Terms of Reference for Market Viability Assessment for Household Sanitation

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  • Job type:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Posted:
    9 months ago
  • Category:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Deadline:
    August 2, 2024


Terms of Reference for Market Viability Assessment for Household Sanitation

  • Introduction

WaterAid Liberia Country Programme Strategy (CPS) 2023-2028 sets to deliver a more sustainable programme over the strategy period. This new CPS builds on progress from previous CPS and outlines critical shifts in strategic focus required for a more catalysed change to achieve maximum impact from our work in Liberia. Another key focus of the CPS is to harness existing partnerships for better results and build new partnerships and network with key sector players, including the government of Liberia, donors and the private sector to ensure its implementation.

In line with its CPS, WaterAid Liberia is implementing a three-year project with funding from Wessex Water to improve urban WASH governance and increase access to adequate and sustainable sanitation and hygiene services in Greater Monrovia. The project will trigger demand of households in targeted communities for sustainable and improved sanitation facilities through a market-based approach while adopting and sustaining good hygiene behaviours. Understanding the viability of the sanitation market for households in greater Monrovia helps to strategically plan and identify best approach required in delivering such support.

The market viability assessment for household sanitation intends to measure the demand for different types of sanitation technology in Greater Monrovia, and the willingness and ability to pay for these services by consumers. This assessment is designed to be conducted in Greater Monrovia with government stakeholders (municipalities), INGOs with experience implementing market-based household sanitation project, private sector sanitation service providers, consumers (households’ owners) who are all key players in determining a viable and sustainable sanitation market for household and service providers.

It is key to note that result from the assessment will not only inform our approach towards household sanitation interventions, but also be used as a learning document by government, private sector and other stakeholders to effectively scale up market-based household sanitation services in Greater Monrovia.

  • Context and rationale

Access to safe drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) are foundation to human health and well-being. Yet with this fact, low sanitation coverage is still a persistent challenge in Liberia. The prevalence of open defecation in the country remains high at 35 percent, significantly higher than other countries in sub-Saharan Africa at 20 percent (JMP, 2022). Particularly in Liberia urban areas, 15.7% practised open defecation, 14.2% have unimproved services, 34.3% have basic sanitation services, while 35.8% have limited sanitation services (JMP, 2022).


Though sanitation continues to be an important component of the Government priority, rural sanitation programs/project have not been able to sustain Open Defecation Free (ODF) status of communities over the years. The case is even worst in the urban space with unclear urban sanitation strategy to govern urban sanitation interventions by INGOS, and private sectors/service provider. Sanitation options, services, and interventions are poorly coordinated leaving consumers vulnerable and often unable to pay for expensive services and technologies due to financial constraints.


Understanding the size and characteristics of the potential market for various sanitation products and services in the target areas are key to upscaling market-based sanitation for households in urban settings. To do this, information on demand, sales and marketing systems appropriate for different sanitation technologies are key information needed to inform planning and interventions. Understanding the nature of the market opportunity, the supply chain, consumers demand, willingness and willingness to pay for sanitation services are all key information needed to upscale sanitation marketing interventions.


  • Objective of the Market Viability Assessment for Household Sanitation


The Market viability Assessment aims to assess the size and types of sanitation businesses available for household and household’s ability and willingness to pay for sanitation services in Greater Monrovia.


Its Main objectives is to explore and understand key motives for purchasing of sanitation products and services by households and key barriers to accessing desired products.

3.1 Specific objectives

  1. Assess and analyse the supply chain by mapping out existing Biodigester sanitation market((products/technology, services suppliers, and producers), cost of products, and analyse the gaps in the current household biodigester sanitation products and services supplied.
  2. Provide qualitative data on the existing demands, as well as the willingness and ability of household’s streams in purchasing sanitation products and services.
  3. Identify potential strategies and recommend pathways for commercial market viability for sanitation and hygiene products including models for scaling up.


  • Methodology

The market Viability assessment will be a combination of literature review, Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) with service providers, focus groups meetings with selected households and meetings with key stakeholders from the Monrovia City Corporation (MCC) and Paynesville City Corporation (PCC). The consultant will develop customized data collection tools which will be submitted to WaterAid for review and approval.


