Health and Nutrition Field Officers x2

  • Location:
  • Salary:
    $806 / 12 months
  • Job type:
    Full Time
  • Posted:
    4 years ago
  • Category:
    Education & Health
  • Deadline:
    February 5, 2021

Health and Nutrition Field Officer x2 (Iris Aid funded project)
Established in 2007, the Liberia WASH Consortium (LWC) brings together five international organizations (Action Against Hunger, CONCERN Worldwide, TearFund, Oxfam and Water Aid) to support the Government’s efforts in improving the health status of vulnerable communities to attain their set targets for the clean water and sanitation SDG6 as well as contributing to meeting Goal 2 (Zero Hunger) and Goal 3 (Good Health and Well Being). The 5 consortium members have designed a 3 phased approached program- with phase one focusing on formative research on the barriers and the drivers of stunting in Liberia- with key formative researches/studies: Nutritional causal analysis, cost of diet analysis, the social behavior change, and barrier analysis as well as contributing to the formulation of national strategies based on the research/studies outcomes (this phase is completed). A sub group of the consortium members (Action Against Hunger – The Lead – , Concern Worldwide and WaterAid) will implement the “Multi-sectoral response aiming to improve nutritional status of children under 5 years of age in two counties of Liberia” in 2 counties (Grand Bassa and Rural Montserrado ) for 12 months. The duration of the whole program is anticipated to be 4 years. Action Against Hunger is the consortium lead.
About us :
Action Against Hunger is an international network (Paris, New York, London, Toronto, Madrid and New Delhi) committed to ending world hunger. Action Against Hunger (AAH) has been working in Liberia since 1990 with the purpose to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable people, at first during the emergencies and then in a more development setting, until the 2014 Ebola outbreak and the emergency it generated in the country. AAH interventions in Liberia aim at improving the nutrition security of the population, with particular focus on children under-five and pregnant and lactating women. AAH aims at doing so by implementing multi-sectorial programs, which encompass direct nutrition intervention and prevention activities to address the underlining causes of undernutrition, i.e. poor health, food insecurity, poor care practices, and poor access to water and sanitation. AAH also has an integrated advocacy strategy in the mission that cuts across all the sectors. Action Against Hunger is currently recruiting two Health and Nutrition Field Officers who shall be responsible for capacity building of community dwellers, Community Health Assistants and Volunteers and promoting behaviour change for improved nutrition, health and care practices at the household level. The position is based in Montserrado with travel to other Action Against Hunger intervention areas in Liberia CORE RESPONSIBILITIEs
– Provide coaching and mentoring to CHAs/CHVs on MIYCF, care practices, counselling, WASH practices, and Micronutrient Powder (MNP) distribution and support them to promote these improved practices among community dwellers.
– Promote improved MIYCF and care practices among community dwellers at the household level.
– Support the County Nutrition Supervisor (CNS) and CHAs to establish Mother Support Groups as part of the MIYCF activity in the community.
– Support the training of Village Savings and Loans group members, CHAs, CHVs, TTMs, local pharmacists, Mother Support Groups, and community members, as prescribed by the project mandate.
– Participate in planning and conducting meetings with community dwellers, VSLAs, MSGs, and other groups to strengthen linkages to the catchment health facilities.
– In collaboration with the District Health Officers (DHOs) and CNS, contribute to the planning and conducting meeting for community workers and health facility staff improve collaboration among service providers.
– Provide feedback to PM on monitoring visits and ensure written record of visits with action points.
– Liaise with other project team members and coordinate activities as necessary.
– To collect information on the nutrition and health situation in the area of intervention.
– Provide regular program updates and activity progress reports to the PM
– Provide support to CHAs/CHVs and TTMs to collect and prepare timely activity reports from the health facilities and communities
– Attend project coordination meetings at the county/community level and represent AAH as required, providing updates for all meetings attended.
– Ensure the Monthly activity progress reports are submitted on
– Bachelor degree in health related studies, licensed Physician Assistant / Professional Nurse / Midwife and or experienced community health worker with at least 2 years of experience in community nutrition services (SAM management, MIYCF activities, care practices), and Maternal Neonatal Child Health (MNCH) services./Affairs,
– Experience in implementing health and nutrition programs in the humanitarian sector;
– Experience implementing MICYF activities at community level;
– Experience in community mobilization, training and use of participatory methodologies;
– Good capacity to work in a team as well as work autonomously;
– Experience in coaching and mentoring others;
– Diplomacy and patience, especially when working with community dwellers, Community Health Assistants/Volunteers (CHAs/CHVs);
– High level of English required (spoken and written), knowledge of local languages preferred (Kpellah)
– Flexibility for field work as the job requires overnight stay and travel to ‘hard to reach’ rural communities in the county
Remuneration package
– Starting date: February 8, 2021
– Duration of contract: 12 months ( with possibilities of renewal based on funding)
– Monthly basic salary: 806
– Monthly transport allowance:75 USD
– Monthly education allowance: 90 USD
– Medical insurance
HOW TO APPLY: Send your motivation letter, CV, saved in your full name (for example: Allie Whyte CV) with names of three (3) referees, by email in the subject line
“Health and Nutrition Field Officer ” to:
Deadline for the receipt of applications is 5th February 2021.
Sorting of applications will be done on a daily basis and offer may be extended to potential candidate before deadline due to the urgent nature of this post.
Action Against Hunger is an equal opportunity Employer.
Women are strongly encouraged to apply

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