RFQ Reference: LR10-25-0001 Date: 26 March 2025
SECTION 1: REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) for Baseline Survey: GOLA-REAP – Resilience, Empowerment, Access and Peacebuilding along Liberia and Sierra Leone border Project. International Organisation for Migration (IOM) kindly requests your quotation for the provision of goods, works and/or services as detailed in Annex 1 of this RFQ.
This Request for Quotation comprises the following documents:
Section 1: This request letter
Section 2: RFQ Instructions and Data
Annex 1: Schedule of Requirements (Terms of Reference)
Annex 2: Quotation Submission Form
Annex 3: Technical and Financial Offer
Annex 4: Activity Schedule
When preparing your quotation, please be guided by the RFQ Instructions and Data. Please note that quotations must be submitted using Annex 2: Quotation Submission Form and Annexes 3 Technical and Financial Offer, by the method and by the date and time indicated. It is your responsibility to ensure that your quotation is submitted on or before the deadline. Quotations received after the submission deadline, for whatever reason, will not be considered for evaluation.
Thank you and we look forward to receiving your quotations.
Deadline for the Submission of Quotation | 9 April 2025 at 12:00hrs GMT If any doubt exists as to the time zone in which the quotation should be submitted, refer to |
Method of Submission | Quotations must be submitted as follows: ☐ E-tendering ☒ Email : ☐ Courier / Hand delivery ☐ Other Bid submission address: ▪ File Format: PDF or Word format signed and stamped ▪ File names must be maximum 60 characters long and must not contain any letter or special character other than from Latin alphabet/keyboard. ▪ All files must be free of viruses and not corrupted. ▪ Max. File Size per transmission: 30MB in total ▪ Mandatory subject of email Baseline Survey: GOLA-REAP ▪ Multiple emails must be clearly identified by indicating in the subject line “email no. X of Y”, and the final “email no. Y of Y. ▪ It is recommended that the entire Quotation be consolidated into as few attachments as possible. ▪ The proposer should receive an email acknowledging email receipt. |
Cost of preparation of quotation | IOM shall not be responsible for any costs associated with a Supplier’s preparation and submission of a quotation, regardless of the outcome or the manner of conducting the selection process. |
Supplier Code of Conduct | All prospective suppliers must read the UN Supplier Code of Conduct and acknowledge that it provides the minimum standards expected of suppliers to the UN. The Code of Conduct, which includes principles on labour, human rights, environment and ethical conduct may be found at: Supplier Code of Conduct ( |
Conflict of Interest | UN encourages every prospective Supplier to avoid and prevent conflicts of interest, by disclosing to UN if you, or any of your affiliates or personnel, were involved in the preparation of the requirements, design, specifications, cost estimates, and other information used in this RFQ. |
General Conditions of Contract | Any Purchase Order or contract that will be issued as a result of this RFQ shall be subject to the IOM General Conditions of Contract for provision of goods/services/transportation/medical services available at |
Eligibility | Bidders shall have the legal capacity to enter into a binding contract with IOM and to deliver in the country, or through an authorized representative. |
Currency of Quotation | Quotations shall be quoted in US Dollar (USD) |
Duties and taxes | The International Organization for Migration is exempt from all direct taxes, except charges for public utility services, and is exempt from customs restrictions, duties, and charges of a similar nature in respect of articles imported or exported for its official use. All quotations shall be submitted net of any direct taxes and any other taxes and duties, unless otherwise specified below: All prices shall: ☐ be inclusive of VAT and other applicable indirect taxes ☒ be exclusive of VAT and other applicable indirect taxes |
Language of quotation and documentation including catalogues, instructions and operating manuals | English |
Documents to be submitted | Bidders shall include the following documents in their quotation: ☒ Annex 2: Quotation Submission Form duly completed and signed ☒ Annex 3: Technical and Financial Offer duly completed and signed and in accordance with the Schedule of Requirements in Annex 1 ☐ Other Click or tap here to enter text. |
Quotation validity period | Quotations shall remain valid for Sixty (60) days from the deadline for the Submission of Quotation. |
Price variation | No price variation due to escalation, inflation, fluctuation in exchange rates, or any other market factors shall be accepted at any time during the validity of the quotation after the quotation has been received. |
Partial Quotes | ☒ Not permitted ☐ Permitted Insert conditions for partial quotes and ensure that the requirements are properly listed in lots to allow partial quotes |
