Sponsorship Intern

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  • Posted:
    3 years ago
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  • Deadline:
    May 20, 2022

Terms of Reference
Sponsorship Intern

Location: Monrovia, LIBERIA
Application Deadline: 20-May-22
Type of Contract: Internship
Post Level: N/A
Languages Required: English
Starting Date: (date when the selected candidate is expected to start) 15-06-2022
Duration of Initial Contract: 5 Months
Expected Duration of Assignment: 5 Months, renewable based on performance
1. Background
The mission of SOS Children’s Villages (SOS CV) International is to build families for children in need, help them shape their own futures and share in the development of their communities. As the largest private, non-political, non-denominational charitable child welfare organisation in the world, SOS Children’s Villages International offers an effective alternative to foster care through its services in the Alternative Care (AC) programme and Family Strengthening Programme (FSP) in 136 countries around the world. SOS Children’s Villages International also supports educational programmes and medical centres.
SOS Children’s Villages started working in Liberia in 1981 when the first village opened its doors in Monrovia. Currently, SOS Children’s Villages Liberia runs programmes in two locations: Monrovia and Buchannan, Grand Bassa County. In the Monrovia location, there is an Alternative Care Programme (SOS Children’s Village), Youth Facility, Medical Centre (SOS Medical Centre), Kindergarten, and School (SOS Hermann Gmeiner International School). In the Buchanan location, there is also a Alternative Care Programme (SOS Children’s Village) with SOS family homes integrated in communities. Both Monrovia and Buchanan locations runs community outreach programmes called Family Strengthening Programme.
At SOS Children’s Villages, we are committed to the welfare of children, and to strengthening families and communities as a preventive measure in the fight against abandonment and social neglect” (Who we are). We follow the Gatekeeping Policy Document, which describes the process of referring children and families to appropriate services or care arrangements, with the aim of preventing inappropriate placement. For these reasons, we want to start including children in Family Strengthening Programmes in the international sponsorship programme. In addition, child sponsorships in family strengthening help avoid a drop-in sponsorship potential and fill the gap resulting from fewer children in the family care model.

2. Purpose
In order to achieve this objective of rolling out international sponsorship services for Family Strengthening (FS) participants, it is necessary to employ key strategic measures and build a supportive team for lucrative results. One of such strategies is to recruit Sponsorship Intern responsible to gather materials (personal data, pictures, videos, general information, correspondence etc.) while conducting follow-up visits. Continuation to do so throughout the period of time that the child is in the sponsorship programme.
3. Expected Outcomes and Scope
The proposed Sponsorship Internship will take place in Monrovia, Liberia, with trips to Buchanan, Grand Bassa County and coordinated through SOS Children’s Villages in Liberia.
The outcomes of the activities of the Sponsorship Internship should be:
• To build a portfolio of FS programme beneficiaries (collect contents, including personal data, pictures, videos, general information, etc) of FS participants and families.
• To develop profiles, reports (stories) of FS participants and families.
• To support the sponsorship team in the sending of sponsorship mid-year and end of year letters to international sponsors.
• To support the sponsorship team in keeping children and young people in sponsorship data up to date in files and systems.
• To support the sponsorship team in handling parcels and gifts of children/young people in sponsorship programme.
4. Methodology
The Sponsorship Intern duties will be carried out mainly (but not limited to) through:
• Face-to-Face interaction with participants (children and families) in sponsorship programme.
• Participation in FS activities for the collection of digital contents and impact stories.
• Participation in sponsorship trainings and usage of sponsorship systems.
• Logging of prospective participants bio-data for follow-ups and communication.
The candidates will mainly focus on the following (but not limited to) programme participants (children and young people) and Family Strengthening and Alternative Care families in the following locations:
• Monrovia and Montserrado County
• Buchanan, Grand Bassa County

5. Liaison
The work will be coordinated by National Sponsorship Coordinator and supervised by Fund Development & Communications Manager.

All applications should be submitted (janet.suakweli@sosliberia.org / recruitment.hr@sosliberia.org via email.
Human Resources Manager
National Office
SOS Children’s Villages in Liberia
P O Box 1924
New Matadi, Sinkor
Monrovia, Liberia

6. Application Specifications
Interested candidates are invited to submit a copy of their curriculum vitae/resume and supporting cover letter by 20 May 2022. Applications received after the stipulated deadline will not be accepted. A decision for viable applications will be taken within two weeks, based on a set-criteria as outlined below.
All applications must be submitted in the English language. Applications to be submitted are limited to no more than two (2) pages. Applications can be submitted in soft copy to the address mentioned above.
The Curriculum Vitae (CV) / Resume should demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the tasks set forth above and the candidate’s capability and capacity to perform the assignment. The following information should be provided in the CV:
Educational Background
• Any work or volunteer experience
• Supporting documents
• Cover letter stating reason for interest in advertised position.
The following information should be disclosed as part of the application:
• Any information about the applicant that presently or with the passage of time could impair the applicant’s ability to provide the level of service required; (ex. School schedule)
• Three (3) references
7. Deliverables
The principal output of the Sponsorship Intern will be a presentation of the following (but not limited to):
1. An increment in active international sponsorship by the minimum of 30%;
2. New registrations of participants (children and young people) in the sponsorship programme;
3. Up to date bio-data and information about participants (children and young people) and families in systems
4. A comprehensive report on the 5-month span of the Sponsorship Internship inclusive of all duties and responsibilities.
8. Applicant Profiles
The strongest candidates will have
• At least a sophomore at college or university level
• Strong writing skills
• Strong oral presentation skills
• Basic log documentation skills
• Ability to work in Microsoft programmes (Word, Excel)
• Ability to work in adobe clip premiere is an asset
• Familiarity with programme data base is an asset
• Minimal knowledge base of SOS programmes and services

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