Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the purchase and installation of solar systems (Solar Panels Monocrystalline Module 550W 48 volts)
RFQ No: FY2509
Issue date: March 14, 2025
Issuing organization: Catholic Relief Services, Liberia Program
Closing date: April 9, 2025 (extension requests must be received in advance at least three days before the closing date)
Submission method: Two separate sealed envelopes; Technical proposal and Financial proposal
Type of agreement: Service contract
CRS is accepting quotations from suppliers/Service providers for the purchase and installation of solar systems (Solar Panels) as per details below:
S.No | Hospital Name | County | System Design Alloted |
1 | Bonjeh Town Clinic | Bomi | 5k System |
2 | Belefanai | Bong | 5k System |
3 | Compound #3 Clinic | Grand Bassa | 5k System |
4 | Tarkpoima Clinic | Gbarpolu | 5k System |
5 | Konobo Health Center | Grand Gedeh | 10k System |
6 | St. Timothy Hospital | Grand Cape Mount | 10k System |
7 | Barclayville Health Center | Grand Kru | 10k System |
8 | Behwan Health Center | Grand Kru | 5k System |
9 | Buah Health Center | Grand Kru | 10k System |
10 | Curran Lutheran Hospital | Lofa | 5k System |
11 | Foya Borma Hospital | Lofa | 10k System |
12 | Konia Health Center | Lofa | 15k System |
13 | Salayea Health Center | Lofa | 5k System |
14 | Dolo Town Comprehensive | Margibi | 10k System |
15 | Nyehn Health Center | Montserrado | 5k System |
16 | Careyburg Health Center | Montserrado | 5k System |
17 | Louisiana Health Center | Montserrado | 5k System |
18 | Duport Road Health Center | Montserrado | 20k System |
19 | Pipeline Health Center | Montserrado | 10k System |
20 | Soniwen Health Center | Montserrado | 10k System |
21 | Karnplay Comprehensive | Nimba | 15k System |
22 | Saclepea Comprehensive | Nimba | 20k System |
23 | Bahn Health Center | Nimba | 15k System |
24 | Gbeapo Health Center | River Gee | 15k System |
25 | St. Francis Hospit | Rivercess | 15k System |
26 | Butaw Clinic | Sinoe | 5k System |
B.1- Active equipment and capacity
Hybrid Inverter Size (kVA) | Solar Panel Mono Facial Module Capacity (kWp) | Lithium Battery 48V Capacity (5kwh, 10kwh & 15kWh) | ||
S.No | System Category | |||
1 | 5k System | 5 | 8 | 10 |
2 | 10k System | 10 | 15 | 20 |
3 | 15k System | 15 | 23 | 30 |
4 | 20k System | 20 | 30 | 40 |
5 | 30k System | 30 | 45 | 60 |
6 | 50k System | 50 | 75 | 100 |
7 | 80k System | 80 | 120 | 160 |
8 | 100k System | 100 | 150 | 200 |
9 | 150k System | 150 | 225 | 300 |
10 | 200k System | 200 | 300 | 400 |
Note: Bidders are required to submit waste disposal plans for used batteries or damaged panels.
B.2- Additional equipment and accessories: Suppliers/services providers are also expected to provide any additional equipment or accessories needed for full installation of the system such as below:
Services: The supplier, in addition to the provision of the set of solar system equipment Will also dispatch and install them in the respective locations. The vendor will also develop a testing tool that CRS will review and approve which will be used for acceptance of the system after installation
NB: Suppliers are allowed to visit the above-listed facilities if they need additional information that is not provided here.
Quotes are to be submitted in two (2) separate sealed envelopes clearly labeled:
“Envelope 1: RFQ No: FY2509 Technical Proposal – purchase and installation of solar systems (Solar Panels Monocrystalline Module 550W 48 volts)”
“Envelope 2: RFQ No: FY2509 Financial Proposal – purchase and installation of solar systems (Solar Panels Monocrystalline Module 550W 48 volts)”
The two separate envelopes should be enclosed with an outer sealed envelope with the reference number addressed to:
Catholic Relief Services, Liberia Program
16th Street Gardner Avenue
Seaside, C-140 Building,
Sinkor Monrovia, Liberia
Subject: FY2509
Bids must be received no later than April 9, 2025 (extension requests must be received in advance at least three days before the closing date).
Failure to comply with these instructions may result in disqualification.
Bidders are required to meet the following criteria to be eligible to participate in this procurement:
In addition, the eligible firms should meet the following criteria:
Bidders are required to submit the following documents as proof of eligibility:
The Bidder must verify that it does not appear on:
The Bidder, to the best of its current knowledge, did not provide within the previous 10 years, and will take all reasonable steps to ensure that it does not and will not knowingly provide, material support or resources to any individual or entity that commits, attempts to commit, advocates, facilitates, or participates in terrorist acts, or has committed, attempted to commit, facilitated, or participated in terrorist acts. The undersigned declares that he or she is authorized to sign on behalf of the company named above and to bind the company to all conditions and provisions stated in the original RFQ document from CRS.
