Videographer consultant

  • Location:
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  • Job type:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Posted:
    1 year ago
  • Category:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Deadline:
    November 6, 2023
Name/Title:Success Stories documentary for Youth for Peace(Y4P) Activity Videographer consultantDate: October 30- December 6, 2023
Objectives· To highlight the impact and success of the Y4P Activity in Liberia.

· To effectively narrate the journey, challenges, and accomplishments of the project.

· To engage and educate the audience about the importance of peacebuilding initiatives.

· To document success stories and testimonials from project participants and stakeholders.

· To raise awareness about the Y4P Activity efforts in peacebuilding in Liberia and inspire future initiatives.

County(ies)/Targeted Participants:Montserrado, Bong, and Nimba counties
POET410878 – 101 – 20621USAID


The Youth for Peace (Y4P) project is a 36-month initiative implemented by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in Liberia, with support from USAID Conflict Mitigation and Management (CMM) program. Y4P builds on the accomplishments of the USAID-supported Connect for Peace (C4P) project to help conflict-affected and marginalized youth in Montserrado, Bong and Nimba counties contribute toward a positive peace in Liberia.

The project is achieving this goal by 1) improving trust between youth and community members and 2) improving relationships between youth and elected and appointed officials. Using CRS’s innovative Binding, Bonding, and Bridging (3Bs/4Ds) methodology applying an appreciative inquiry approach, the project is cascading training and activities to build individual and institutional capacity, offer disparate adversarial groups opportunities for reconciliation, and establish trust between citizens and the state, enabling civil society and particularly youth and women to embrace diversity and foster a positive peace environment.


The Youth for Peace (Y4P) Activity success story video documentary will provide an in-depth and compelling narrative of the level of progress made toward sustaining peace in Liberia over the last two years of its implementation.


The documentary will showcase the success of the Youth for Peace (Y4P) Activity in Liberia, support the reaffirmation of donors’ confidence in their investments, and demonstrate transparency and accountability. The documentary will showcase the gains made at the grassroots level based on citizens’ engagement in peacebuilding connector activities, and their commitment to sustainable peace and development in Liberia.

Expectations/ Deliverables:

The key deliverables for the consultant are as follows:

By the end of this, the following are expected to be accomplished:

  • Liaise with the communication focal point and the project team to identify key stakeholders and develop a narrative script.
  • Provide technical expertise and advice to the project team where necessary.
  • A final, edited documentary of approximately 20-30 minutes in duration.
  • Deliver high-resolution promotional images related to the documentary.
  • Additional promotional or supplementary materials of the success story
  • Ensure all rights and permissions are obtained for any third-party content used in the documentary.
  • Deliver the final video in multiple formats suitable for online platforms, events, and promotional materials.
  • Deliver a hard copy booklet narrative of a success story.

Timeline for deliverables:

The period of this consultancy is expected to be 28 days. The level of effort and timeframes are estimates and subject to change.

Activity Deliverable Proposed Level of EffortLocation of WorkIndicative Timeframe
Pre-Production· Conduct initial meetings to understand the project requirements and our organization’s mission and goals.

· Develop a detailed project plan and shooting schedule.

· Gather thoughts and information to be shared in the documentary and identify key interviewees (inform them and meet their consent) and locations.

· Develop a detailed script, edit, review, and finalize the documentary.

· Develop a storyboard and structure for the documentary.

7 daysMonrovia November 10 to 17
Production· Film interviews with project participants, project staff, and other relevant stakeholders.

· Capture relevant footage showcasing project activities, outcomes, and success stories.

· Record voiceovers and narrations to accompany the visuals.

· Film B-roll footage.

10 daysMontserrado, Bong, and NimbaNovember 18-27, 2023
Post-Production· Edit and arrange footage in a compelling and coherent way.

· Incorporate graphics, animations, and relevant visuals to enhance storytelling.

· Add music, sound effects, and other audio enhancements.

· Provide draft versions for review and feedback.
d. Make necessary revisions based on feedback.

· Finalize the video

· Finalize a hard copy booklet narrative of a success story

10 daysMontserradoNovember 28- December 6



Relevant experience in producing documentary-style videos for non-profit organizations.20%
Quality of past work and portfolio.20%
Ability to meet the project timeline.20%
Proposed budget and cost-effectiveness.20%


Key Working Relationships, terms andconditions:

  • The videographer consultant will work closely with the communication focal point, project team, and project participants to achieve desirable results.
  • The videographer consultant will report to the communication focal point
  • The selected consultant will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement to protect sensitive information.

Consultant Selection Process:

  1. A detailed proposal two-page maximin, including project approach and methodology.
  2. Portfolio showcasing relevant past work.
  3. A breakdown of the proposed budget.

Qualifications and skills:

  • Minimum of four years’ experience in filming video documentaries
  • Strong understanding of modern video editing tools
  • Expert in the field of storytelling
  • Availability during the scheduled time frame
  • Experience with INGOs is a plus.

The closing date is on the 6th of November 2023. All applicants should channel their applications to: The applicants should expect to hear back from the selection committee a week after the application submission deadline.

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