
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) – Selection of vendors for the provision of Security Services in DAI/LEAD’s Offices: Bong, Grand Bassa & Nimba Counties

  • Location:
  • Salary:
  • Job type:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Posted:
    4 weeks ago
  • Category:
    Bid / ToR/RFQ/RFP/EOI
  • Deadline:
    August 30, 2024

USAID-funded Local Empowerment for Accountability and Decentralization (LEAD) project

USAID Local Empowerment for Accountability and Decentralization (LEAD)


Issue date: August 19, 2024

Deadline: August 30, 2024

Request No: LEAD-RFQ-2024-016

Selection of vendors for the provision of Security Services in DAI/LEAD’s Offices: Bong, Grand Bassa & Nimba Counties

NOTICE: Prospective Offerors who have received this document from a source other than the LEAD project should immediately contact LGGAprocurement@dai.com and provide their name and mailing address so that any amendments to this RFQ or other solicitation-related communications can be sent directly to them. Any prospective Offeror who fails to register their interest with DAI/LEAD assumes complete responsibility if they do not receive communications prior to the closing date of this RFQ. Any amendments to this solicitation will be issued via email.

Issuance of this RFQ in no way obligates DAI to award a subcontract or purchase order and Offerors will not be reimbursed for any costs associated with the preparation of their quote. No discussions or negotiations are permitted with Offerors under this RFQ. Offerors shall submit their best and final price.


Overview: DAI Global LLC, a legally registered company in Liberia and implementer of the USAID-funded Local Empowerment for Accountability and Decentralization in Liberia (LEAD) Project, is seeking Proposal from qualified vendors to provide Security Services in its offices in Grand Bassa, Bong and Nimba Counties. The LEAD project will improve the capacities of targeted ministries, agencies, and commissions (MACs), to formulate and administer sound tax policies, improve budget transparency, deepen decentralization, and deliver much needed quality services at the sub-national level.

1. RFQ No.LEAD-RFQ-2024-016
2. Issuance DateAugust 19, 2024

3. TitleSelection of vendors for the provision of Security Services in DAI/LEAD’s Offices: Bong, Grand Bassa & Nimba Counties
4. Issuing OfficeDAI Global, LLC

USAID-funded LEAD project

18th Street and Warner Avenue, Sinkor, Apt 2A & 2B

Monrovia, Liberia

Performance periodOne year; renewable based on satisfactory performance and funding.
5. Email Address for

Submission of Quotations

All quotes must be submitted by email to

LGGAprocurementInbox@dai.com with LEAD-MON-2024-016, Provision of Security Services” in the email subject line. Any other form of submission will not be accepted.

Deadline for receipt of quotesAugust 30, 2024
7. Submission of Questions /

Clarification Requests

Offerors may submit questions and requests for clarifications by email no later than August 23, 2024 from 11 to 13:00 GMT to LGGAprocurement@dai.com

All questions received will be compiled and answered in writing and distributed to all registered Offerors.

8. Anticipated Award TypeDAI anticipates awarding a Purchase Order (PO)/sub-contract.

Issuance of this RFQ in no way obligates DAI to award a subcontract or purchase order and Bidders will not be reimbursed for any costs associated with the preparation of their quote.

9. Basis for AwardAn award will be made to the responsible Offeror whose quotation is responsive to the terms and conditions of this RFQ and is most advantageous to DAI, considering price or/and other factors included in this RFQ.

To be considered for award, Offerors must follow the instructions provided in this RFQ, submit a complete quotation (see section 11), meet all of the requirements identified in Sections 12 and 13, and produce a SAM number (see section 14) prior to award.