Received quotes will be evaluated using a 3-stage process:
Administrative evaluation: The below are fail/Pass criteria:
Business Registration or certificate of incorporation
Proof of tax regularity – Valid tax clearance certificate
Acknowledge and sign the required annexes (A, B and C)
Technical evaluation:
Evaluation criteria
| Weighting | Score (0 to 3) | Brief explanation of the test |
Experience of the bidder in the field of solar electrification studies and works |
15% | Provision of three (03) similar contracts executed in the last 05 years. The bidder must demonstrate relevant experience with organizations or companies. Each similar experience is 1 point | |
Warranty and quality of the equipment supplied, and the work carried out |
30% | A warranty of 15 years plus for the solar panel and 05 years plus for the other equipment is 3 points, A warranty of 10 to 14 years plus for the solar panel and 05 years plus for the other equipment is 2 points, A warranty of 5 to 10 years plus for the solar panel and 05 years plus for the other equipment is 1 point, – Anything else is 0 Please provide the warranty sheet of any product proposed. The proposed system must comply with international regulations that guarantee the quality, durability and safety of photovoltaic system. | |
Proposed disposal plan for solar panels and batteries | 10% | Bidders must submit waste disposal plans for used batteries or damaged panels. Submitted plan is 3 point; else 0. | |
Number and qualification of the personnel assigned to the mission (Study and execution of the works) | 10% | The aim will be to assess the competence of the personnel assigned to the installation: – At least 6 staff with more than 5 years is 3 points, – 4 to 5 staff with more than 05 experience, 2 points – 2 to 3, 1 point – and less than 02, 0 points | |
Logistical resources allocated to the study and works and evidence of local presence of the bidder | 20% | It will be a question of evaluating the material resources available to the bidder and allocated for the mission. Local presence could include a partnership between the international vendor and a reliable local entity. The bidder must provide the name of the local partner, technical capacity and evidence of the partnership | |
Organization of the mission and methodology for carrying out studies and works | 15% | This will involve evaluating the tenderer’s detailed schedule and time required for full execution of the activity To this end, the bidder must develop and present in its work strategy in relation to the work schedule. | |
In-person/online presentation of technical proposal. The presentation should include the following: Experience and past performance, Technical approach and methodology, Workplan and timeline, Risk mitigation measure Innovation in implementation (Online presentations for only international bidders) | 15% | Technical approach and methodology: Explanation of how bidder plans to execute the project including materials selection, staffing, installation process, maintenance strategy and waste disposal. Workplan and timeline: Detailed breakdown of key milestones and project duration Risk mitigation measure: Strategies to mitigate potential risks Innovation in implementation: Strategies to improve project efficiency and cost-effectiveness | |
Total Weighted Score | 100% |
A bidder will qualify for financial evaluation only if the weighted technical score is at least 2.
Financial Evaluation: Lower bid will be allocated a score of 3 and others will be scored against the low bid using the formula – current score = Lower bid * 3/current bid. Cost elements should include but not limited:
Equipment cost.
Dispatch cost to health facilities.
Installation cost including accommodation, catering, etc.
Preventive maintenance fee for 1 year.
Final score: This total score for each bidder will be the sum of the weighted technical score and weighted financial score.
The weight of the financial criteria is 30%
The contract will be awarded to the bidder with the highest combined score, calculated based on the weighted technical score and the weighted financial score. The evaluation committee will consider both technical and financial criteria to determine the bidder that offers the best overall value for money, ensuring the required technical specifications are met while achieving cost-effectiveness.
The awarded contractor shall provide a performance bond (bank guarantee) equivalent to 10% of the total contract value. The bond shall remain valid until the final system handover and acceptance by CRS/MoH, including a minimum 6-month defect liability period. Failure to meet the contractual obligations shall result in the forfeiture of the bond.
Post-qualification Actions:
Verification of accuracy, correctness and authenticity of the information provided by the bidder on the administrative, technical, and financial documents submitted.
Inquiry and reference checking with entity that may have done business with the bidder.
Inquiry and reference checking with other previous clients on the quality of performance of ongoing or previous contracts completed.
Physical inspection of the bidder’s branches or other places where business transpires, with or without notice to the bidder.
Bidders shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the quote, and CRS will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the solicitation.
To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of Quotes, CRS may, at its discretion, ask the Supplier/Vendor for clarification of its Quote. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing and no change in price or substance of the Quote shall be sought, offered, or permitted.