Payment Terms | ☐ 100% within 30 days after receipt of goods, works and/or services and submission of payment documentation. ☒ Other 60% within 30 days after receipt of the inception report and submission of payment documentation. 40% within 30 days after receipt of the final report and stakeholder workshops and submission of payment documentation. |
Contact Person for correspondence, notifications and clarifications | Focal Person: IOM Matthew Siakor E-mail address: Attention: Quotations shall not be submitted to this address but to the address for quotation submission above. |
Clarifications | Requests for clarification from bidders will not be accepted any later than 2 day before the submission deadline. Responses to request for clarification will be communicated through email by 07 April 2025 |
Evaluation method | ☒The contract will be awarded to the lowest price and substantially compliant offer ☐ Other Click or tap here to enter text. |
Evaluation criteria | ☒Full compliance with all requirements as specified in Annex 1 ☒Full acceptance of the General Conditions of Contract ☐Comprehensiveness of after-sales services ☒Earliest Delivery /shortest lead time ☐Others (for ex, environmental criteria/considerations, etc) |
Right not to accept any quotation | IOM is not bound to accept any quotation, nor award a contract or Purchase Order |
Right to vary requirement at time of award | At the time of award of Contract or Purchase Order, IOM reserves the right to vary (increase or decrease) the quantity of services and/or goods, by up to a maximum 25% of the total offer, without any change in the unit price or other terms and conditions. |
Type of Contract to be awarded | Service Agreement |
Expected date for contract award. | 15 April 2025 |
Policies and procedures | This RFQ is conducted in accordance with Policies and Procedures of IOM |
UNGM registration | IOM is encouraging all suppliers to register at the United Nations Global Marketplace (UNGM) website at The Bidder may still submit a quotation even if not registered with the UNGM, however, if the Bidder is selected for Contract award of USD 100,000 and above, the Bidder is recommended to register on the UNGM |
prior to contract signature. For vendors who do not have the technical means to register in UNGM, the UNGM has implemented an assisted vendor registration functionality that allows IOM procurement personnel to add local vendors to the UNGM. |
Quotation Documents:
The following shall constitute the Quotation Documents to be submitted by the Service Provider: 1.) Annex 2: Quotation Submission Form duly completed and signed
2.) Annex 3: Technical & Financial Offer duly completed and signed and in accordance with the Schedule of Requirements in Annex 1
3.) Annex 4: Activity Schedule
Award of Contract:
The Service Provider that has submitted the lowest evaluated Price, substantially responsive to the requirements of this General Instruction and who has been determined to be qualified to perform the contract shall be selected and awarded the contract.
IOM shall notify the selected Service Provider through a Notice of Award. IOM shall also notify in writing, the other Service Providers who were not selected without disclosing the reason for rejection.
Terms of Reference (ToR) Baseline Survey: GOLA-REAP – Resilience, Empowerment, Access and Peacebuilding along Liberia and Sierra Leone border Project
Funded by the UN Peacebuilding Fund (UN PBF), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the World Food Programme (WFP) are jointly implementing a 30-month cross-border peacebuilding project in the Gola Forest landscape along the Liberia-Sierra Leone border. The GOLA-REAP project—Resilience, Empowerment, Access and Peacebuilding— aims to strengthen relationships among local communities, forest rangers, and border authorities by fostering trust and collaboration. It seeks to prevent conflicts and promote peaceful resolution while ensuring sustainable natural resource management. Additionally, the project prioritizes the empowerment of young people—both men and women—while promoting economic resilience through climate-smart agriculture and inclusive local governance. By expanding sustainable livelihood opportunities, GOLA-REAP aims to reduce their vulnerability to illicit activities and strengthen their role in peacebuilding efforts.
The project has the following Outcomes:
– Outcome 1: Strengthened cross-border collaboration between communities, rangers, and border authorities leads to improved cross-border and Gola landscape management
– Outcome 2: Communities’ resilience is strengthened through inclusive forest management and youth driven climate-smart agriculture livelihood support.
To ensure that the project achieves its intended impact, a comprehensive baseline assessment will be conducted at the outset. This assessment will serve as a critical tool for understanding the existing conditions before implementation, refining intervention strategies, and ensuring that key indicators are accurately measured throughout the project lifecycle.
