Call for Expression of Interest (1. Audit services 2. Insurance coverage (Vehicle, Equipment, Group and Life insurance, Fire and Casualty) 3. Vehicle rental services 4. Consultancy services (Assessment, including but not limited to Baseline, Mid-line and evaluation) 5. Clearing and Forwarding services 6. Construction Services 7. Office furniture 8. Fuel Supply (Diesel and Gasoline) 9. Vehicle and motorcycle sale 10. Generator supply & maintenance 11. Hotel and Accommodation 12. General construction materials (e.g. tools and hardware, plumbing and couplings) 13. Cement 14. Solar energy materials & installation)

  • Location:
  • Salary:
  • Job type:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Posted:
    2 years ago
  • Category:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Deadline:
    November 21, 2022

Call for Expression of Interest

Action Against Hunger is operating in Liberia since 1990 following the first Civil War, and has become one of the main humanitarian and development actors in the country focusing on the links between nutrition, health, mental health, psychosocial support and protection (MHPSS-P). Other areas of intervention include food security and livelihoods (FSL), water sanitation and hygiene (WASH), and advocacy to address the underlying and root causes of nutrition insecurity. Action Against Hunger has been created in 1979 and is one of the major actors in fighting hunger operating in around 50 countries around the world. Action Against Hunger works in Liberia have evolved significantly over the years from classic humanitarian to post-crisis response during the civil wars period (1990-2003), and then progressively moving to a development approach based on ensuring the provision of nutrition services within the health system; promoting and implementing FSL and WASH interventions; and developing strong partnerships such as those within the Liberia INGO Forum (LINGO), Liberia WASH Consortium (LWC), local civil society and national NGOs as well as the Government of Liberia. Action Against Hunger has also developed a strong acceptance within the communities in the areas of interventions. Throughout the in-country presence period, Action Against Hunger continued to respond to emergency needs, such as the Ivory Coast Refugee crisis in 2012 as well as the 2014-16 Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) epidemic and Covid-19 in 2020-22. The country office has implemented localization strategy and currently works with several national partners. Action Against Hunger currently works in in eight counties (out of the total 15 nationally), with main beneficiaries being children under 5 years, pregnant and lactating women and adolescents. Action Against Hunger has operational offices in Montserrado (Monrovia) and Nimba (Sanniquellie) counties and nearly 50 staff members in Liberia.
Purpose: Presently, Action Against Hunger seeks to solicit expression of interest from qualified potential suppliers and service providers for the following categories of markets:

No. Market description
1. Audit services
2. Insurance coverage (Vehicle, Equipment, Group and Life insurance, Fire and Casualty)
3. Vehicle rental services
4. Consultancy services (Assessment, including but not limited to Baseline, Mid-line and evaluation)
5. Clearing and Forwarding services
6. Construction Services
7. Office furniture
8. Fuel Supply (Diesel and Gasoline)
9. Vehicle and motorcycle sale
10. Generator supply & maintenance
11. Hotel and Accommodation
12. General construction materials (e.g. tools and hardware, plumbing and couplings)
13. Cement
14. Solar energy materials & installation

This exercise is not a commitment to award the contract; however, it will enable Action Against Hunger to populate information into the Supplier database leading to the development of a framework agreement and other procurements for the Liberia mission.

Requests should be submitted in a sealed envelope or by email and indicate clearly indicate market category as described above. One market per submission. Please include the following documents:
• Valid business registration & tax clearance
• Business profile
• Supplier questionnaire (please request from the Logistics department on the address below)
• Any other necessary documents.
Interested Business Institutions may request (physically)/or via email: and copy for a copy of the supplier questionnaire during office hours 8:30AM to 5:30:00PM before November 21, 2022.

The Logistics Department
Action Against Hunger
Address: 16th Street Gardner Avenue
Sinkor Beachside, Monrovia, Liberia

All potential service providers interested in participating in the supplier pre-qualification exercise must submit their documentation to the above address before November 21, 2022, at 2:00 PM Liberian time. Late bids will be rejected.

Action Against Hunger is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages all competent persons, irrespective of gender, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply and become part of the organization.

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