
Request for Quote/Proposal (Employees Medical Insurance)

  • Location:
  • Salary:
  • Job type:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Posted:
    1 month ago
  • Category:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Deadline:
    July 28, 2024

Request for Quote/Proposa1 (RFQ/RFP)

Commodity/Service Required:Employees Medical Insurance
Type of Procurement:Service Agreement
Type of Contract:Not-To-Exceed (NTE) ceiling Price
Term of Contract:12 (Twelve) Months. Renewable for addiåonal months subject to satisfactory performance and/or availability of funding.
Contract Funding:USAID Liberia
This Procurement supports:Feed the Future Liberia Food Security, Nutrition & Resilience (FSNR)
Request full RFQ Document from:fsnrprocurement@rti.org
Date of Issue of RFP:July 5, 2024
Date Questions from Supplier Due:July 18, 2024
Date Proposal Due:July 25, 2024
Approximate Date Purchase Order Issued to Successful Bidder(s):August 5, 2024
Method of Submittal:
Sealed hard copies, bound in an envelope clearly marked: “Provision of Employees Private Medical Insurance for RTI”. All sealed hard copies should be signed and stamped and addressed to the attention of The Bid Committee, RTI-FSNR. 2nd Floor, Prime Reality Building, Gibson Avenue, Mamba Point, 1000 Monrovia, 10 Liberia

The Bidder/Seller agrees to hold the prices in its offer firm for 90 days from the date specified for the receipt of offers, unless another time is specified in the addendum of the RFP/RFQ.

Solicitation Number:FSNR-087-2024

Attachments to RFP:

  1. Attachment “A” – Commodity Specifications
  2. Attachment “B” – Instructions to Bidders/Sellers
  3. All PO Terms and Conditions are listed on our website at:

htt s: www.rti.or sites default files rti- urchase-order-terms-and-conditions-v1.16. df http://www.rti.org/files/PO FAR Clauses.pdf or for commercial items:

http://www.rti.org/files/PO FAR Clauses Commercial Items.pdf (hereinafter the “Terms”). Supplier’s delivery of products, performance of services, or issuance of invoices in connection with this purchase order establishes Supplier’s agreement to the Terms. The Terms may only be modified in writing signed by both parties.

RTI International is a trade name of Research Triangle Institute. RTI and the RTI logo are U.S. registered trademarks of Research Triangle Institute.

RFQ Template v8, October 2023




Attachment A

Commodity Specifications or Statement of Work

Statement of Work

Indicate a description of the activity/service that is expected from the supplier. Provide product specifications or service expectations (both if applicable). Include deliverables, timelines, and any special terms and conditions.

Description of Activity/Service:

RTI International is seeking a qualified Medical Insurance Underwriter to provide insurance coverage to its employees and their dependents across several Activities & Projects in Liberia. This is a standalone or per person cover with a maximum population size of 23 employees and 56 dependents (total population size of 79) for both Activities at the moment. The vendor will sign a Local Purchase Order for the maximum population size but will invoice RTI for payment of the actual number of employees and dependents as provided within a given period, considering that the actual population size may vary at different periods during coverage.

Product or Service Expectations (both if applicable):

Please see below the Maximum Benefit Thresholds or scope as follows:


• Person(s) from birth up to 65 years can join the scheme.

Existing members remain in the scheme up to the age of 65 years.

• Dependents include 1 spouse and unlimited Dependents (own children and legally adopted children from birth to 18 and if school going up to 21 years.)

• Children will join the cover from birth.

Deliverables, Timelines, Special Terms and Conditions:

LIMITS Summary

In-Paäent-MaMmum perperson- stand-alone

Out-Paäent- Maximum perperson- stand-alone

Annual Health/Medica1 Check Up- Maximum USD500.OO/=perperson- stand-alone

Psychiatric andPsycholouServices- Maximum USD400.OO/=perperson- stand-alone

Opäcal Care- Minimum perperson- stand-alone

Dental Care- Minimum USD500.OO/=perperson- stand-alone


Maximum Limits should be USD2,500.OO/-per person per annum Stand-alone.

Summary of benefits that must be included in the cover are:

Comprehensive and flexible hospitalization (inpatient) cover, which includes the following services: Hospital Accommodation Charges (Room & Board) Consultation: Physician or Specialist

Doctor’s Ph sician, Sur eon & Anesthetist fees.

Attachment A

RFQ Template v8, October 2023

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