RFP for the Provision of Uninterrupted and Stable Power Supply to PREVAIL Data Center

  • Location:
  • Salary:
  • Job type:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Posted:
    1 year ago
  • Category:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Deadline:
    April 8, 2024

The Partnership for Research on Vaccines and Infectious Diseases in Liberia (PREVAIL)
Request for Proposal (RFP)

Title: RFP for the Provision of Uninterrupted and Stable Power Supply to PREVAIL Data Center

Service Need: RFP for the Provision of Uninterrupted and Stable Power Supply to PREVAIL Data Center at AMD Central Office

RFP Number: TMG/RFP/004/2024

Publication Date: March 25, 2024

The Mitchell Group, Inc. (hereinafter “TMG”), a corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Washington, DC, United States of America, implementing the Partnership for Research on Vaccines and Infectious Diseases in Liberia (PREVAIL) with office based at A.M. Dogliotti (AMD) College of Medicine Campus, Oldest Congo Town, Monrovia, requests for proposals for the provision of uninterrupted and stable power supply to PREVAIL Data Center located at the AMD Central Office.

The project is a clinical research project with sites at Redemption Hospital, Duport Road Clinic, in Montserrado, JFK Hospital, CH Rennie Hospital Site in Margibi County, LIBR in Charlesville and the AMD Central Office located in Congo Town, Monrovia, Liberia. The purpose of the RFP is to hire a qualified and reputable company to provide uninterrupted Power supply to PREVAIL data Center.

Scope of work (SOW)
The required tasks for the company includes but are not limited to the following:

• Provide options for 24/7 uninterrupted and stable power supply to PREVAIL’s Data Center located at the AMD Central Office.
• Bidders must recommend at least three options for uninterrupted and stable Power Supply to the Data Center.
• Bidders must indicate and demonstrate which mechanisms will be put in place to ensure uninterrupted supply of stable power.
• Bidders must provide a list of all equipment and maintenance of the uninterrupted and stable Power Supply.
• Bidders must provide recommendations for preventive maintenance to avoid Power outage.
• Bidders shall be required to demonstrate that they have successfully implemented these type services for clients of the same size and magnitude for a minimum of three years.
• Bidders must include warranties on equipment and after sale maintenance.
• The Data Center will have 3 racks mounted servers (allowing for discrete Web, App and database), UPS and storage array.

Pre-Bid Submission
Before submitting a bid, each vendor is encouraged to visit the AMD Central Office located at the A.M. Dogloitti University of Liberia College of Health Science Campus to to assess the facility and pertinent local conditions, such as location, accessibility and general characteristics and available spaces at the building, etc. The act of submitting a bid is to be considered full acknowledgement that the vendor has inspected the sites and is familiar with the conditions and requirements of these specifications.

Eligibility, Technical and Cost Proposal

Eligibility Package
The eligibility package must include the below documentation to be submitted along with the proposal and budget to procurement@tmg-liberia.com by April 8, 2024.
• Valid Business Registration.
• Valid Tax Clearance.
• Valid article of incorporation.
• Any other documents/licensure related to your line of business.

Technical Proposal
TMG may contact offerors at any time to seek clarification on proposals submission that are insufficient. Responsive bidders may be contacted to answer questions, negotiate, and discuss offers, and potentially be asked to submit a “Best and Final Offer”.

The Technical Proposal must include:

1. Technical management approach (30 points/2-page limit)

Bidders must submit a technical/management approach to include how they will implement the project. The approach will describe the technical approach including availability of qualified workforce.

• Description of process from building the Power supply to the finishing, including list of alternative Power Supply.
• Team organization and qualifications (include CVs)
• Which mechanisms will be put in place to guarantee uninterrupted Power Supply.
2. Explanation and design of Power Source and alternative power supply to the data Center (20 points/1-page limit)

3. Description of Power Supply eg. Grid Power, Generator Power, UPS/Inverter system, etc. (20 points/2-page limit)

4. Past Performance and References (30 points/2-page limit)
Provide a detailed account of your company’s Power Supply track record. The information should include any major project and all relevant awards performed within the last three years that are similar in size, scope and objectives. At a minimum the list should include:

 Name of the contracting or awarding organization
 Activity title
 Activity location
 Brief description of the activity
 Period of Performance (start and completion dates)
 Award amount (contract budget), and amount of any Amendments or Change Orders
 Name and contact information of the responsible person in the contracting or awarding organization.

Cost Proposal
The bidder shall submit a Cost Proposal separate from the Technical Proposal. The budget will be used to evaluate cost reasonableness only. Budget must include detailed breakdown of equipment and labor costs.

RFP Process and Timeline

Dates RFP process Time
March 25, 2024 RFP issued for public solicitation
10am Liberia time
March 28, 2024 Deadline for submission of questions to TMG. Questions should be sent in writing by email to procurement@tmg-liberia.com
5pm Liberia time
April 3, 2024 Estimated date for issuance of responses will be sent to all known prospective Bidders. Bidders conference/Site Visit
A site visit will be scheduled from March 26-28, 2024, at 10:00 AM each day. Please reach out via email at procurement@tmg-liberia.com to schedule the site visit.
4pm Liberia time
April 8, 2024 Deadline for submission of proposals via email to: procurement@tmg-liberia.com
5pm Liberia time

Assessment/Site Visit
A bidders site visit will be held from April 3, 2024, from 10:00 AM – 12:00 AM each day. Please reach out via email at procurement@tmg-liberia.com to schedule the site visit.

Submission Instructions
Response to this RFP must be submitted electronically to the following emails address: procurement@tmg-liberia.com in Word, Excel or PDF format.

Deadline for Submission
Your proposal must be received no later than Monday, April 8, 2024, at 5:00 PM Local Time

• TMG reserves the right to terminate the RFP and decline making any selections following the announcement.
• Issuance of the RFP does not constitute an award commitment by TMG.
• TMG reserves the right to disqualify a Bidders based on the failure of the offeror to follow solicitation instructions.
• TMG will not compensate any offeror for responding to this RFP.
• TMG reserves the right to issue an award based on the initial evaluation of offers without further discussion.
• TMG may choose to award only part of the activities in the RFP scope of work, or issue multiple awards based on the RFP.

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