TMG/RFP/036/2024: RFP for Office Renovation Works at TMG-PREVAIL Site

  • Location:
  • Salary:
  • Job type:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Posted:
    4 months ago
  • Category:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Deadline:
    December 17, 2024

The Partnership for Research on Vaccines and Infectious Diseases in Liberia (PREVAIL)

Request for Proposal (RFP)

Title: RFP for Office Renovation Works at TMG-PREVAIL Site

Service Needed: Office Renovation Works at PREVAIL A.M. Dogliotti (AMD) Central Office located in Oldest Congo Town, Monrovia

RFP Number: TMG/RFP/036/2024

Publication Date: December 4, 2024


The Mitchell Group, Inc. (hereinafter “TMG”), a corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Washington, DC, United States of America, implementing PREVAIL, with office based at the AMD Central Office, Oldest Congo Town, Monrovia requests proposals from qualified and reliable construction firms for the provision of office renovation works at the AMD Central Office located in Oldest Congo Town.

PREVAIL is a clinical research project with sites at Redemption and JFK Hospitals in Montserrado County, Liberian Institute for Biomedical Research (LIBR) in Charlesville and the AMD Central Office located in Oldest Congo Town, Monrovia, Liberia.

Qualified Firms wishing to participate in this procurement must submit proposals in accordance with the Technical and Cost Proposal instructions. Any amendment to the RFP will be sent by email to all potential bidders.

Pre-Bid Submission

Site Visit

A site visit will be scheduled for December 11, 2024, from 10:00 am – 11:00 am. Potential bidders will visit the site to assess the infrastructure. Please reach out via email at to confirm your availability.

Question and Answer Period

Each bidder is responsible for complying with the terms and conditions of this RFP. Requests for clarification or additional information must be submitted in writing via email by December 10, 2024, to The email subject line should be written «TMG/RFP/036/2024-Request for Clarification»

No questions will be answered by phone. Any verbal information received from outside the email address above shall not be considered an official response to any question regarding this RFP.

Copies of questions and responses will be distributed in writing to all prospective bidders who are on record as having received this RFP.

Eligibility, Technical, and Cost Proposal

Eligibility Package

Proposals must contain the following documentation to be eligible for consideration:

  • Current and Valid Business Registration
  • Current and Valid Tax Clearance
  • Ministry of Public Works Certificate
  • Association of Liberian Construction Contractors (ALCC)Certificate
  • Any other documents/licensure related to respective bidder’s business.

Technical Proposal

To be considered technically acceptable, bidders must demonstrate how they will meet or exceed all the requirements that are outlined above as Technical Acceptability Requirements. If the proposal fails to meet one or more of the requirements, it will be deemed technically unacceptable. Proposals deemed technically unacceptable contain significant weaknesses or deficiencies that are not able to be corrected without a major rewrite or revision of the original proposal.

The Technical Proposal must not reference or include any cost/budget information.

The Technical Proposal must include:

  1. Technical Management Approach (2-page limit/30 points)

Bidders must submit a technical/management plan on how they will implement the renovation work. The approach will describe the technical approach, including availability of qualified workforce. Proposals should also include project implementation plan/delivery schedule.

  1. Personal Capability (2-page limit/30 points)

The personnel section should present the staff, consultant and qualifications of the firm using the format below.

Key Personnel Table

NameTitleBrief Experience Summary/Area of expertiseEducationWork Experience


  1. Past Performance and References (2-page limit/30 points)

The proposal must demonstrate a minimum of three (3) years of experience. Bidders should provide a detailed account of the construction company’s track record in implementing similar activities to those outlined in this RFP. Provide a list of all relevant awards performed within the last three years. The information provided shall be stated in a table. At a minimum the list should include each reference award:

  • The name of the contracting or awarding organization
  • The activity title, including location
  • A brief description of the activity
  • The period of performance (start and completion dates)
  • The award amount (contract budget), and amount of any Amendments or Change Orders
  • The name and contact information of the responsible person in the contracting or awarding organization.

Cost Proposal

The bidder shall submit a Cost Proposal separate from the Technical Proposal.