Literature Review

The consultant will review existing data or reports from similar assessments done in greater Monrovia, or other urban slum communities with similar characteristics, in the past three years. S/he will also review of existing sanitation guidelines and policies of MCC and PCC.

Specific activities to this assignment will include but not limited to:


Key Informant Interviews (KIIs)

The consultant will conduct Key Informant Interviews with private sanitation companies (suppliers, manufactures) and agents from the targeted municipalities (MCC, PCC), WASH Commission, Private sector companies and Government Ministry and Agencies. . The consultant will also reach out to INGOs, NGOs and CBOs actively involved in household sanitation projects to discuss their views and captured learning on household sanitation market viability.


Household Survey and FDGs

The consultant will conduct household surveys documenting different sanitation technologies and products being used by household and how these technologies and products affect their economic status in terms of life-cycle costs. The discussions will also capture household preference for sanitation technology and their rationale for such preference.


  • Report writing


5.A The consultant will consolidate finding from the market viability assessment into a first draft report and share with WAL. The report will cover both qualitative and quantitative components, including photos/graphics that will be reviewed by WAL and WAUK and further shared with the consultant for second draft finalization. Key aspect of the report should include an inventory of the existing sanitation entrepreneurs, including analysis of successes, limitations of the existing sanitation marketing businesses, etc. It should also capture a thorough analysis of the size of the market including production capacities, supply chain, profitability, etc. and household demand, ability, and willingness to pay for such services.


5B. Validation workshop

WaterAid will conduct a one-day validation workshop that will require the participation of the consultant to lead the validation of the assessment findings with stakeholders from the municipalities, private sector sanitation service providers/businesses, and households.

6. Key Deliverables and Consultancy Period

No.StageDeliverables ChecklistTime

(Working days)

Timeframe / Duration
1Planning Stagea) Introductory meeting with WAL and WAUK team.

b) Production of inception report outlining the approach, work plan, and clear timelines for deliverables

2 working daysAug -13, 14 2024
2Implementation stage-Conduct Literature Review

Conduct field assessment

  1. KII, field Visits, FGDs with Households
  2. Document Assessment findings
10 working days Aug 16- 28, 2024
3Reporting and sharing
  1. Submission of First draft report
  2. WAL inputs, and Validation
  3. Share final report with WAL and key stakeholders
10 working DaysSeptember 2- 13th 2024
  • Support to be provided by WaterAid.

WaterAid Liberia will provide logistical support for the validation workshop and support the mobilization of key stakeholders at national level if and when the consultant finds if difficult.


  • Qualifications

The desired applicant should have diversified skills in environmental health, business management and marketing with demonstrated experience in carrying out complex assessments/research studies.


The preferred candidate/Consultant should:

  • Possess a degree in Social Sciences, Public Health, International Development, or related fields.
  • Have over 5 years’ experience working in public health, preferably in Community Health, Capacity Development using participatory methodologies, integrated WASH interventions focused role in Liberia.
  • Demonstrate rich previous experience in conducting the same or similar work.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of urban sanitation programming
  • Possess knowledge of Community Health and community engagement and Capacity Development programming
  • Have excellent writing skills, including the ability to analyze and prepare concise and detailed reports.
  • Have substantive knowledge and experience working in the WASH sectors and is knowledgeable of trending issues.
  • have comprehensive knowledge of urban sanitation in Liberia’s context.
  • Have Substantive knowledge on research methodology and empirical analysis.


  • Application

Interested Consultant firm(s) should send an electronic expression of interest (financial and technical proposals) to recruitmentwli@wateraid.org and cc; mohammedmassaley@wateraid.org Deadline: 2nd August 2024.

Technical offer should include:

  • Technical proposal detailing proposed methodology.
  • At least two references of similar assignment successfully completed.
  • An example of a report from similar work which demonstrates evidence of skills required.
  • Up to date CV of the consultant and all team members.


Technical Offer should consider:

  • Details of charges and expenses in line with the technical proposal.


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