The baseline assessment will be conducted in selected counties and districts across Liberia and Sierra Leone, specifically: – Liberia: Tewor District & Porpka District in Grand Cape Mount County, Kongba District in Gbarpolu County. – Sierra Leone: Makpele Chiefdom in Pujehun District and Nomo Chiefdom in Kenema District.
The baseline assessment aims to establish a comprehensive understanding of the socio-economic and environmental landscape within the target regions, serving as a foundation to guide project implementation, monitor progress, document lessons learnt and inform future decision-making. The survey is also designed to identify and fill the missing values across all indicators in the project’s result matrices, which will enable the recalibration of targets and the completion of both the logical framework and the Monitoring and Evaluation system. Specifically, the assessment will:
The baseline survey will cover the Districts of Tewor and Porpka in Grand Cape Mount County, and Kongba District in Gbarpolu County, Liberia, as well as Makpele Chiefdom in Pujehun District and Nomo Chiefdom in Kenema District, Sierra Leone. It will encompass all project outcomes and establish baseline values for all indicators under the two outcomes. The consulting firm is responsible for preparing and executing the data collection and analysis, delivering the specified outputs, and providing regular progress updates and addressing any challenges encountered. They will also prepare an Inception Report detailing the methodologies, including a survey matrix, initial drafts of data collection tools, and a field visit schedule in coordination with IOM Liberia. The consulting firm must adhere to the IOM Data Protection Principles, United Nations Evaluation Group: Norms and standards for evaluation and relevant ethical guidelines.
The survey should answer all relevant questions that will provide all the missing baseline values for the project and specifically the indicators in Annex A.
The proposed methodologies will involve a combination of desk review and interviews to gather and triangulate data from possible sources, using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Specifically, the following methodologies are proposed and may be revised by the Consultant as needed during the inception phase.
The baseline survey will be led by a contracted Consultancy in close coordination with IOM Liberia. At the country level, the Consultancy will collaborate with the project’s M&E teams and staff, and any recruited local researchers will be jointly monitored by both the Consultancy and IOM personnel.
The deliverables expected from the consultancy include the following:
▪ Inception report will be prepared by the Consultancy and shared with IOM Liberia. The report should include a detailed methodology, baseline survey matrix and workplan. The Baseline Matrix will demonstrate the Consultancy’s understanding of the ToR and outline data collection and analysis plans, to be completed and reviewed by IOM Liberia and country teams prior to the field visit.
▪ Study Protocol, to include all the data collection tools that will be used, the data collection schedule, and all areas that the Consultancy requires support.
▪ Baseline Survey Draft Report, using an agreed structure, summarizing all the findings of the primary and secondary data. All the key stakeholders will provide feedback to the report.
▪ Validation Workshop: Facilitate a workshop to present findings, validate recommendations ▪ Baseline Survey Final Report will be produced, incorporating feedback from the stakeholder validation workshop and comments from project staff.
▪ Review Brief (two pager) to facilitate sharing of the key findings, conclusions and recommendations.
All deliverables are to be written in English and meet good language standards. The final report should meet the standards laid out in the UNEG Quality Checklist for Evaluation Reports and comply with IOM internal guidelines on Housing and Styling.
Based on the TOR, the Consultancy will have an online or in-person inception meeting and carry out a review of documents provided by IOM Liberia and draft the Inception Report for review.
In the desk research Phase, the relevant project documents should be reviewed: The Project proposal, budget, the relevant guidelines, flash updates and reports with the annexes.
Deliverables: The Consultancy will prepare (i) an Inception Report with detailed methodology, Baseline survey matrix, workplan, indicative list of people to be interviewed, and (ii) A Study Protocol, with the tools and field visit schedule.
The Consultancy will conduct the assessment within the 4 selected districts/ chiefdoms in Liberia and Sierra Leone. Data will be collected in accordance with the approved methodology and field visit schedule.
Deliverable: Complete datasets, and transcripts from the qualitative methods.
This phase is devoted to the development and submission of the draft Baseline survey draft report, and two-page brief. The logical framework of the project should be updated in the report.