Bidders must ensure that its cost proposal is consistent with its technical proposal in all respects since the cost proposal may be used to determine bidder’s understanding of the technical requirements. The Bill of Quantities (BOQ) will be used to evaluate the cost reasonableness. The cost proposal must include a breakdown of all costs (materials, transportation, labor etc.) BOQ should be submitted in the template as provided below.

SNDescriptionUnitQuantityUnit PriceTotal
ABuilding repairs
Total Building repairs
Total Electrical/AC
CMetal works/Aluminum
Total Metal works/Aluminum
Total Plumbing
Total Painting

RFP Process and Timeline

DatesRFP processTime
December 4, 2024RFP issued for public solicitation.3:30 pm Liberia time
December 10, 2024Deadline for submission of questions to TMG. Questions should be sent in writing by email to with the subject: RFP#TMG/RFP/036/2024: Office Renovation Works5:00 pm Liberia time
December 12, 2024Date for issuance of responses to all potential bidders2:00 pm Liberia time
December 11, 2024Site visit10:00 am to 11:00 am Liberia time
December 17, 2024Deadline for submission of proposals via email to: procurement@tmg-liberia.com5:00 pm Liberia time

Submission Instructions

Response to this RFP must be submitted electronically to the email in Word, Excel, or PDF format. The email submissions must include the below subject lines respectively:

  • RFP #TMG/RFP/036/2024-Cost Proposal
  • RFP #TMG/RFP/036/2024-Technical Proposal

Deadline for Submission

Proposal (Technical and Cost) must be submitted no later than Tuesday, December 17, 2024, at 5:00 pm Liberia time.

TMG Terms and Conditions

  • TMG reserves the right to terminate the RFP and decline to make any selections following the announcement.
  • Issuance of the RFP does not constitute an award commitment by TMG.
  • TMG reserves the right to disqualify a bidder based on the failure of the bidder to comply with RFP instructions.
  • TMG will not reimburse any bidder for proposal preparation costs.
  • TMG reserves the right to issue an award based on the initial evaluation of offers without further discussion.
  • TMG may choose to award only part of the activities in the RFP Scope of Work or issue multiple awards based on the RFP.
  • Prospective bidders’ office locations may be visited as part of TMG’s assessment of organization capacity.

Criteria for Award

Award shall be made to the lowest responsive proposal.

Payment Schedule

Progress payments shall be made based on set milestones for work satisfactorily performed.

Scope of Work

TMG is requesting the services of a construction firm to provide office renovation works at the TMG-PREVAIL Head Office located at AMD Central Office.

The selected firm will be required to ensure that all reasonable measures are taken to ensure that its personnel strictly conform to the highest standards of safety, moral and ethical conduct.

The office renovation work will include but are not limited to the following:

A. Building repairs (interior & exterior repairs)

  • Repair and replace drywall
  • Repair damaged PVC rain gutters and
  • Repair damaged ceilings (both PVC and wooden).
  • Repair the roof and leakages from the metal into the Regulatory Office.
  • Change all faulty cylinder door locks
  • Repair interior stairs wooden treads.
  • Adjust the conference room and finance office door for proper operation.
  • Repair leakage from the Data center ceiling

B. Electrical/AC

  • Relocate five (5) air conditioners exterior units from the building attic and reinstall three (3) units on the fabricated platform at the front of the building.
  • Change all faulty/old receptacles in
  • Replace damaged ceiling mounted lights in upper floor corridor, conference room, and other offices.

C. Metal works/Aluminum

  • Clean aluminum louvers/shading.
  • Seal up all cracks and welded areas with metal putty to prevent seepage of water.
  • Replace the main entrance metal gate due to corrosion.
  • Replace exit gates due to corrosion.
  • Repair exterior metal stair railings due to corrosion.
  • Fabricate metal cage for two (2) ACs with pad lock.
  • Replace drainage metal covers.

D. Plumbing

  • Replace damaged commode seats.
  • Corroded faucets.
  • Replace corroded tissue holders.
  • Replace handwash at front entrance.
  • De-sludge septic tanks.

E. Painting

  • Paint exterior metal panels and walls as required.
  • Paint interior wall surfaces as required.
  • Paint/varnish wooded surfaces as required.
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