10. Technical Specifications /Requirements /Scope of work
  1. See Attachment A


11. Complete Quotation


A complete submission in response to this RFQ includes:

  1. Attachment B – Cover letter
  2. Attachment C – Vendor’s technical offer form
  3. Attachment D – Price Schedule
  4. Manufacturer authorization (Not Applicable)
  5. Technical data sheet
12. General Instructions to


  • Each Offeror is responsible for reading very carefully and understanding fully the terms and conditions of this RFQ. Failure to do so will be at the Offeror’s risk.
  • All communications regarding this solicitation are to be made solely through the Issuing Office and must be submitted via email.
  • If this RFQ solicitation is amended, then all terms and conditions not modified through the amendment shall remain unchanged.
  • By submitting a quote, Offerors fully understand that their quote must be valid for a period of 30 days, which shall be indicated in the cover letter submission.
  • Prior to any award the Offeror must meet all determination of responsibility requirements as listed in Box 13.
  • Offerors shall submit quotes on company letterhead and sign, date and stamp their quotation.
  • Offerors shall complete Attachment B: Price Schedule template in

United States Dollars (USD) only exclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT). DAI will seek VAT exemption in Liberia as permitted under the DAI prime contract.

13. Determination of


DAI will not enter into any type of agreement with a vendor prior to ensuring the vendor’s responsibility. When assessing a vendor’s responsibility, the following factors are taken into consideration:

  1. Copy of certificate of incorporation/registration
  2. Copy of current and valid Tax Compliance certificate with relevant authorities
  3. Evidence of an Unique Entity ID (SAM)(explained below and instructions contained in the Annex) (Not applicable for this procurement unless any of the language from section 16 apply)
  4. Confirmation the source, origin and nationality of the services are not from a Prohibited Country (explained below) or include the use of prohibited technology.
  5. Ability to comply with required or proposed delivery or performance schedules.
  6. Have a satisfactory past performance record as demonstrated by completed past performance information for three current or prior clients.
  7. Be qualified and eligible to perform work under applicable laws and regulations.
  8. Have an official/company’s bank account for payments.


14. Geographic CodeUnder the authorized geographic code of 935 for its contract DAI may only procure goods and services from authorized countries. DAI does not procure any services from prohibited countries listed by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) as sanctioned countries. The current list of countries under comprehensive sanctions include Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria. DAI is prohibited from facilitating any transaction by a third party if that transaction would be prohibited if performed by DAI.
15. Prohibited TechnologyOfferors MUST NOT provide any goods and/or services that utilize telecommunications and video surveillance products from the following companies: Huawei Technologies Company, ZTE Corporation, Hytera Communications Corporation, Hikvision,

Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company, or Dahua Technology Company, or any subsidiary or affiliate thereof, in compliance with FAR 52.204-25.

16. Unique Entity ID (SAM)All U.S. and foreign organizations which receive first-tier subcontracts/ purchase orders with a value of $30,000 and above are required to obtain a Unique Entity ID (SAM) prior to signing of the agreement. Organizations are exempt from this requirement if the gross income received from all sources in the previous tax year was under $300,000. DAI requires that Bidders sign the self-certification statement if the Bidder claims exemption for this reason.

For those required to obtain a Unique Entity ID (SAM) you may request Attachment C: Instructions for Obtaining a Unique Entity ID (SAM)For those not required to obtain a Unique Entity ID (SAM), you may request Attachment D: Self-Certification for Exemption from Unique Entity ID (SAM) Requirement

17. Compliance with Terms and ConditionsThe bidder shall be aware of the general terms and conditions for an award resulting from this RFQ. The selected Bidder shall comply with all Representations and Certifications of Compliance listed in Attachment B.
18. Anti-Corruption and AntiBribery Policy and

Reporting Responsibilities

DAI conducts business under the strictest ethical standards to assure fairness in competition, reasonable prices and successful performance or delivery of quality goods and equipment. DAI does not tolerate the following acts of corruption:

  • Any requests for a bribe, kickback, facilitation payment or gratuity in the form of payment, gift or special consideration by a DAI employee, Government official, or their representatives, to influence an award or approval decision.
  • Any offer of a bribe, kickback, facilitation payment or gratuity in the form of payment, gift or special consideration by an offeror or subcontractor to influence an award or approval decision.
  • Any fraud, such as mis-stating or withholding information to benefit the offeror or subcontractor.
  • Any collusion or conflicts of interest in which a DAI employee, consultant, or representative has a business or personal relationship with a principal or owner of the offeror or subcontractor that may appear to unfairly favor the offeror or subcontractor. Subcontractors must also avoid collusion or conflicts of interest in their procurements from vendors. Any such relationship must be disclosed immediately to DAI management for review and appropriate action, including possible exclusion from award.

