The Center for Democratic Governance (CDG) is a pro-democracy, advocacy, research and organizational capacity development think-tank institution that is legally registered with the Government of Liberia since 2015. The vision of the CDG is a Liberia where policies and laws are responsive to the needs of citizens. In pursuit of this vision, the CDG has the following mission: to transform democratic and governance policies from a top-down approach to one that is reflective of citizens’ voices, views and perspectives.
The CDG subscribes to the following core values:
Critical to the implementation of the program “Strengthening Political Governance and Accountability in Liberia” will be the conduct of a Political Economy Assessment (PEA) that will provide relevant information on the current economic and political factors underpinning the country’s governance system and processes. This will set the framework for higher-level strategic engagement with diverse actors and state institutions. The program will also include monitoring and tracking services provided at the county level and developing a feedback mechanism that will gather citizens’ views and perspectives on the quality of services that state institutions provide and how they can be improved.
The Irish Government through the Irish Embassy in Liberia funds this three-year “Strengthening Political Governance and Accountability project.” The project will be implemented by a consortium of three civil society organizations – the Center for Democratic Governance (CDG), Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL), and Naymote Partners for Democratic Development (NAYMOTE-PDD), in Grand Bassa, Bong, and Margibi Counties with interrelated components.
The overall objective is to strengthen political accountability, transparency, and democratic governance in Liberia. Specific outcomes for the project are:
1) Citizens are well-informed and engaged about corruption issues and hold those in power to account;
2) Citizens have an increased say in how local government’s development policies and programs are selected, designed, and implemented; and
3) Citizens benefit from resources generated at the county level. The PEA is part of activities under all three outcomes.
With the coming in of the Unity Party-led government, Liberia is in a political transition. This includes the appointment of government officials at the national and county level and, the introduction of the new government’s development framework, policies, and program priorities. The PEA will allow the implementing partners to identify the emerging political and economic factors underpinning the country’s governance process and how can the project contribute to addressing the identified factors.
The Political Economy Assessment (PEA), will be conducted to explore influences acting on specific county-level public services areas such as County Service Centers, health, and education. These assessments will identify opportunities and pathways for local-level changes within the context of decentralization.
A PEA team, including the research institution or researcher and CDG staff, will be set up to define key research questions and monitor progress during the assignment. Halfway through the research, the researcher and the PEA team will review the first findings and potentially fine-tune the research questions or decide to collect other (types of) data. Following the halfway discussions, the researcher will finalize the PEA report based on the input received by the PEA team. The final report should include key findings and concrete recommendations for programming.
The PEA framework is based on several steps and includes three crucial outputs;
research institution/researcher.
tune the research questions or decide to collect other (types of) data.
All data sources used in the research report should be referenced in the running text of the eventual report—that is, clearly identified sources should support all findings. Data sources should also be noted in a reference list to make the quality of the data open for (peer) review.
The expected amount of days for the assignment is 30 days. The research will be conducted, and all the expected deliverables will be submitted within the timeline mentioned above by the end of 30 December 2024.
Interested individual consultants or firms must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:
Please send the aforementioned documents mail to,, gcoker.cdg@gmail.comon 29 November 2024, before 5:00 P.M.