The Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) promotes peaceful, just, and inclusive democracy worldwide. We believe that democracy can only thrive when all voices are heard and that inclusive and respectful dialogue between politicians, political parties, civil society, and citizens is crucial to achieving that goal. We build all our democracy support programmes around that core belief, ensuring we help empower everyone – from traditionally marginalized groups to established politicians – to play their role in political life and work for the common good of their Country. We do this by promoting dialogue, strengthening the capacities of political actors, and training young and established leaders in our democratic schools.
Currently, NIMD runs programmes in around twenty countries in Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia, and the MENA region. To see all countries where NIMD works, NIMD’s Headquarters are in the political heart of the Netherlands in The Hague. NIMD is currently expanding its work in Liberia and is looking to support the team with a:
For NIMD’s programming on inclusive democracy in Liberia within the Liberian Election Support Program (LESP), a political economy analysis (PEA) must be conducted. The PEA aims to understand better how political actors, women, men, and youth, enter politics, identify factors that support and hinder political participation throughout an individual’s political career, and identify actors that face the most challenges. With this PEA, NIMD aims to understand gendered political dynamics better and how women, youth and other structurally excluded groups are shut out from political processes. The PEA will take an intersectional approach, thus also recognizing diversity within the country.
The EU delegation and the Irish and German Embassies fund the UNDP-led LESP. The overall objective is to promotea more inclusive and accountable democracy.NIMD works with UNDP, UN Women and the National Election Commission (NEC). The specific outcomes are: 1) Enhanced electoral cycle and sustained peace; 2) Enhanced participation and inclusion of women and marginalized groups in political processes; and 3) Increased state accountability (through increased legislative oversight). NIMD is implementing activities under outcomes 2 and 3. This PEA is part of the activities under specific outcome 2) enhanced participation of youth and women in political processes.
The PEA will allow NIMD and other implementing partners within the LESP to build its knowledge and understanding of the political participation of women and men from different age groups across the country within the varying political dynamics of a politician’s career. The PEA will serve as the foundation for designing and adapting project activities. The entire PEA process aims to support flexible programming, inform the development of practical and realistic programmatic strategies, and help select the right interventions. It also forms the basis for ongoing analysis. The PEA will be updated in-house on a yearly basis to inform the annual work plans.
NIMD uses a tailor-made PEA methodology captured in our PEA Process Guide, which captures the PEA process(Annex A).A PEA team, including the research institution or researcher and NIMD staff, will be set up to define key research questions and monitor progress during the assignment. Halfway through the research, the researcher and the PEA team will review the first findings and potentially fine-tune the research questions or decide to collect other (types of) data. Following the halfway discussions, the researcher will finalize the PEA report based on the input received by the PEA team. The final report should include key findings and concrete recommendations for programming.
The PEA framework is based on several steps and includes three crucial outputs;
All data sources used in the research report should be referenced in the running text of the eventual report—that is, clearly identified sources should support all findings. Data sources should also be noted in a reference list to make the quality of the data open for (peer) review.
The expected amount of days for the assignment is 30 days. The research will be conducted, and all the expected deliverables will be submitted within the timeline mentioned above by the end of 30 August 2024.
Interested individual consultants or firms must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:
Please send the aforementioned documents tooscarbloh@nimd.orgbefore17th July 2024, 18:00 CET.