Deliverable: The Consultancy will submit a Draft Baseline Report. Based on comments to the draft report, the Consultancy will submit a PowerPoint Presentation, the final report along with the two-page brief
The estimated workload and responsibilities’ allocation read as follows:
Activity |
Inception Meeting + Compile and share relevant documentation |
Desk review and document analysis (Home-based) |
Prepare baseline survey protocol, including tools and matrix (Home-based) |
Stakeholder consultations (in both countries) |
Planning and facilitation of data collection activities, logistical arrangements and schedule (including Training of enumerators and Pre-testing of tools) |
Data collection, including travel time (field based) |
Draft Baseline Survey Report and PPT (Home-based) |
Validation workshop: Facilitate a workshop to present findings, validate recommendations |
Final report and a concise summary of findings based on feedback from IOM, WFP and Implementing Partners (Home-based) |
The consultancy will span 5 – 6 weeks, starting from the contract signing date.
The Applicant/service provider will be required to have the following:
Indicators | Values |
Outcome Indicator 1a: Prevalence of illegal activities and encroachments reported along the Sierra Leone-Liberia border and within the cross-border regions of the Gola landscape as a result of improved collaboration between communities, rangers, and border authorities within the project duration | Baseline |
Outcome Indicator 1b: # of management objectives of the MOU between the Government of the Republic of Sierra Leone and the Government of the Republic of Liberia on the management of the Great Gola Transboundary Peace Park implemented | Baseline |
Outcome Indicator 1c: % of local community representatives, rangers and border authorities reporting increased trust and collaboration between local communities, rangers and border authorities (disaggregated by gender and youth) | Baseline |
Outcome Indicator 1d: % of key provisions of the Sierra Leone-Liberia MOU on the cooperation in the management of the Greater Gola Transboundary Peace Park implemented effectively within the project duration. | Baseline |
1.1.1: # of formal agreements signed between national and local authorities in Liberia and Sierra Leone explicitly supporting the application of the section of the ECOWAS Protocol on the Free Movement of Persons, focusing on the Free Movement of Personnel assigned to work in the forest. | Baseline |
1.1.2: # of transparency and accountability mechanisms implemented by border and forest management authorities, as identified through the gender-sensitive assessment. | Baseline |
1.1.3: # of Action plans developed to improve transparency, accountability, and community participation in border and forest management | Baseline |
1.1.4: % of rangers and border officials that express that material support eased their mobility, communication and information sharing challenge | Baseline |
1.1.5: # of communities that started to implement community policing activities | Baseline |
1.2.1: # of trained individuals through the cascading training program by the end of the project (gender and age disaggregated) | Baseline |
1.2.2: % of trained technical ministry staff who can provide concrete examples of how their new skills and knowledge were successfully applied in their work | Baseline |
1.2.3: # of dispute resolutions facilitated by the supported local peace mechanisms within the project duration | Baseline |
1.3.1: #. of best practices, lessons learned, and experiences related to sustainable resource management implemented by stakeholders following the forums. | Baseline |
1.3.2: % of community members perceptions and attitudes towards sustainable resource management and cross-border collaboration following the sensitization and awareness campaigns conducted via radio and educational materials, (disaggregated by country, age, gender and stakeholder groups). | Baseline |
1.3.3: # of cultural and sport initiatives organized for cross-border community engagement. Participation rates in these initiatives from both sides of the border | Baseline |
1.3.4: % of community representatives that feel that CBOs-led trust-building initiatives have contributed to increase social cohesion and sustaining peace along the border area (disaggregated by gender, age and country) | Baseline |
Outcome Indicator 2a: % of disempowered young women and men with increased monetary or non-monetary benefits from climate-smart activities by the end of the project duration (disaggregated by age, gender and country) | Baseline |
Outcome Indicator 2b: % of local communities expressing perceived changes in the involvement of disempowered youth in illicit activities (disaggregated by gender, age and country) | Baseline |
Outcome Indicator 2c: % reduction in conflicts within and between communities due to inclusive and sustainable management of community forests (disaggregated by country/ cross border, women and youth involvement) | Baseline |
2.1.1: # of disempowered youth (including 1/3 of women minimum) working on 40 IVSs within the project duration (disaggregated by age, gender and country) | Baseline |