These acts of corruption are not tolerated and may result in serious consequences, including termination of the award and possible suspension and debarment by the U.S. Government, excluding the offeror or subcontractor from participating in future U.S.

Government business.

Any attempted or actual corruption should be reported immediately by either the offeror, subcontractor or DAI staff to:

  • Toll-free Ethics and Compliance Anonymous Hotline at (U.S.) +1-503-597-4328
  • Hotline website – www.DAI.ethicspoint.com, or
  • Email to Ethics@DAI.com
  • USAID’s Office of the Inspector General Hotline at https://oigportal.ains.com/eCasePortal

By signing this proposal, the offeror confirms adherence to this standard and ensures that no attempts shall be made to influence DAI or Government staff through bribes, gratuities, facilitation payments, kickbacks or fraud. The offeror also acknowledges that violation of this policy may result in termination, repayment of funds disallowed by the corrupt actions and possible suspension and debarment by the U.S. Government.


Attachment A:

Scope of Works-/Specifications and technical requirements


  1. DAI/LEAD invites proposals from firms/Security service providers/ organizations to provide security guard Services at the locations and requirements below.


  • Bong Office, Gbarnga, Bong County
  • Bassa Office, Buchanan, Grand Bassa County
  • Nimba Office, Ganta, Nimba County

2. Period of Services: One year from Contract Signature, including the time needed to mobilize personnel, equipment, and other resources. This period is subject to extension upon needs assessment and agreement by both parties (LEAD and the service provider). The purpose of the assignment is to provide security guard Service on a regular and on-call basis in the above-mentioned locations as per the duty schedule provided by DAI/LEAD respective offices.

3. Duties and Responsibilities Guards:

  • To ensure the physical integrity and safety of DAI/LEAD’s Office premises and assets.
  • Screen and control all arriving visitors/staff/vehicles as per DAI/LEAD’s standard.
  • Verify that the persons entering the office premises are either staff possessing a valid ID card/badge or visitors having an appointment. Visitors will be screened, logged in the “Visitors Logbook”.
  • To check the visitors/visitors’ luggage, if required.
  • To Monitor and log all the movements of the office property and vehicles in and out of the premises.
  • To inform immediately responsible DAI/LEAD’s staff and relevant local authorities in case of emergency relating to the office premises such as interference, crowd, fire, etc.
  • To receive the incoming document while observing the safety measures. Each package and parcel received should be carefully examined and informed immediately to the staff member concerned on the arrival of the package or parcel, especially during weekends.
  • Immediately inform responsible DAI/LEAD’s staff or local police of unattended vehicles/suspicious or emergency events near the office Premises.
  • Ensure all rooms are closed and locked, electricity is switched off, and there is no water leakage after office hours.
  • To leave the place of duty only with permission from the Safety & Security DAI/LEAD’s staff.
  • To be polite and attentive with the visitors while responding to telephone calls. To inform the relevant staff immediately of any important security-related messages received.
  • To inform the DAI/LEAD’s staff immediately of all the detected weaknesses in the security system and violations of policies.

4. Prohibitions (during working hours):

  • To do work that does not relate to the guard’s duties.
  • To sleep, read books, play table games, or use social networks.
  • To take/drink alcohol during duty hours.
  • To desert or leave duty post without prior notice and approval.
  • To delegate guarding duty to someone else without appropriate permission.

Additional requirements:

  • Conversational knowledge of English is mandatory.
  • Female guards are highly encouraged to be amongst the security guards.

6. Supervision:

a. The management of the Security Agency is responsible for the direct supervision of deployed security guards.

b. The Staff of the respective DAI/LEAD’s offices will laisse with Agency Security Focal person for managing, supervising, coordinating, and deploying security guards.

