TOR-Development of child protection policy

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  • Posted:
    3 years ago
  • Category:
    child safeguarding
  • Deadline:
    May 23, 2022

Recruitment of a consultant for the development of a child friendly version of the SOS Children’s Villages Liberia Child Safeguarding policy
Organization: SOS Children’s Villages Liberia
Programme: National Office
Mission: Adaptation and Illustration of the child protection policy in a child and youth friendly version
Type of Contract: Consultant
Duration: One Month
Expected Start Date: June 15, 2022
Deadline for submission of technical and financial offers: May 23, 2022
Selection process:
Call for consultation
Address for submission of Applications
Human Resources Department
SOS Children`s Villages Liberia Trust
Monrovia Liberia
P.O. Box 1924
Office: +231-6514879


I. About SOS Children’s Villages Liberia
SOS Children’s Villages International is a social humanitarian organization founded in 1949. It is a non-profit, non-government organization that works to protect children who have lost parental care or are risk of losing parental care. Today, the organization operates in 136 countries and territories around the world. SOS has been present in Liberia since 1981 and is administratively dependent on the International Office for West, Central and North Africa (WCNA) based in Dakar, Senegal.
The organization’s strategy is based on two (2) axes of intervention, namely: Family Strengthening and Alternative Care. These axes are supported by advocacy to reach the maximum number of children in its target group. SOS Children’s Villages Liberia currently operates in the following geographical areas: Monrovia Montserrado County, and Buchanan Grand Bassa County.
In these areas of intervention, SOS Children’s Villages Liberia supports 206 children and youth, including 106 girls and 100 boys who have lost parental care (SOS Family Care); and 899 vulnerable children and youth (476 girls and 423 boys) living in the communities at risk of losing parental care within 112 poor families.
In Accordance with the Federation’s child safeguarding policy, SOS Children’s Villages Liberia is committed to creating and maintaining a loving and protective environment for children.
II. Background and rationale:
In the implementation of its programs (Alternative Care and Family Strengthening), SOS Children’s Villages Liberia places great importance on the protection and promotion of children rights. The Organization works in accordance with the United Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child.
To this end, the best interest of the child is, and remains, a major priority of the organization. As such, SOS Children’s Villages has adopted a child safeguarding policy. This policy pays particular attention to internal mechanisms to prevent and respond to abuse within SOS Children’s Villages Liberia. Similarly, this policy ensures the protection and safety of participants in SOS Children’s Villages Liberia programs. It also ensures the safeguarding of participants from all forms of violence, abuse neglect and exploitation.
To ensure ownership of this policy by program participants, SOS Children’s Villages Liberia is considering adapting this policy into a more child-friendly language.
In this respect, SOS Children’s Villages Liberia is looking for a consultant for the mission of adapting the child protection policy in easy and illustrated language for children.
III. Objective
The main objective of this mission is to produce a comic book that conveys a message on the understanding and application of the child protection/safeguarding policy to educate and sensitize children and youth on the abuses they may experience from their peers or adults and the mechanisms for prevention and reporting of abuse.
IV. The activities of the mission
a. Structure and content of the comic book document
Based on the content of the SOS Children’s Villages International Children Policy document, SOS Children’s Villages Liberia will propose and provide the consultant with a structure and content of the comic book document around the following points, which could be considered as the episodes or sub-themes of the comic book:
1. What I like (the good things I like in my home, in the SOS village, at school and with my friends)
2. What I don’t like: (what are the problems that children/youth often encounter at home, in the SOS village, at school and among children; types of violence): Page 5 of the policy + Violation of privacy (p6).
3. Who does the things you don’t like (Who are the Abusers)/Violence: Pages 5 of the policy
4. Why those things are not good for children? What are the consequences for children’s lives?
5. Abuse and violence can be prevented: what can be done? By who? How to do it?
6. AWARENESS: who does what (See P9. But stick to simple ideas and formulations for children’s understanding
7. PREVENTION: who does what? How to do it? Through which channels? P9
8. SIGNALING: who does what? How to do it? Through which channels? (P10)
9. REACTION: What needs to be done? who does what? (11)
10. Possible sanctions in case of breaches (Abuse, complicity in abuse. Non-reporting, … What sanctions for children and youth staff, …) What should be done to people who do bad things to children?
NB: Sixteen children and youth between the ages of 12-18 will be identified at the onset to be involved in the process. Ideally, eight per program should be involved.
b. Proposed plot for each sub-theme and illustrations
In order to reflect the local reality, the consultant will work with the SOS National Child Safeguarding Coordinator and Art Teacher to train the selected children and young people on the SOS Child Safeguarding Policy (focusing on the different types of abuse as described in the policy, consequences of each abuse on the child or young person, and preventive actions); then, based on their daily experiences and their living environment, the children and young people will write original stories. And with the support of the Art Teacher, these original stories will then be illustrated with drawings. Each picture will be followed by a commentary with information and awareness-raising messages, as is done in comics
Based on the information collected form the children and youth, the consultant proposes a plot (a story) for each sub-theme in the form of a dialogue in easy language accessible to children/youth.
c. Validation of the work
The drafts of the consultant’s work should be validated according to the following progress/steps:
• Tools for consulting children and youth
• The stories related to each sub-theme
• Illustrations related to each sub-theme
V. Deliverables
• The Comic Book Document of twenty-five (25) pages maximum
• General report of the process of realization of the comic book
VI. Time limit
• The deadline for completion of the illustrated document is May 15, 2022
• Interested candidates should apply by April 15, 2022. The selected candidate will be expected to start work the same week after his/her debriefing
• For the first version, we expect a draft within two weeks of receiving the contract.
• Other meetings and deadlines to be agreed upon with SOS Children’s Villages Liberia
• Technical Offers
Propose a technical proposal that includes your approach to the assignment and includes three (3) to five relevant graphic designs elements that you have developed and at least two (2) sets of illustrations for different clients/projects.
Financial Offers
Propose a financial offer in line with your technical offer.
Indicate two (2) reference that we could contact
Our Contact
Submit your offers to the following contact:
Human Resources Department
SOS Children`s Villages Liberia Trust
Monrovia Liberia
P.O. Box 1924
Office: +231-6514879

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