
Expression of Interest (Capacity Development Service Providers)

  • Location:
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  • Posted:
    2 years ago
  • Category:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Deadline:
    June 13, 2022

Expression of Interest (EOI)


Skilled Capacity Development Service Providers

DEADLINE: JUNE 13, 2022, to LiberiaCSA_Submissions@dai.com


The USAID/Liberia Civil Society Activity (CSA) project, implemented by DAI Global LLC, is requesting expressions of interest from new local capacity development service providers, including academic institutions/universities, private sector consulting firms, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), firms offering ICT advisory services, and qualified independent consultants, interested in being placed on its official Service Provider Pool. Entities placed on the Service Provider Pool will have the opportunity to deliver their services to CSA partner organizations. CSA will prioritize service providers with active networks at the subnational level. Current members of the Capacity Development Service Providers of Liberia (CBDSPL) do not need to apply.


Scope of work

CSA is a five-year USAID-funded project designed to strengthen Liberians’ ability to advocate for policy reforms, policy implementation, and service delivery improvements through multi-stakeholder coalitions that build feedback loops among the GOL, CSOs, and citizens. In Objective 1, the activity will form issue-based coalitions around three thematic windows. Composed of diverse members, coalitions will analyze the most critical issues that can lead to feasible reforms, co-create advocacy strategies, and translate them into improved policy formation and implementation. Under Objective 2, coalitions will apply citizen engagement strategies and policy dialogue platforms to integrate citizens’ voices into advocacy agendas. Coalitions will close feedback loops by disseminating the results of their advocacy efforts to the broader community to encourage continued dialogue. Activities under Objectives 3 and 4 will ensure that coalition members’ achievements are sustainable by building their financial resilience and adaptive capacities and linking them to a pool of Liberian private sector service providers

CSA Service provider Pool Benefits

Service providers placed on the CSA Service Provider Pool receive the following benefits:

  • Part of a shortlist to receive solicitations to supply services to CSA partner organizations
  • Featured on the CSA Capacity Development Post, which is an electronic platform to link CSOs and others with service providers to be able to obtain services
  • Receive training to improve the quality of their services and expand into new service areas
  • Support matchmaking with civil society organizations and donors
  • Support in developing its own strategic marketing and financial sustainability


who can apply

CSA considers service providers to be any entity that can provide capacity development services to other organizations to increase their organizational or advocacy capacity. Service providers may include:

  • Private sector consulting firms
  • Non-governmental organizations
  • Independent consultants
  • Academic institutions and universities


Those interested must specialize in the delivery of capacity development services through the provision of training, mentorship, and coaching in one or more of the following areas:


Priority Areas
Advocacy & Lobbying

  • Advocacy Strategy & Communication Plan Development (Messaging Design & Dissemination)
  • Partnerships & Stakeholder Relations (Stakeholder Mapping, Coalition Building, Relationship Building & Management)
  • Advocacy Research & Analysis
  • Public Policy Processes
  • Policy Analysis
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Writing Persuasive Arguments
Program Management and Monitoring/Evaluation

  • Participatory Program Design and Management Tools (Theory of Change, Outcome Mapping, Participatory Rural Appraisals)
  • Human-Centered Design Principles
  • Organizational Soft Skills (Conflict Resolution, Staff Motivation, and Management, Leading Action-Oriented Meetings)
  • Gender Mainstreaming
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Knowledge Management and Institutional Learning
  • ICT Advisory Services
Secondary Areas
Leadership and Strategic Management

  • Organizational Constitution & By-Laws Development
  • Board of Directors Structuring
  • Strategic Plan Development and Strategic Planning

Financial Sustainability

  • Business Plan Development
  • Revenue Generation (Crowdfunding, Event Management, Fundraising)
  • Donor Proposal and Budget Development

External Relations & Communications

  • Marketing Material Design (Website Development, social media, Radio Programs)
  • Media Relations (i.e. Press Protocol Design)
  • Communications Plan Development
Finance and Administrative Management

  • Financial Accounting Systems (Cash Management, QuickBooks)
  • Financial Reporting
  • Budgeting
  • Managing Core Costs
  • Procurement and Asset Management
  • Auditing
  • Internal Controls

Human Resources Management

  • Personnel Policies and Manual Development
  • Staffing, Recruitment, & Hiring Process Development (Recruitment & Selection Processes, Personnel Appraisal & Staff Development, Social Inclusion Policies & Practices)
  • Salary/Pay Scale Development


Factors for Consideration

Interested service providers must meet the following minimum qualifications to be eligible for placement on the CSA Service Provider Pool:

  • Be a legally registered local firm or organization or Liberian consultant
  • At least 3 years’ experience in one or more of the above-listed capacity development areas
  • Demonstrated expertise in delivering practical training, providing mentorship, or consultation
  • Strong references from clients that received similar services
  • Has the necessary financial resources to perform the work


Upon receipt and review of expressions of interest, those who meet the above eligibility criteria will be selected for pre-qualification. Prequalified entities may be invited to undergo the next stage in the vetting process, which may include a request for more information, a site visit, or interview follow-up questions.


Response and Submission Deadline

Interested service providers are encouraged to express interest by submitting the following documentation to CSA by June 13, 2022.

  • Cover Letter
  • Entity’s profile
  • List of specialized services or products offered
  • CV of experts expected to provide services
  • List of three references
  • Sample training materials


The deadline for responding to this EOI is June 13, 2022. Responses received after the deadline may not be reviewed. CSA may follow up for more information if responses need clarification. Responses may be emailed to LiberiaCSA_Submissions@dai.com or delivered in a sealed envelope to USAID Liberia Civil Society Activity Project Office located at 18th Street and Warner Avenue, Sinkor, Monrovia Liberia. Please address the subject of the email or the sealed envelope as “Expression of Interest – Capacity Development Service Providers”.


DAI will only respond to written questions regarding this EOI through the email LiberiaCSA_Procurement@dai.com and any questions must be submitted by June 6, 2022.


All information provided by vendors in response to this EOI will be treated confidentially. DAI will not use the information in any other context or setting and we will not reveal details to other parties.


If a respondent is found to have made false or misleading claims or statements, obtained confidential information, or received improper assistance, DAI reserves the right to reject an EOI submitted by or on behalf of a respondent.


Notification process

DAI may require a respondent to submit additional information to better judge a response. Upon receipt and review of expressions of interest, DAI will notify successful entities, if any, who have been selected for pre-qualification and move on to the next stage in the vetting process.



DAI will not reimburse respondents for the costs incurred in preparing a response. Issuance of this EOI does not obligate DAI to award a subcontract or purchase order. Those that become members of the Service Provider Pool are not guaranteed work or contracts but will be strategically linked with CSA partner organizations to provide services based on the needs of CSA partners.

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