7. Required Personnel:

a. 4 Guards in total per county, with 1 guard running 8-hour-first shift (morning), 1 guard running on 8-hour shift (afternoon) and 2 guards running 8 hours shift (night)

8. Qualification and experience of the Guards:

Guards are expected to have the following qualifications and experiences:

a. The company will supply uniforms and trained civil guards.

b. Minimum of five years’ experience in office security and guard duty in a reputed organization. c. Age is between 25 to 45 years.

Cost and Payment:

a. The firms/Security service providers/ organizations should mention the rate per security guard basis per month and applicable taxes.

b. Payment will be based on the complete month’s work, which means security guards have been deployed for duty after the invoice and monthly security situation report are submitted.

c. At the end of the month, the company will submit a request for payment along with a bill and security situation report.

d. Applicable taxes will be deducted from the stated amount at the time of payment as per the laws of the Republic of Liberia.

12. Requirements for the security service Providers

  • The security company must be registered/licensed and possess all required legal permits for the provision of unarmed security services.
  • All personnel deployed by the security company to perform work within the scope of the contractual agreement should be fully qualified as Security Guard service, in accordance with all relevant laws of the Republic of Liberia.
  • The security company shall also be required to provide additional security personnel on an as-and-when-required basis, following the receipt of an authorized written request from the DAI/LEAD’s Offices, at the rates set out in the Contract.
  • The company will supply uniforms and trained civil guards for the duty.
  • The list of the security personnel to be deployed on duty will be shared with DAI/LEAD upon the start of the agreement. Any changes in personnel should be communicated immediately in writing.
  • The Company should be liable to cover (Insurance) of its security personnel for personal accidents and death while they are performing their duties.
  • The company will provide adequate supervision to ensure the proper performance of the deployed personnel in accordance with the prevailing assignment instruction agreed upon by the two parties.
  • All necessary reports and other information will be supplied on a mutually agreed basis, and regular meetings will be held with DAI/LEAD regarding security personnel’s performance.
  • The deployed security personnel will take proper and reasonable precautions to preserve any loss, destruction, waste, or misuse of the area of responsibility given to them by DAI/LEAD.
  • The security personnel will not accept any gratuity or reward in any shape or form while on DAI/LEAD’s duty.
  • DAI/LEAD will have the right within reason to remove the deployed personnel if considered undesirable or inappropriate.
  • The company will ensure the safety and security of DAI/LEAD’s property and equipment entrusted to its deployed personnel.

Required Documents

The service provider should submit the documents mentioned below along with the proposal.


Place of delivery

The security service shall be provided in DAI LEAD offices in Buchannan, Grand Bassa, Gbarnga, Bong County and Ganta, Nimba.


III. Technical data sheet (not applicable))

IV. Manufacturer authorization (not applicable)

The offeror must provide an authorization from the manufacturer or an authorized distributor. The Supplier is not required to be a Manufacturer of the Original _____. Instead of the manufacturer’s authorization, the authorization of a distributor approved by the manufacturer is admissible. In this case, the Supplier must attach to its Offer the approval by the manufacturer of said authorized distributor.

V. Delivery period

The security Service will be delivered within 12 calendar months after the signature of the contract.

VI. testing

At the time of receiving the service, DAI will ensure of the following:

  • All guards meet required standards.
  • All guards are trained.


VII. Vendor 889 assurance letter

The selected vendor will be required to sign DAI’s vendor 889 assurance letter prior award which provide assurance that any communication technology or service provided to or to be provided to DAI is neither manufactured by, nor contains substantial or essential components necessary for the proper function or performance of the equipment/service from the following companies: Huawei Technologies Company, ZTE Corporation, Hytera Communications Corporation, Hikvision, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company, or Dahua Technology Company, or any subsidiary or affiliate thereof, in compliance with FAR 52.204-25.


VIII. Payment Terms

The offeror will be paid monthly upon submission of security situation report and credit invoice. Payment will be made by wire transfer within 30 days upon receipt of an invoice.


  1. Price Schedule -Attachment D


Instruction: Please Date, Sign, and Stamp Price Schedule on Company Letterhead

#LocationDescription of ServiceQtyMonthsMonthly rateTotal price
1Grand BassaProvision of security guard service4 guards


2BongProvision of security guard service4 guards12

3NimbaProvision of security guard service4 guards12


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