CRS may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective supplier/vendor, amend the Request for Quotation. To afford prospective suppliers/vendors reasonable time in which to take the amendments into account in preparing their offers, CRS may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of quotes. Any amendments will be published in the same manner as the present tender.
Any offer for the supply of the following will not be eligible for consideration:
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is committed to the principles of responsible sourcing, and we expect our suppliers and service providers to fully comply with applicable contractual obligations in order to include CRS’s terms and conditions, local and relevant/otherwise applicable laws and adhere to internationally recognized environmental, social and corporate governance standards. We also expect our suppliers to implement these standards with their suppliers and subcontractors, as inspired by the Global Compact initiative, the United Nations Guiding Principles and Human Rights, the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the ETI Basic Code and applicable CRS policies, procedures and standards.
Prohibit all forms of harassment, sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, including sexual exploitation and abuse, and trafficking in persons.1 Any sexual activity with a child, defined as a person under the age of 18, is considered sexual abuse regardless of the local age of consent.
Have mechanisms in place to prevent, address and actively respond to harassment, sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, including sexual exploitation and abuse, and human trafficking.
Support the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights and prohibit forced, forced and involuntary labour and child labour.
Treat employees with dignity and respect and provide a safe and hygienic workplace that complies with national laws and is free from discrimination based on race, gender, age, religion, sexuality, culture or disability.
Comply with all applicable domestic and international trade laws and regulations, including but not limited to antitrust laws, trade controls, and sanctions regimes.
Respect the privacy and confidential information of all your employees and business partners and protect data and intellectual property from misuse.
Establish data protection and management standards that address data collection, backup, sanitation, and disposal. The Data Owner is aware of the terms and conditions for the provision of the Data and gives consent in accordance with CRS’s Responsible Data Values and Principles.
Implement an appropriate compliance management policy and procedure, which facilitates compliance with applicable laws, regulations and standards.
Refer to pages 6 and 7 of CRS’s Safeguard Policy for more details on prohibited exploitative practices, including the provision of commercial sexual services, employment practices, and relationships with beneficiaries that are abusive or abusive.
Comply with all applicable environmental, health and safety regulations.
Ensure, using appropriate management policies and procedures, that the quality and safety of products meet applicable requirements.
Protect the lives and health of your employees and neighbors, as well as the general public from the hazards inherent in your processes and products.
Since CRS is a recipient of many grants or contracts provided by governmental, public, and private donors, all suppliers and service providers are hereby informed that other donor-specific compliance measures may be included in the legal instrument by which the goods or services are purchased.
CRS reserves the right to conduct audits or due diligence assessments to ensure your compliance and will take reasonable steps to investigate or take appropriate action to address concerns. CRS reserves the right to terminate any relationship for non-compliance with the requirements mentioned above.
If you have any concerns or suspicions about any form of harassment, abuse, and exploitation described above and in CRS’s Safeguard Policy, illegal or inappropriate conduct, CRS requires you to report through any of the following channels:
Attention: General Counsel
Catholic Relief Services 228 W. Lexington Street Baltimore, MD 21201
Ensuring the principles of sustainability in our supply chain is important to CRS. We hope that as a partner, you show your commitment by complying with your own code of conduct or the corporate policies that encompass these standards.
By accepting CRS business in the form of a purchase order, contract, or agreement, you implicitly agree to the roles and responsibilities of your organization described in this document.
I, the undersigned ______________________________________, Title ________________________ certify that I am the legal representative of the company mentioned below, that I have read, understood and will enforce the CRS Code of Business Conduct by any agent of the company.
Company Name
Signature Date: Company stamp:
We hereby certify that delete:
has. No sanction measures have been taken in the last 5 (five) years against my entreprise_______________________________________,
Insert the date and reasons for the sanction measures and the outcome of the sanctions, i.e. suspension or cancellation of the manufacturing license by the regulatory authorities, product recalls, blacklisting, exclusion from participation in tenders, etc.
Print on the candidate’s letterhead if possible
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Liberia Office
I, the undersigned, Mr. or Mrs.: | __________________________________________________ | |
Acting as: _________________________________________________________ | ||
Company Representative: (Company Name, Address) _________________________________ | ||
_____________________________________________________________________________ | ||
Declares that:
Neither our company nor its affiliates or subsidiaries (including our subcontractors or suppliers of any part of the contract), have been declared ineligible by CRS in accordance with Article 2 – Conditions for Participating in the Tender;
We have not and will not offer gifts or favours of any kind in exchange for this tender, and we will not do so throughout the performance of any contract awarded.
Finally, I authorize CRS to verify this information. I also agree to assume the consequences of any breach of this Agreement in connection with the performance of this Agreement.
Signature of the company’s legal representative Stamp