SURVEYOR (18 positions) – Rapid Nutrition Assessment (Daily Worker Pool)

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  • Posted:
    2 years ago
  • Category:
  • Deadline:
    August 25, 2023


MSF France is a non-profit international organization, belonging to the international movement of Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders), providing assistance to populations in distress, to victims of natural or man-made disasters and to victims of armed conflict. MSF does so irrespective of gender, race, religion, creed or political convictions. MSF observes neutrality and impartiality in the name of universal medical ethics and the right to humanitarian assistance and claims full and unhindered freedom in the exercise of its functions. Members undertake to respect their professional code of ethics and to maintain complete independence from all political, economic or religious powers.

MSF France is collaborating with Ministry of Health to intervene for treatment of children and Mental health patients in Montserrado county. Therefore, MSF France is recruiting for the following positions:


PositionSURVEYOR (18 position) – Rapid Nutrition Assessment

(Daily Worker Pool)

Location MSF-France Barnesville Health Centre & Marine view Compound
Main PurposeThe surveyor will conduct the survey questionnaires for all eligible households as part of the Rapid Nutrition Assessment for all eligible households in Somalia Drive, Monrovia, Montserrado County, Liberia

The surveyor will liaise with the supervisors and study coordinator to select eligible households, ensure the survey is explained thoroughly to the local authorities and to the heads of households, ensure consent is given for any questionnaires conducted, accurately ask and record all data, and support the study coordinator and supervisors to ensure complete data, and proper implementation of the survey according to all standard ethical guidelines and to the survey protocol.

Main responsibilities
  1. Participate in study preparation, including
  • Visit study areas with supervisor and study coordinator to assess conditions and study needs
  • Define sampling areas and conduct sampling according to strategy and instructions from study coordinator.
  • Work with logistics to prepare and pre-position all materials needed for the study
  • Participate in trainings, piloting of the data collection tools, workshops to revise the tools, and all other preparatory steps as requested by coordination.
  1. Ensure all necessary material required for the day and ensure appropriate management of materials throughout data collection
  • Ensure that medical and non-medical material required for the day of study is complete and ready before departure for study site
  • Ensure that study site materials are appropriately organized and clean all day and before departure from the study site.
  1. Conduct questionnaires according to guidelines
  • Visit the pre-defined households according to instruction of the supervisor
  • In collaboration with the team supervisor, introduce the study to the heads of villages and local authorities and to the head of the household and ensure that household understands the study and the process of the study visits
  • Provide complete explanation of study procedures and implications of study participation according to guidelines and study protocol.
  • Ensure consent is obtained and documented for households that agree to participate.
  • Perform household questionnaire with the head of household (or representative)
  • Perform individual questionnaires with the head of household (or representative)
  1. Other duties: Ensure confidentiality, participate in meetings; other duties, as required
  • Ensure that interviews are done with maximum privacy
  • Ensure that only authorized persons have access to patient information and report immediately on any breaches of patient confidentiality
  • Ensure all the data collected are complete, accurate, and transmitted to the supervisor on a daily basis
  • Participate in meetings, briefings and/or trainings as appropriate, as requested by supervisor, and as scheduled by the study coordinator
  • Other duties and/or tasks may be requested by the supervisor or study coordinator in line with the position’s profile and the nature of the study activities.
  • University Degree/Diploma Level in Social work, Counselling, Health care, Sufficient education to manage teams and provide support to coordinator in a research field, data management.
  • Essential: Experience conducting community mobilization, research, interviews or counselling.
  • Desirable: Two years previous experience in similar jobs in the field of humanitarian aid with MSF or other NGOs
  • Desirable: Management experience
  • Mission and local language essential (high level command oral and written
  • Knowledge of research and ethical standards/human subjects protection.
  • Good knowledge of computers and data entry.
  • Good local knowledge of targeted communities in Gardnersville/Somalia Drive (e.g. someone with outreach experience)
  • Excellent understanding of MSF’s principles and values
  • Knowledge of and interest in humanitarian issues
  • In-depth contextual knowledge and analysis skills
  • High level of knowledge of local culture and customs
  • Some experience with computers and data entry (enough to check tablet data for accuracy and troubleshoot any issues with data entry on tablets)
  • Excellent Communicator
  • A strong manager and well able to motivate teams
  • Motivated to participate in the survey
  • Able to work well under challenging conditions (e.g. long days, access issues)
  • Available for the entire duration of the survey
  • Results and Quality Orientation L2
  • Teamwork and Cooperation L2
  • Behavioral Flexibility L2
  • Commitment to MSF Principles L2
  • Stress Management L3

If you are interested in this position; please submit CV, cover letter, copies of diplomas and work certificates in a SEALED ENVELOPE clearly stating « POSITION » on the envelope


MSF France HR Department

Marine View D74, Bishop K Francis road, Congo Town.


Deadline for applications is August 25th, 2023, before 5:00 pm.

*Applications without the documents requested will not be considered.

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