• Location:
  • Salary:
  • Job type:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Posted:
    5 months ago
  • Category:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Deadline:
    November 20, 2024



ISSUE DATE: November 6, 2024

CLOSING DATE: November 20, 2024



CRS invites competitive tenders from qualified and credible Insurance Companies in Liberia for the provision of medical Insurance for staff and their dependents. A total of Seventy (79) employees across the fifteen (15) Counties will be insured.

Address responses to CRS Liberia office:
Catholic Relief Services

Liberia Program

16th Street Gardiner Avenue

Seaside, C-140 Building,

Sinkor Monrovia, Liberia

Subject: RFQ Number: FY2501

Bids should be submitted (hand delivered) in two separate sealed envelopes: Technical proposal & financial proposal.

Technical Proposal to include:

· Cover letter detailing Company profile, & implementation period

· Valid business registration & tax clearance

· References for past contracts in recent time

· CVs of key staff

Financial Proposal to include:

· Detailed Price Quote

Bid submission form should be requested from CRS ( and form part of your submission package. The submission package should include two sealed envelopes.

One envelope should be labeled “TECHNICAL” & the other “FINANCIAL”, and the bigger envelope should be labeled with the RFQ # and the name of the Bidder.

Please note that CRS is precluded from entering contract with a business without a valid business registration and tax clearance certificate.

Submit quotes by the deadline of November 20, 2024, before 4:00 pm.

Additional Information on this RFQ or a request for clarification can be sent to

Soft copy of this RFQ can be requested at

Index of Bid Document

CRS tender document is comprised in its entirety of the following sections and appendices:


Section 1 Tender Instructions

Section 2 Description of Services

Section 3 Special Provisions

Section 4 Evaluation Criteria


Appendix A: Cover Letter

Appendix B: Bid document Checklist


  1. Tender requirements:

All qualified bidders are encouraged to include the following documents in their bids:

  1. Valid Tax Clearance
  2. Business Registration Certificate
  3. Evidence of Certification by the Central Bank of Liberia;
  4. Company profile
  5. Name of Reinsurer and its profile
  6. All bidders must provide their history/record of claims payment
  7. Article of Incorporation
  8. Most recent audited financial statement
  9. List of a minimum of five INGOs/corporate clients (with a minimum of 50 employees) and their contact details
  10. All tenderers must include in their Medical Plans the following:
  • Complete list of current medical clinics and hospitals that provide services to their clients
  • List of covered services (outpatient vs inpatient; diagnostics; drugs)
  • List of coverage limits (deductibles, annual maximums)
  1. All pages of bids (Technical and Financial) must be pre-numbered and initial
  2. All bids must be signed and stamped by authorized personnel
  3. All Bid prices must be quoted in United States Dollars
  4. Quoted Price must be valid for one (1) year as of the contract signing date
  5. All tenderers must provide financial reimbursement Plans (reimbursement to employees and payment terms)
  6. Tenderers must provide insurance Premium Plans for Medical
  7. Successful bidders will be required to provide CRS staff with an Insurance Card within 30 days

Additional Information

  • Bidders shall submit a Cover letter in the prescribed Format as specified in Appendix A.
  • CRS has the right to increase or decrease the number of staff mentioned in this bidding document
  • The bid validity period shall be sixty (60) working days from the bid submission date
  • Bid submitted after the deadline will NOT be considered
  • Electronic bids are NOT allowed


Medical insurance service to cover (benefits) both CRS staff and their dependents.


Bidders must be aware that the below provisions will be incorporated into the contract document upon successful evaluation and determination of the winner.

  1. a) Contract duration
  2. b) Payment terms


EVALUATION: quotes will be evaluated using a 3-stage process

  1. Responsiveness [Pass/Fail]: Bids must be complete and compliant. A quote will be deemed complete and compliant if the quotation submission form is signed along with the quote, meets product specifications, is valid for at least 60 days, and is substantively responsive to the terms and conditions of the RFQ.
  2. Technical Evaluation Weight 70%: The evaluation of technical specifications will be graded on a scale of 100 points breakdown as below. Only bidders scoring 70 points and above will proceed to the financial stage
  3. Financial Evaluation Weight 30%: Below is the detailed financial evaluation criteria.

Top performers will be invited for an in-person presentation.

After the evaluation process, the Contract will be awarded to the most advantageous responsive offer (combination of quality and price) that meets the minimum requirements and offers the best price offer.

Eligibility criteria:

A service provider must meet the below criteria to move to the technical and financial evaluation:

  • Compliance with local and international standards and regulations: This Legal Documents such as the Copies of business registration, tax clearance certificates, and any other relevant legal documents
  • Evidence of Certification by the Central Bank of Liberia
  • Article of incorporation
  • Acknowledged its adherence to CRS supplier code of conduct
  • Bid submitted before the deadline.

Evaluation: The technical evaluation will weigh 70% and the financial 30% of the total score

Technical evaluation:

CriteriaAdditional details for scoringScore
Years of existence in medical insurance Service Provision and profile10 Years +10 points
5 to 9 years5 points
Less than 5 years0 points
Key personnel qualifications and experiencesCV of at least three experts in the medical insurance field15 points
Proof of financial capacity to provide the medical insurance servicesBank statement or reference letter from the bank (10 points)10 points
Past performance including claim settlement10 points
medical insurance (Outpatient vs Inpatient) plans10 points
List of medical clinics and hospitals5 points
Clients listing (INGOs/corporate entities)List of a minimum of five INGOs/corporate clients (with a minimum of 50 employees) and their contact details10 points
Accessibility to quality clinics and hospitals in Liberia.10 points
Responsiveness to urgent issues and cases including the timeline for that.5 points
Possibility of supporting critical cases to receive medication outside Liberia- if needed.5 points
Affordability of the quality service in the counties.5 points

Financial evaluation: Below are the criteria for the financial evaluation

Financial offerThe lowest bidder will get 100 points and all the others will be score based on the lower bid (Score= lower bid *100/(the current bid)


The weighted score will be calculated by applying 30% to the total score.

