Restore Hope Liberia

Restore Hope Liberia

Company Detail

Restore Hope Liberia has been working in Kolahun District, Lofa County since 2015. The
organization registered as a Liberian not-for-profit organization in 2018. RESTORE HOPE:
LIBERIA (RHL) serves the communities in Lofa County, by providing support to vulnerable
children and their households. We provide holistic support through education assistance,
health promotion, and economic development opportunities.
Our vision is that communities, living in absolute poverty and who’ve survived
complex emergencies, are able to thrive, rebuild their communities and live
healthy, productive and peaceful lives.
RHL’s mission is to improve the health and wellbeing of vulnerable and disadvantaged
communities in post-emergency settings by providing basic health, education and income
generating activities in order to alleviate extreme poverty and empower communities to
become their own agents of change.