Street Child of Liberia

Street Child of Liberia

Company Detail

Street Child of Liberia (SCOL) was formally registered as a Liberian NGO in 2013 and works in partnership with UK registered charity, Street Child UK and Sierra Leone partner organisation, Street Child of Sierra Leone (SCoSL). Together the Street Child Group has been working to give out of school children the opportunity to gain an education since 2008.


SCoL creates educational opportunities for Liberia’s most vulnerable children through education, child protection and livelihoods programs. We support the most vulnerable groups: street-connected children, slum-dwellers, children in remote, rural communities, and girls to access a quality education. We do this through programs of teacher training and school improvement, and individually tailored packages of social work and livelihoods support for individual households to support their children in education.


Street Child of Liberia is a leading national NGO undergoing significant expansion. Currently we have 50 Liberian staff, with primary operations in Monrovia and field stations in Grand Bassa, Margibi and Grand Cape Mount, with further plans to expand nationwide. To date, we have received funding from DfID, Comic Relief, Medicor and several other private and national funders.

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