  1. Price: Responsive quotes will undergo Price Evaluation as follows:

Price Weight 30%: The supplier with the lowest total price will receive a score of 100. All other bidders’ scores will be calculated in inverse proportion to the lowest price using the following formula.

X and Y represent the lower offer and the offer for which the score needs to be calculated, respectively: Score = (X/Y) * 100.

The price weight (%) will be applied to all scores.

  1. Total Score Calculation

The total score for each supplier will be the sum of the weighted technical score and weighted price.

  1. Rejection of Award:
  2. CRS may reject any quote that is not substantively responsive to the terms and conditions of the RFQ.
  3. CRS is not bound to accept the lowest or any quote and reserves the right to accept any quote in whole or in part and to reject any or all quotes without assigning any reason therefore and to Contract on any of the terms offered or on different terms.
  4. CRS will send a Notice of Award to the winning bidder. The winning bidder agrees to acknowledge the purchase order /contract by email upon award within one (1) business day under the terms and conditions stated herein.
  • Eligibility:

Vendors must not be associated or have been associated in the past directly or indirectly with a firm or any of its affiliates which have been engaged by CRS to provide services for the preparation of the design, specifications, and other documents to be used for the procurement of the goods under this request for quotation.

Bidders, Suppliers and Service Providers, while conducting their activities, are expected to comply with the following policies and regulations:

  1. Cost of Providing Quotes:

Bidders shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the quote, and CRS will not be liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the solicitation.

  1. Clarification and Amendments of Request for Quotation:

To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of Quotes, CRS may, at its discretion, ask the Supplier/Vendor for clarification of its Quote. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing and no change in price or substance of the Quote shall be sought, offered, or permitted.

CRS may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective supplier/vendor, amend the Request for Quotation. To afford prospective suppliers/vendors reasonable time to consider the amendments in preparing their offers, CRS may extend the deadline for the submission of quotes. Any amendments will be published in the same manner as the present tender.

  1. Terms and Conditions

General terms and conditions of CRS applicable to goods and services can be downloaded at the following address: or obtained upon request from the CRS’ office and are applicable within the national legal context.

  • Negotiations and Selection:

Award may be made with or without negotiations between the CRS and the selected vendor. Award may be made to a vendor that provided the lowest priced technically acceptable quotation, or to a vendor other than the one that provided the lowest priced quotation, should that vendor be determined to have provided the best value quotation to CRS taking technical and cost factors into account.

All vendors that submit quotations in response to this RFQ will be notified of the results.

  • Quotation Submission Form

The following document is part of this request for quotation and must be completed and returned with your offer.

Quotations must be completed according to the instructions in this request. Quotations must be completed in English, signed, and returned to CRS before the specified deadline. CRS’s terms and conditions applicable to goods and services are provided in section X. Terms and Conditions.

I, the undersigned, having read CRS’s terms and conditions applicable to goods and services for the request for quotation No. FY2501, as stated in the attached document, hereby offer to provide the goods and services specified in this request for quotation at the price or prices indicated, in accordance with all specified specifications, and subject to CRS’s terms and conditions applicable to goods and services established or specified in the document.

I, the undersigned, declare that: A) Our company and our personnel have no conflicts of interest in any activities that could represent, if we are selected, a conflict of interest with CRS. B) Our company confirms that the bidder or subcontractors have not been associated, or in any way involved, directly or indirectly, in the preparation of the project, specifications, and/or other documents used in this tender. C) Our company, its affiliates, or subsidiaries (including subcontractors or suppliers of any part of the contract) have not been declared ineligible by CRS in accordance with clause 9: Eligibility. D) We have not offered and will not offer any gift and/or favor of any kind in exchange for this request for quotation and will never do so during the execution of any awarded contract.



[On Letterhead]

<Insert date>


To: Country Representative

Catholic Relief Services.

C-140, 16th Street, Gardner Avenue, Sinkor,

Monrovia, Liberia.

Dear Sir/Madam:

We, the undersigned offer to submit our Expression of Interest letter with Reference to: _________________for Medical Insurance Coverage in accordance with your Expression of Interest (EOI) dated ____________. Therefore, we submit our bid for the sum of ______________.

Please see attached our bid.

Our bid shall be binding upon us subject to modifications resulting from contract negotiations. We understand you will reject any tender submitted after the deadline.

Yours sincerely,

Authorized Signature:

Name and Title of Signatory:

Name of Firm:





(Please check all that apply and include this page in the sealed envelope with the proposal)

Expression of Interest#: _________________” Medical Insurance Coverage

Bidder Name: _____________________________________________________

Have you?

  • Submitted your bid to CRS Liberia in a sealed envelope of each (Technical and Financial) as required on or before the deadline.

Does your proposal include the following?

  • Cover Letter (use CRS Liberia format on your Letterhead) indicated in Appendix A)
  • Detailed cost breakdown of medical plans
  • Company profile, certificate from the Central Bank of Liberia, Valid Tax clearance, Business Registration Certificate, Audited Financial Statement, list of current medical hospitals, Group and Medical (out and Inpatient insurance) Plans, financial reimbursement Plans and Articles of incorporation.

Name and profile of Reinsure

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This job has expired. Unfortunately, you can no longer apply for this position.:

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