Short-term consultancy for ICT4D Administrators for the 2024 Global Fund-supported ITN mass campaign.

  • Location:
  • Salary:
  • Job type:
  • Posted:
    1 year ago
  • Category:
    Information Technology
  • Deadline:
    February 10, 2024

Project Background

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is an international non-governmental organization supporting relief and development work in over 100 countries worldwide. CRS programs assist persons based on need, regardless of creed, ethnicity, or nationality. CRS first began working in Liberia in 1957, with a permanent country program office opening in 1990. During the ensuing 14+ years of conflict and war, CRS was one of the few agencies to maintain a constant presence in the country, providing life-saving humanitarian assistance to tens of thousands of people. Its mission is to save, protect, and promote life by implementing projects by the principles of ethics, equity, transparency, and accountability, in several areas namely: emergency response, HIV, health, agriculture, education, microfinance, and peacebuilding.

CRS is working in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (NMCP) and partners to digitalize the ITN campaign. The campaign will be implemented using a digital approach that involves the use of Android devices to gather household information through registration and distribute ITNs to the registered population to protect and reduce the spread of malaria. To implement this digital campaign, CRS, NMCP, and Plan International are looking for sixteen (16) qualified and competent Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) Administrators who will be recruited at the communal level to provide relevant training and practical technical support to community health workers across the country.


Summary and Purpose of the Consultancy

The Digital Team is tasked with the responsibility of developing, planning, coordinating, and implementing the use of Information and Communication Technology in the ITN distribution in Liberia. This involves the use of Android mobile devices, solar chargers, power banks, and other peripherals to execute ITN mass campaigns.

The purpose of the consultancy is to provide county-level technical assistance and oversight on the use of ICT4D tools for the successful implementation of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN) mass campaigns in Liberia. S/he will provide training, device provisioning and distribution, and technical support to TTAs and HHR personnel.

The objective of the Consultancy

To ensure effective knowledge dissemination on the use of the technology through training of ITN campaign personnel.

To monitor the use of digital android devices, and voucher tracking systems to carry out household/beneficiary registration, vouchers, and ITN distribution at the various designated locations.

To provide technical support to all campaign personnel on the use of all ICT4D tools required.

Main Tasks/Deliverables

Technical Support

  • Provide tier 1 level real-time support on Android devices during training and activities on request using the help button on the Android app.
  • Ensure the resolution of all ITN campaign issues reported on the relevant communication channels.
  • Interpret GIS Data for health supervisors and monitors to ensure 100% universal coverage
  • Administer, supervise and support time and attendance tracking of campaign personnel during training.
  • Manage campaign personnel changes and capture updates on the ICT4D platform to ensure efficient printing and delivery of badges for training and activity authentication.
  • Provide monitoring and supervision guidance on missed or unscanned net cards.
  • Provide daily coverage details from the ICT4D platform to inform monitors and ward supervisors on mobilization coverage rate and voucher redemption rate during household mobilization and distribution.
  • Provide effective compliance with the ICT4D Strategy business processes.
  • To provide required technical guidance to County and District level supervisors, household enumerators, and distribution point teams on the use of Android devices, solar chargers, dashboards and the ICT4D application.
  • Identification and detection of anomalies during enumerate voucher distribution and redemption using the real-time monitoring feature of the dashboard as per the coverage area of assignment.
  • Data collation and management for daily identification of inconsistencies based on generated reports.
  • Ensure daily review of campaign processes from the ICT4D dashboard to district teams.

Device Provision, Distribution, and Inventory:

  • Ensure distribution of ICT4D tools to identified county and district supervisors, Household enumerators, and distribution teams as per selection criteria.
  • Update device distribution inventory database upon distribution of devices to county supervisors, HHR Personnel, and distribution teams.
  • Ensure submission and signing of device security, safety, and management documents by ward supervisors, Household enumerators, and distribution teams before collection of ICT4D tools.
  • Ensure provisioning and delivery of buffer devices in case of theft, loss, or damage to campaign personnel.


  • To provide required training to the campaign team on the following:
  1. Data collection procedure for ITN Mass Campaign.
  2. Android Device Configuration and Setup for ITN Mass Campaign.
  3. Device power management, safety, and security.
  4. Data Entry Dynamics.
  5. Peer-to-peer and mobile data syncing.
  6. Collecting geo coordinates and Location services.
  7. Net distribution Net Card arithmetic and Net Card tracking.
  8. Household marking co-relation with digital data.

Required Qualifications/Experience

  • Minimum of first degree in IT-related field (Computer Science/Engineering, Information Technology, Information Systems, Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Programming).
  • Excellent leadership qualities.
  • Previous hands-on deployment of technology for health programs.
  • Relevant experience in using mobile data collection tools: Iform, CommCare, ODK, Survey123, or any other electronic data gathering tool
  • Demonstrable skills/experience in configuring and troubleshooting a wide range of Android mobile devices or tablets.
  • Experience with a flexible approach to managing and prioritizing significant workloads and multiple tasks, in a fast-paced environment, with tight deadlines is required.
  • Experience with facilitation, capacity strengthening, and supervision.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills are highly desired.
  • A proven ability to work well within a team and independently.
  • Experience in GIS or mapping
  • Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office – MS Word and Excel, especially other statistical analysis software.
  • Ability to work under stressful conditions and to remain flexible and calm under pressure.
  • Experience in proactively identifying and addressing bottlenecks/issues desired.
  • Experience in establishing strong working relationships with team members and district personnel.


Mode of Reporting

The ICT4D Administrators will report to the ICT4D Specialist with the support of the ICT4D Program Manager. The CRS ICT4D Specialist will provide overall coordination and technical oversight.

Key Working Relationships

Ministry of Health (MoH-NMCP), CRS ICT4D Team, eGov, Plan International- Liberia, technical partners, and CRS Global Fund Malaria Liberia Program Team,

Location of the Consultancy

The consultancy will take place in all fifteen (15) counties where the ITN mass campaign will be implemented.


To apply for this position, please click on the ICT4D Administrators to submit an online application by 10th February 2024 at 5:00 pm. After this time, the submission portal will be closed.


All applicants must attach the following documents.

  • A scanned copy of a recent CV
  • A scanned copy of ID card
  • Bank account details
  • A scanned copy of a cover letter


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