex B), attached to the Quote proposal template
  5. Enclose copy of your company’s registration certificate
  6. Copy of the required licenses, if applicable.


Please send all required documents with the Subject: “Response to RT- SIDA-E3160-26092022


Deadline for submission for November 6, 2022 by 5:00 pm (GMT)

Send all inquiries to, not later than October 28, 2022 @

5:00 pm (GMT).

End of invitation to tender

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