2.1.2: % of disempowered youth expressing a perceived impact of FBOs on fostering a sense of collective responsibility and social integration among them (disaggregated by gender, age and country) | Baseline |
2.1.3: # of disempowered youth who can provide concrete examples of how their new skills and knowledge were successfully applied over the duration of the project (disaggregated by age, gender and country) | Baseline |
2.1.4: # of agricultural technical support and maintenance activities conducted by the 40 trained Community Youth Contractors within the targeted communities over the project duration (disaggregated by country, gender and age) | Baseline |
2.1.5: % of disempowered youth expressing perceived financial security and investment opportunities improvement by the end of the project (disaggregated by country/ community, age and gender) | Baseline |
2.1.6: # of women actively engaged in managing compost enterprises within the 40 established FBOs over the project duration (disaggregated by age and country) | Baseline |
2.1.7a: # of collaborative agricultural production and marketing activities facilitated through the shared use of agricultural resources and equipment among the established youth cooperatives (disaggregated by country) | Baseline |
2.1.8: # of joint initiatives, collaborative projects and replicated experience initiated as a result of cross-border fertilization meetings among youth Farmer-Based Organizations within the targeted regions by the end of the project (disaggregated by country/ cross-border dimension) | Baseline |
2.2.1: % increase in community members’ awareness of the environmental rights, responsibilities, and sustainable practices within Gola forest-edge communities (disaggregated by country, age, gender) | Baseline |
2.2.2: # of women and youth actively participating in community-based resource managements structures | Baseline |
2.2.3: # of community-driven mapping and demarcation conducted | Baseline |
2.2.4: # of successful carbon activities implemented within the project duration (disaggregated by country) | Baseline |
2.2.5: % of community representatives engaged in carbon trading, highlighting increased confidence, enhanced collaborative efforts and application of shared knowledge in inclusive forest management (disaggregated by country, age, gender) | Baseline |
Bidders are requested to complete this form, including the Company Profile and Bidder’s Declaration, sign it and return it as part of their quotation along with Annex 3: Technical and Financial Offer. The Bidder shall fill in this form in accordance with the instructions indicated. No alterations to its format shall be permitted and no substitutions shall be accepted.
Name of Bidder: | Click or tap here to enter text. | |
RFQ reference: | LR10-25-0001 | Date: Click or tap to enter a date. |
Yes | No | |
☐ | ☐ | On behalf of the Supplier, I hereby represent and warrant that neither the Supplier, nor any person having powers of representation, decision-making or control over it or any member of its administrative, management or supervisory body, has been the subject of a final judgement or final administrative decision for one of the following reasons: bankruptcy, insolvency or winding-up procedures; breach of obligations relating to the payment of taxes or social security contributions; grave professional misconduct, including misrepresentation, fraud; corruption; conduct related to a criminal organisation; money laundering or terrorist financing; terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activities; child labour and other trafficking in human beings, any discriminatory or exploitative practice, or any practice that is inconsistent with the rights set forth in the Convention on the Rights of the Child or other prohibited practices; irregularity; creating or being a shell company. |
☐ | ☐ | On behalf of the Supplier, I further represent and warrant that the Supplier is financially sound and duly licensed. |
☐ | ☐ | On behalf of the Supplier, I further represent and warrant that the Supplier has adequate human resources, equipment, competence, expertise and skills necessary to complete the contract fully and satisfactorily, within the stipulated completion period and in accordance with the relevant terms and conditions. |
☐ | ☐ | On behalf of the Supplier, I further represent and warrant that the Supplier complies with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. |
☐ | ☐ | On behalf of the Supplier, I further represent and warrant that the Supplier will in all circumstances act in the best interests of IOM. |
☐ | ☐ | On behalf of the Supplier, I further represent and warrant that no official of IOM or any third party has received from, will be offered by, or will receive from the Supplier any direct or indirect benefit arising from the contract. |
☐ | ☐ | On behalf of the Supplier, I further represent and warrant that the Supplier has not misrepresented or concealed any material facts during the contracting process. |
