Terms of Reference (TOR) For Developing Video Documentary on SHED EIDHR Project

  • Location:
  • Salary:
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  • Posted:
    4 years ago
  • Category:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Deadline:
    November 12, 2020

The Serving Humanity for Empowerment and Development (SHED) and the Rural Human Rights Activists Program (RHRAP) in collaboration with the Finn Church Aid (FCA) are currently implementing the project “Strengthening Human Rights of Prisoners Within Correctional Facilities and at Grass Root Level in Liberia” in Margibi County with funding from the European Union (EU). The two years program is aimed at contributing to improving the Criminal Justice System of Liberia, which targets Police Officers, Correction Officers, Pre-trial detainees, Traditional, Community and Religious Leaders, as well as Magistrates. In addition, the program provides free legal representations for pretrial detainees within the prisons of Kakata and Bondiway. On the overall, the program seeks to support national government efforts in the promotion of an effective criminal justice system of Liberia, as well as the promotion and the protection of fundamental human rights of community residents, which are fundamental pillows of democracy.

For the past three years, the program has carried out series of education/awareness activities including the provision of trainings for Corrections and Police Officers, Inmates, Magistrates, Prosecutors, Public Defenders, Traditional, Religious and Community Leaders. In addition, the program has monitored the various prisons and police withholding cells within the County and documented salient issues and made recommendations to the national government for improvement.


This consultancy has the following objectives:

  1. To produce one overall project video documentary 10 minutes long + 30 photographs.
  2. Prepare a narrative / script for the overall project documentaries and videos.
  3. Compose / source background music for the videos.
  4. Narrate and edit raw video footage in producing the final video.


The video will capture the best practices and successes from project areas (Kakata Prison, Bong Prison and courts in the mentioned counties). This will require close coordination with the Project Team.


The consultant will work closely with Program Director for the accomplishment of the following task.

  1. Hold a preparatory discussion with the Executive Director and Program Director about the production of the video;
  2. Prepare narrative script for the overall project documentary;
  3. Capture video footage as agreed with Executive Director and Program Director and according to the prepared script;
  4. Record narration and prepare background music for the video;
  5. Include project beneficiaries’ voice in the documentary;
  6. Prepare draft video documentary and submit for final feedback before the deadline of the contract;
  7. Finalize the video according to the feedback provided by the Executive Director and Program team.


SHED will monitor and scrutinize the quality aspects of the video. In addition, SHED will help consultant to coordinate the field activities through it field staff and beneficiaries. However, the following will be specific responsibilities of SHED:

  1. Organize a coordination meeting with consultant and its project staff;
  2. Coordinate with project staff for the field visit to capture the footage;
  3. Provide feedback when and where necessary;
  4. Payment to the consultant as per agreement;
  5. Give inputs to draft for finalization of the video;
  6. Provide logistic including vehicle and accommodation during the documentary field trip/ exercise;
  7. Provide existing pre-recorded videos/ footages of project for possible inclusion into the documentary.


  1. Submission of final master video on a DVD tape and a USB flash drive.
  2. An electronic copy of the video should be submitted before the deadline of the consultancy.
  3. Raw footages captured from the project area(s).


The consultant should have at least a bachelor degree in Communication or equivalent with ample experiences on audio-visual recording, editing and media production; clear understanding of the technical aspects of video making process and understanding of social development field is required along with experiences on using different tools and techniques in developing appropriate and quality audio-visual products.


Payment will be made in two installments. Thirty percent (30%) payment will be made in advance after signing the contract and the remaining 70% will be made after successful delivery of the final video.


The total working days for consultancy will be approximately 10 working days excluding Saturdays and Sundays (3 filming days, 7 + postproduction days). That is from November 18, 2020 to November 30, 2020. The consultant will propose a detailed work schedule, which will be finalized with SHED.

Interested professionals or institutions are to submit a letter of interest (1page) and a brief technical proposal (maximum 3 pages focusing on objectives, methods and approach) with recently updated CVs of professionals to be involved in the documentary development. All proposals should be submitted before 5:00 PM, November 12, 2020. All proposal should be submitted in sealed envelope.

All proposal should be submitted to the following address: Joyce.pajibo@kua.fi and emmanuel.sandi@kua.fi

Serving Humanity for Empowerment and Development (SHED)

ELWA Rehab Junction, Paynesville, Liberia

For additional Clarity or information regarding this assignment, please this phone number: 0886 0886997.


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