SOW for HELINA III Lifeskills Training

  • Location:
  • Salary:
  • Job type:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Posted:
    1 year ago
  • Category:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Deadline:
    March 11, 2024
  1. Introduction:

CRS began working in Liberia in 1957, with a permanent country program office opening in 1990 to provide life-saving relief in response to emergencies and to address issues of chronic poverty and injustice through innovative and sustainable development programs. CRS Liberia has since developed programs in peacebuilding, youth livelihoods, health, agriculture, and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). Key partners include the Catholic Church and local faith-based organizations.

  1. Background:

The Catholic Relief Services with support from The Church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints (LDS) is implementing a project titled ‘Healthy Living through Integrated Nutrition Activities’ (HELINA III). This is a one-year follow-on project that started on June 1, 2023, and ends May 31, 2024.

HELINA III is focused on providing adolescent girls and young women with increased nutrition education and practices while also empowering participants with business and income-generating life skills and support that will help them generate income to improve the nutrition of their children under 2 years.

As part of the project activities, 80 participants were selected for the skills training. The 5-month intensive vocational skills training program began in December 2023 and ends in March 2024. Participants are being trained in different vocational skills (pastry, cosmetology, catering, and soap making), upon graduation in March 2024 CRS will provide startup kits for these 80 participants. The startup kits are intended for participants to begin with the practice of their different skills acquired to generate income to improve their livelihood.

3. Objectives

The objective is to provide startup kits for 80 participants graduating from the life skills training program. This package will help them start their businesses and service provision activities to improve their livelihood.

  1. Purpose:

To procure assorted vocational skills items as startup kits for 80 project participants. These items when procured will be distributed to the participants upon their graduation.

Start-up Kit List (Soap Making)
1Tezapon (for soap making)8pieces
2Industrial Salt (for soap making)40bag
3Perfume (for liquid soap)6bottles
4Sulfonic Acid6bottles
6Colorant (for liquid soap coloring)4sack
7Caustic ( for soap making)2bag 25kg
9Sodium Silicate6gal
10measurement Cup4cup
11Sifter (plastic)2pieces
12White bathing Tower (big size)2pieces
13funnel (measuring oil)2pieces
14White Big Bucket (Plastic type)6pieces
15Tub (Big Size)2pieces
16Hand Glove (Rubber glove)6pairs
17Nose Mask12pieces
18Face Glasses (for eyes and face protection)6pieces
19Kannel Oil (for soap making 4’x6′)2tins (5gallons)
20Table for cutting and measuring soap2sets
21Mixing barrel (pig foot barrier)2pieces
22Palm made oil (for soap making)2tins (5gallons)
23Hydrometer (for measuring caustic level)2pieces
Pastry & Catering material List
1Flour (for baking)8bag 50 kg
2Butter8sachet cartoon
3Oil (groundnut oil)8tin (5 gallon)
4Sugar8bag 50 kg
6Yeast (for baking)8cup
7Baking powder (for baking)8cup
8Chicken Egg24carts
9Fresh Milk8cartoon
10 flavor (for baking)8set
11Manual Oven (standing oven for baking)8set
12mixing bow24piecespieces
13measuring set (plastic cups)16set
14Sifter (plastic)16pieces
15graters (for baking)16pcspieces
16Baking sheets8set
17Dish pan (plastic)8 pcpieces
18Roller (wooden roller for mixing)16pieces
19Drum (Plastic for storing flour)8 pcpieces
Cosmetology Material List
1Hair Grease (big jar)9jar
2Attachment/ Hair (all Types of hairs)9dozen
3Manicure Set (Nails, hardener, polish, nails cutter, file, nails picker heel scrub etc.9set
4Scissors (big scissors for cutting)27pieces
5Comb (medium and big)27pieces
6Braiding Pin27pieces
7Make-up set9set
8Braiding tools (flat iron, electric comb, relaxer, peculator, gel etc.9set

Interior Decoration Material List

1Glue Gun (for craft work)2pieces
2crip scissors (for cutting papers)2pieces
3Glue (for paper craft work)2cup
4Flowers vases2set
5Needle All sizes6set
6Staple Machine & Pin2pieces
7Decoration Flowers (artificial flower)2sets
8Fire Lighter6pieces
9Ballon Machine2pieces
10Kangaro Stapler2pieces
11Tape Line (for measurement)6pieces
12Cello Tape6pieces
13Crip Sheet28pieces
14chairs cover (for decoration)2dozen
15tag Pin (for craft work)4dozen
16Head band4dozen
17African Lappa4set
18Beads (for beads making)12packs
19Ballons (mix color)6packs
20Backdrop Materials (satin clothes in different colors)2set
21floor rug(decoration)2pieces


Date of this RFQ: February 27, 2024, Closing Date for Receipt of RFQ: March 11, 2024
RFQ Number: FY2416
Commodity/Service category: Vocational training start-up kits
Address RFQ response to CRS Liberia office:

Catholic Relief Services

Liberia Program

16th Street Gardiner Avenue

Seaside, C-140 Building,

Sinkor Monrovia, Liberia

Subject: RFQ Number: FY2416

Photo(s) to be included where necessary.


CRS Liberia Country Program hereby seeks interested suppliers for the supply of startup kits for its vocational training program. Interested suppliers should submit a quote for the items listed in this RFQ. Please note that CRS is precluded from entering contract with a business without a valid business registration and tax clearance certificate.

Those interested should submit their “Quotes” by the deadline of March 11, 2024, before 2:00pm.

Additional Information on this advert or request for clarification can be sent to
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