☐ | ☐ | On behalf of the Supplier, I further represent and warrant that the Supplier will respect the legal status, privileges and immunities of IOM as an intergovernmental organization. |
☐ | ☐ | On behalf of the Supplier, I further represent and warrant that neither the Supplier nor any persons having powers of representation, decision-making or control over the Supplier or any member of its administrative, management or supervisory body are included in the most recent Consolidated United Nations Security Council Sanctions List (the “UN Sanctions List”) or are the subject of any sanctions or other temporary suspension. The Supplier will immediately disclose to IOM if it or they become subject to any sanction or temporary suspension. |
1This form is mandatory to fill in and sign by every vendor who submits quotation
Yes | No | |
☐ | ☐ | On behalf of the Supplier, I further represent and warrant that the Supplier does not employ, provide resources to, support, contract or otherwise deal with any person, entity or other group associated with terrorism as per the UN Sanctions List and any other applicable anti-terrorism legislation. |
☐ | ☐ | On behalf of the Supplier, I further represent and warrant that, the Supplier will apply the highest ethical standards, the principles of efficiency and economy, equal opportunity, open competition and transparency, and will avoid any conflict of interest. |
☐ | ☐ | On behalf of the Supplier, I further represent and warrant that the Supplier undertakes to comply with the Code of Conduct, available at |
☐ | ☐ | It is the responsibility of the Supplier to inform IOM immediately of any change to the information provided in this Declaration. |
☐ | ☐ | On behalf of the Supplier, I certify that I am duly authorized to sign this Declaration and on behalf of the Supplier I agree to abide by the terms of this Declaration for the duration of any contract entered into between the Supplier and IOM. |
☐ | ☐ | IOM reserves the right to terminate any contract between IOM and the Supplier, with immediate effect and without liability, in the event of any misrepresentation made by the Supplier in this Declaration. |
Name: Click or tap here to enter text.
Title: Click or tap here to enter text.
Date: Click or tap to enter a date.
Bidders are requested to complete this form, sign it and return it as part of their quotation along with Annex 2 Quotation Submission Form. The Bidder shall fill in this form in accordance with the instructions indicated. No alterations to its format shall be permitted and no substitutions shall be accepted.
Name of Bidder: | Click or tap here to enter text. | |
RFQ reference: | LR10-25-0001 | Date: Click or tap to enter a date. |
Technical Offer
Provide the following:
– A brief description of your capacity and expertise that is relevant to the Terms of Reference and the proposed methodology and approach for this project (you may submit a Company Profile and/or please provide a separate short document of max two pages outlining the points above.
– Acknowledged copy of the TOR (signed and stamped)
Financial Offer
Provide a lump sum for the provision of the services stated in the Terms of Reference of your technical offer. The lump sum should include all costs of preparing and delivering the Services.
Currency of Quotation: US Dollar (USD)
Ref | Description of Deliverables | Price (USD) |
1. | Baseline Survey: GOLA-REAP – Resilience, Empowerment, Access and Peacebuilding along Liberia and Sierra Leone border Project (as per attached TOR) | |
Total Price (USD) |
Compliance with Requirements
You Responses | |||
Yes, we will comply | No, we cannot comply | If you cannot comply, pls. indicate counter proposal | |
Delivery Lead Time | ☐ | ☐ | Click or tap here to enter text. |
Validity of Quotation | ☐ | ☐ | Click or tap here to enter text. |
Payment terms | ☐ | ☐ | Click or tap here to enter text. |
Other requirements [pls. specify] | ☐ | ☐ | Click or tap here to enter text. |
I, the undersigned, certify that I am duly authorized to sign this quotation and bind the company below in event that the quotation is accepted. | |
Exact name and address of company Company NameClick or tap here to enter text. Address: Click or tap here to enter text. Click or tap here to enter text. Phone No.:Click or tap here to enter text. Email Address:Click or tap here to enter text. | Authorized Signature: Date:Click or tap here to enter text. Name:Click or tap here to enter text. Functional Title of Authorised Signatory:Click or tap here to enter text. Email Address: Click or tap here to enter text. |
Duration in Weeks
Activity Name | Duration | ||||||||
Act.No. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |
1 | |||||||||
2 | |||||||||
3 | |||||||||
4 | |||||||||
5 | |||||||||
6 | |||||||||
7 | |||||||||
6 | |||||||||
7 | |||||||||
8 | |||||||||
9 | |||||||||
10 | |||||||||
11 | |||||||||
Manpower Allocation & Descriptions | |||||||||
Equipment Allocation & Descriptions (if applicable) |
The Bidder may use extra pages to furnish additional information or may use other acceptable format to illustrate the construction schedule.
Bidder’s authorized signature over printed name